Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2964: Yang Jianbai shot

"Athena, is this your friend?" Natasha asked Ye Hao at this time.

"Yes, miss, this is my friend in God Realm." Athena whispered.

"Then you will accompany your friend to reminisce." Natasha said that her eyes fell on Yang Jianbai. "I don't know if Yang Gongzi has time to go shopping with me?"

"This is my honor." Yang Jianbai said without thinking.

The face that looked at Yang Jianbai as Natasha left was green.

"This grandson..."

"Don't you hate this guy chasing you? It's just quiet now." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"That's what I said, but this guy has been chasing me before? In a blink of an eye, I'm chasing the elven clan's sage, isn't this hitting my face?" I hope to gritt my teeth.

"I will help you teach him." Hao Cang said.

"Come on, I don't have much confidence in him. Do you think you are his opponent?" Hao Cang suddenly became miserable if he hoped.

Hao Cang would have rebutted it before, but after being suppressed by Ye Hao, Hao Cang became honest.

"Do you two continue to shop or go back?" Ye Hao asked.

"Go back." Hope whispered.

The elves' maids arranged hope and others in a luxurious courtyard.

Ye Hao randomly chose a room.

"How did you get here?" Athena asked.

"Turning around." Ye Hao said with a smile, "What about you?"

"After getting the inheritance of the twelve strong taboos, I was going to leave there, but what I didn't think was that I found a teleportation array deep in the ancestral court, and I teleported into this area through the teleportation array. "Athena looked at Ye Haodao. "And when I arrived here, I found out that I was a frog at the bottom of the well. My so-called Xiu Wei was not worth mentioning here."

"Later I clashed with a man from the elven clan. If I had not met Miss Natasha, I would have said nothing in my life." Athena was full of sighs.

"I think your strength has improved quite well." Ye Hao had noticed the horrifying energy in Athena's body before.

"Miss Natasha is very close to me. She has smashed a lot of resources on me. I have been greatly improved both in terms of potential and qualification." Athena nodded.

"Are you going to participate in the Sky Race?"

"Miss said I can get a place."

"good luck."

"Are you also coming to the hegemony?"


"Then we will work hard together." Athena said with a smile.

Athena is very beautiful.

Even compared to Natasha, it was only slightly inferior.

"Don't you think about reviving the angel family?" Ye Hao suddenly thought of something.

"I want to learn more skills with the young lady."

"Excuse me, your lady is not a simple character." Ye Hao said in a deep voice.

"I only know that my young lady is very kind to me."

Since Athena said so, Ye Hao stopped persuading.

Athena accompanied Ye Hao for a long time before leaving.

It didn't take long to walk into Ye Hao's room.

"I said, aren't you afraid of misunderstanding?" Ye Hao rolled her eyes when she saw hope sitting at his side.

"Ye Hao, you hide me so deeply." Hope said with a bit of grudge.

"I don't understand what you mean." Ye Hao stunned.

"Your source practice is the beginning of this world." Hope stared at Ye Haodao.

Ye Hao was suddenly embarrassed, "Your ancestor promised me..."

"What has my ancestor promised you?" I hope he laughed, "My ancestor said that this matter will not be revealed by Bu Tianjiao? What do you mean by this sentence, don't you understand?"

"Ginger is still old and spicy." Ye Hao smiled bitterly.

This is the subtext that Butianjiao will not leak out. She will tell the top level of Butianjiao about this.

"Ye Hao, who is your master?"

"It's exactly what the teacher taught me." Ye Hao said after thinking about it.

The God of War only gave Ye Hao the exercises at the beginning of this world, but he did not give him any doubts.

Therefore the God of War can only be regarded as a teacher.

"Who is your teacher?"

"you guess."

Hope to understand that Ye Hao does not want to tell himself.

"Ye Hao, have you considered being the leader of Bu Tianjiao?" Hope asked, looking forward.

I hope to meet many men in recent years, but only Ye Hao makes her tempted.

Rarely meet a tempting, she does not want to give up.

For this reason, I hope that even girls' restraint will be gone.

"Hope, can you give up everything and return to Yan Huangzong with me?" Ye Hao stared at Hope and asked.



Bu Tian Jiao is the root of hope.

How could she give up?

"Alas." Hope long sighed after a long time.

Three days passed quickly.

Early this morning, I hope that someone will come to the ring created by the elves.

On the ring, there is a figure carrying mountains and rivers.

The figure couldn't see clearly, but the breath on his body surprised many powerful people.

"As long as you can catch me more than ten moves, you can get a token, but this token represents that you are qualified to be on the sky list." The figure scanned the audience and said indifferently, "And can catch me You can get the corresponding ranking when you directly go to the top of the list with more than 20 strokes. Of course, this ranking is not accurate. At that time, you can challenge the arrogance higher than you to determine your real ranking."

"Senior, if it can catch you more than thirty strokes?" Yang Jianbai asked.

"The ranking that can hold my 20 moves starts from 1,000, the ranking that can hold my 30 moves starts from 100, and the ranking that can hold my 40 moves starts from the tenth." That figure A glance at Yang Jianbai said lightly.

"Okay, let me take the lead." Yang Jianbai jumped onto the ring and said confidently.

The avatar of the Nine Palace Master looked at Yang Jianbai said, "Are you ready? You know that you have only one chance."

"Ready." Yang Jianbai said with a smile.

Yang Jianbai is very confident.

Doesn’t he think he can’t even take the ten moves of the avatar dominated by the Ninth Palace?

If he can't take it, then there is no need for others to challenge?

The ruler of the Nine Palace shot.

There is no mystery of mystery, no brilliant mystery.

Just a simple punch.

But in the eyes of Yang Jianbai, this punch is a punch of complexity.

Easy way!

Yang Jianbai also made a punch after realizing this.

Fist to fist.

When the two punches collided together, the void exploded, and the terrible shock wave spread frantically around.

However, Yang Jianbai's feet did not move as if they were rooted on the ground.

There was no change in the face of the ruler of the Nine Palaces, and then he shot a second punch again.

Yang Jianbai once again fought to contend.

The third move!

The fourth move!

Soon the ten strokes passed.

When the tenth boxer of the Nine Palaces blasted out his tenth punch, Yang Jianbai discovered that his boxing intention had risen by a stage.

The sixth is more, to be continued.

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