Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2980: Orthodox

"Do you think I still care about your immortality?" Ye Hao asked lightly.

Zhao Qi was silent.

Ye Hao has a more elaborate immortality.

Where do they need them?

"Mr. Ye, can you give us the immortality in your hands?" Zhao Chan said at the moment.

Ye Hao couldn't help laughing, "You Zhao Yu hasn't compensated me yet, so you still ask me for exercises now?"

"I Zhao people are willing to pay any price." Zhao Chan said seriously.

"To be honest, I really can't look down on your Zhao family's compensation." Ye Hao said indifferently, "So, give me a million emperor stones, this matter will be exposed."

Is there more than one million king stones?

Not much to say.

"Mr. Ye, this is a million emperor stones." Zhao Qi handed Ye Hao a Qiankun bag.

Looking at Zhao Qi's face, Ye Haodan smiled, "You must be thinking why I let you Zhao family so easily, right?"

"Good." Zhao nodded.

It stands to reason that Ye Hao can ask for more Emperor Stone.

One million Emperor Stones can't even talk to Zhao Zu about his injuries.

"Without it, the same family, only." Ye Hao said lightly.

"Since you are from the same race, shouldn't you support it?" Zhao Chan rubbed his hands and said.

"Because I don't have any trouble with your family, do you still expect me to help you?" Ye Hao looked at Zhao Chandao without a word.

Zhao Chan choked for a moment.

"Take me to the ring." Ye Hao immediately looked at Zhao Qi.

Zhao nodded, "Please follow me."

Ye Hao and his group did not cause many monks to exclaim when they appeared under the ring.

Because not many monks here knew Ye Hao.

The spiritual civilization of the Divine Realm has developed rapidly over the years, but there are few forces who are qualified to go here.

At this time, a challenger on the ring failed, and Ye Hao looked at Tang Pian Ping and said, "Who is going?"

"I'm going." Xue Xianxian said and jumped onto the ring.

The background of the snow fairy is good in itself.

Her current potential has reached its peak in the past.

Therefore, Xuexianxian easily resisted the ten tricks of the six masters, and it was difficult to resist the eighteenth trick.

But what many monks did not expect was that Xuexianxian actually caught the twentieth move of the six masters.

It was at this time that Xue Xianxian admits defeat.

Master Liu Dao looked at Xuexian Xiandao lightly, "Your understanding of Daoism is more than your cultivation, yes, this is the token for you." Then he threw a golden token to Xuexianxian .

There was a burst of exclamation in the audience.

"Who is this woman? Did you get the golden token?"

"I do not know."

"But this woman is so beautiful."

Xue Xianxian looked at the token in his hand and then wrote a name on it.


Ye Hao was startled.

Is Xuexianxian imitating yourself?

After Ye Xianxian got out of the ring, Ye Qianqian stepped onto the ring.

Ye Qianqian's background is only one level lower than Tang Pian Ping, Haoyue and Qiluo, so Ye Qianqian's current potential has reached the early stage of the future.

After reaching this level, Ye Qianqian caught the 20th move of the six masters without using many cards, but Ye Qianqian was defeated by the six masters in the 24th move.

Ye Qianqin also received a golden token.

But her ranking is much higher than Xuexianxian.

Tang Pian Ping, Haoyue and Qi Luo came next.

Tang Pian took the 27th move, Haoyue took the 26th move, and Qiluo took the 25th move.

From here, we can see that Ye Hao's love for Tang Ping.

Because Tang Pianpian's aptitude is the worst among the three girls, but now she has grown to the point where Haoyue Qiluo is not as good.

The following thirty-two people such as Ye Wu, Ripple, Ling Yao and others only took a dozen tricks dominated by six.

But they also received silver tokens.

"Which force is this?"

"Do you think so many masters might be a force?"

"You know that only eight monks get tokens from Zhao Yu."

"Most of them came from multiple forces."

Zhao Qi secretly looked at the coming Zhao Weiyang, "Do you know these people?"

"They are either Ye Hao's woman, Ye Hao's maid, or Ye Hao's disciple." Zhao Weiyang said with a wry smile, "How did they get to this point?"

Zhao Weiyang's face was incredible.

Zhao Weiyang's ranking is only 438, but Tang Pianping's ranking is 218, Haoyue's ranking is 279, and even Qiluo's ranking is 333. Sixteen.

"Yan Huangzong is about to rise." Zhao Qi said leisurely.

"I don't know how many Ye Hao can rank?" Zhao Weiyang's eyes burned.

Zhao Weiyang is very clear that Tang Pianpin and Ye Hao are credited to Ye Hao for the reason they can get to where they are today.

It is conceivable that Ye Hao's ranking is likely to be close to one hundred.

As for more than one hundred Zhao Weiyang never thought about it.

What a joke?

Can the source of the top 100 spiritual practices be all in this world?

How can Ye Hao He De have the original exercises of this level?

But what Zhao Weiyang didn't think of was that Ye Hao turned Tang Pian and left.

Zhao Weiyang appeared hastily, "Why don't you take part in the competition?"

"Not interested." Ye Hao's words made Zhao Weiyang speechless.

"Do you know what ranking means?" Zhao Weiyang stared at Ye Haodao.

"I said no interest." Ye Hao said lightly.

Zhao Weiyang didn't know what to say for a while.

After bypassing Zhao Weiyang and Ye Hao, the group came to Zhao Yu.

"Where are you going now?" Tang Pian asked.

"Go catch the traitor." Ye Hao said coldly.

"By the way, I almost forgot the token can find the location of Shu Haishan and Xue Qiuyi." Tang Pian Pian suddenly thought of something.

The positions of Shu Haishan and Xue Qiuyi were quickly locked.

"Tianshan." Ye Hao glanced, with cold eyes flashing in his eyes.

He can spare Zhao Yu because everyone is a human race.

But since the Tian clan dare to find Yan Huangzong's stubble, there is no need for the Tian clan to exist.

"Go to Tianshan." Ye Hao said coldly.

As soon as Ye Hao ordered the taboo-class battleship to tear up the space and quickly rushed towards Tianshan.


In the pavilion, Tian Feng poured tea with a smile on his face with a smile on his face.

"Master Messenger, do not know when we can return to Zu Ting?" Tian Feng tentatively asked.

Tian Feng originally thought that their branch was an orthodox Tian clan.

However, he didn't realize that their bloodline was impure after the list of Tianbang was published.

The youth in front is the orthodox blood of the Tian clan.

"Are you in a hurry?" The messenger glanced at him indifferently.

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