Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2965: Crazy reward

"This punch has to be cautious even if it has potential in the later stages of the past." Hope said softly.

"The key is the twentieth punch." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Since the ruler of the Nine Palaces said that he can take his 20 strokes and get the ranking directly.

So obviously the twentieth move is not so easy to connect.

"If this is the case, there is no problem for Yang Jianbai to take the twentieth move." Hao Cang said after thinking for a while.

"Hao Cang should have a chance to hit the top 100." Ye Hao glanced at Hao Cang.

"The top one hundred?" Hao Cang murmured.

You know, this represents the entire Jiugongyu.

"I don't know if I can hit the top 100?" Hao Cang clenched his fists secretly.

Who doesn’t want to hit the top 100?

Regardless of whether you can get any rewards, this reputation alone cannot replace anything.

Seventeenth move!

Eighteenth move!

Nineteenth move!

When the lord of the Nine Palaces blasted out the twentieth fist, the fist of the sky turned into an invincible war sword.

But when this sword of war was not squeezed out, Yang Jianbai shouted.

The domineering sound waves shattered the mountains and rivers.

The war sword shattered with a bang.

The whole audience was in an uproar!

"Yang Jianbai is so strong?"

"How did he do it?"

"Yang Jianbai has a chance to hit the top 100?"


"I wonder if Yang Jianbai still lacks a maid?"

"You think too much, do you think Yang Jianbai can look like you?"

The look of the ruler of the Nine Palaces remains unchanged.

He was still punching towards Yang Jianbai, but the punching at this time became more arrogant.

The twenty-first move!

The twenty-second move!

The twenty-third move!

When Yang Jianbai took the 28th move, he used many methods.

By this time he was about to use all his cards.

"Must rush into the top one hundred." Yang Jianbai was angry inwardly.


Yang Jianbai's body was blasted back hundreds of meters away, and a mouthful of blood poured out of his throat.

At this moment his viscera and viscera were trembling, and an unspeakable pain spread all over his body.

"Twenty-ninth move." Yang Jianbai stared at the ninth palace master.

"You can't take the twenty-ninth move." The Nine Palace Master said indifferently.

"How can I know I can't take it without trying?" Yang Jianbai said coldly.

"Humph." The chief of the Nine Palaces snorted coldly, and a punch more powerful than before.

Space collapsed and everything withered.

The punch of this punch distorted the order here.

Yang Jianbai shouted, and the dormant power in his body instantly filled his body.

A huge phantom appeared behind him.

The phantom shadow, staring at the galaxy, thundering all over his body, is like a world.

This is the power of Yang Jianbai's ancestors, who was forced to borrow a ray of power with his secret technique.


Thunder came.

It is a pity that he has not been able to split this world.

A terrifying punch hit his body mercilessly.

Yang Jianbai's body fell weakly into the distance.

He struggled to get up, but found that the simplest action could not be done now.

"I admit defeat." Yang Jianbai said bitterly.

He thought he could take the thirtieth move ruled by the Nine Palaces, but he never thought that he would not even take the twenty-ninth move.

A flashing figure of Natasha appeared in Yang Jianbai. She quickly handed Yang Jianbai a panacea and said, "This is my elven clan's healing holy pill. Please hurry up and take it."

Yang Jianbai's face showed gratitude after serving, "Thank you, Your Highness."

"You're welcome." Natasha whispered.

"This is your identity token." At this moment, the Nine Palace Master threw Yang Jianbai a token. "You now engrave your name on the token, and this name will be transmitted to the sky list in real time."

Yang Jianbai looked at the golden token in his hand and said, "Senior, is this token useful for anything other than knowing the ranking?"

"Tokens are divided into four types: silver tokens, gold tokens, purple gold tokens, and diamond tokens." The Nine Palace Master said lightly, "These four tokens correspond to the members of the reserve list, ranking the top one thousand. First name, top 100, top ten." The Nine Palace Master paused for a moment and then said, "These four tokens can protect your safety, that is to say, no one can do anything against you except the challenger."

"In addition, the silver token can summon a warrior in the early stage of detachment to fight for you, the golden token can summon a warrior in the later stage of detachment to fight for you, and the purple gold token can summon a warrior in the early stage of the future. You fight, the diamond token can summon a war spirit in the future to fight for you."

When the ruler of the Nine Palaces said that the audience was upset here.

Will the silver token be able to summon the early existence of Transcendence?

If so, wouldn't the order of the heavens collapse?

"Senior, in this order...?" an old emperor asked worriedly.

"I know what you want to say?" The Nine Palace Master said calmly. "In fact, this is not only what I mean, but the other eight masters do the same. As for the reason, you will naturally understand in the future."

Everyone was silent.

They realized that their time was over.

Among the major forces, are there not many who have surpassed the powerful ones?

But now these arrogances have acquired super-level war spirits. It is conceivable that these arrogances will definitely seize resources on a large scale.

It's almost the same if we don't talk about the chaos in the world.

Hope frowned involuntarily, "I don't know how many people are going to die now."

"You didn't understand the meaning of the ruler of the Nine Palaces." Ye Hao said anxiously.

"What?" Hope asked puzzled.

"The Nine Masters would rather the order collapse and want the younger generation to grow fast. What does this mean? Don't you see it?" Ye Hao looked at Hope.

Hope's face changed wildly, "You mean..."

"Yes, the world is about to change." Ye Hao nodded.

After Yang Jianbai left with the help of Natasha, the 9th house ruler looked around the audience and said, "Who else wants to challenge?"

"I'm going." Hao Cang said and jumped up.

Don't look at Hao Cang's unbearable blow in front of Ye Hao, but he easily accepted the twenty moves ruled by the Nine Palaces.

Twenty-four moves!

Twenty-five moves!

Twenty-six tricks!

No matter how hard he fights, Hao Cang still fails to take the 27th move.

Hopefully, Hao Cang walked down the ring and said softly, "You have done a great job."

"It turns out that the gap between me and Yang Jianbai is so big." Hao Cang said with some shock.

"Will you not live when I come to power?" Ye Haodan smiled.

"Can you not hit me like this?" Hao Cang rolled Ye Hao's eyes.

"This is a great world, and anything can happen in the future." Ye Hao patted Hao Cang on the shoulder. "A momentary failure is nothing? No one knows where it will go in the future?"

The seventh is up, to be continued.

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