Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2762: Five elements dominate

It stands to reason that Ye Hao cannot imprison the heaven and earth mortar.

But why can't he be detained?

"There will be a fierce battle next." Ye Hao glanced at everyone.

"Whoever dares to rob, just kill?" Yue Hua said coldly.

This is a resource that can enhance strength?

Who will give up?

"Okay, everyone absorb it quickly?" Ye Hao solemnly said.

Ye Hao said crazyly absorbed the heaven and earth mortar.

A breath passed.

Two breaths passed.

Three breaths passed.

Ye Hao felt that his fighting power was constantly rising.

This improvement can be seen.

"Can my golden body improve?" Ye Hao tried to communicate with the golden body in this way.

At the next moment, heaven and earth mortar flooded into Ye Hao's sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Hao found that Jin Xi's stagnant cultivation practice actually began to improve.

Can Tiandi Danjiang improve cultivation?


It's just that no one would be extravagant enough to use heaven and earth mortar to improve cultivation.

It is too easy to know that as Ye Hao wants to promote cultivation, it is too simple for him to emphasize the improvement of the source and the improvement of combat effectiveness.

Yue Hua was shocked to see this scene.

They ran crazy natal metaphysics, but did not absorb much.

But Ye Hao reduced the world's celestial mortar by 1% in a short time.

Do you want to go this far?

Is the gap between them really so big?

Early taboo!

I don't know how long Ye Hao's golden body cultivation practice has broken the imprisonment and stepped on the taboo.


Ye Hao was very emotional.

He once thought that the golden body in this life could not set foot on the taboo.

Unexpectedly, when I came here this time, I made a miraculous breakthrough.

Ye Hao was still not satisfied after Jin Shen reached the early stage of the taboo.

"Improve your cultivation at the same time remember to enhance your combat effectiveness." Ye Hao issued an order to his golden body.

Jin Jin nodded and continued to absorb.

The nine masters in the depths of the sky stared at this scene dumbfounded.

"This kid cheats." Yin and Yang master said angrily.

"The golden body is also a part of this boy's cohesion, and his golden body absorption is also his own absorption." Liu Dao master said lightly, "Where is he in violation of the rules?"

"But it's not a problem to let this kid's golden body absorb unscrupulously?" The seven-door master said in a deep voice or said.

Ye Hao absorbed too much.

You have to know that the opportunity there is for many young people supreme.

"The other five elements do not speak, what do you say is your heart?" The six masters glanced at the seven masters.

That's right.

The chance of heaven and earth mortar is left by the master of the five elements.

The master of the five elements pondered for a while and said, "I don't think this kid will go too far."

But it didn't take long for the five elements to dominate before being stunned.


Because Ye Hao's golden body still showed no signs of stopping after being promoted to the middle of the taboo.

"Does this kid have to stop the absorption of heaven and earth mortar to stop?" The five elements dominate the heart.

You know that the world's celestial mortar has been reduced by almost one-tenth.

"Five elements dominate, you have to be able to sit down." The six-dominator smiled like flowers.

"I used Heaven and Earth Pill to improve cultivation, I didn't have such luxury in those days." The Master of Five Elements couldn't help saying.

"Aren't you supporting the younger generation?"

"I'm supporting your younger generation." The five-element master said hummingly.

At this time, Ye Hao's golden body raised a new level, and Xiu Wei stepped directly to the later stage of the taboo.

"This kid." Master Wu Xing could no longer sit still.

A projection of her mind appeared in front of Ye Hao.

"Is your kid too much?"

Ye Hao jumped.

He subconsciously felt that the green-haired woman in front of him was not good.

"Senior, are you—?"

"I am the master of the five elements."

"The juniors have seen the masters of the five elements." Ye Hao said respectfully.

"You meet, you can see, can you stop and absorb the heaven and earth mortar?" The five-element master wished to slap Ye Hao with a slap.

Ye Hao stopped awkwardly.


"Will you forget?" How could the master of the Five Elements believe Ye Hao's gibberish?

"Senior." Ye Hao looked at the five elements dominating with a sense of grievance, "I just forgot just now."

"Come on, you don't have to install garlic with me." The master of the five elements said angrily, "This heaven and earth mortar is the opportunity I left to many young people's supreme, you say now how much you and your golden body absorb?"

"Isn't there much more?"

"If your golden body is reabsorbed, it can absorb the heaven and earth mortar here, do you believe it?" Lengheng, the master of Wuxing said.

The celestial mortar in this pool has been reduced by almost one-fifth.

When Jin Shen reached the peak of the taboo realm, he could absorb it cleanly.

"This-this-I don't seem to violate the rules?" Ye Hao asked cautiously.

"Your kid does not violate the rules." What identity dominated by the five elements, simply disdain to lie.


"Do you know how extravagant it is to use Tiandi Danjiang to promote cultivation?" The master of the Five Elements looked at Ye Haodao, "I was reluctant to do so in those days?"

"No way?"

"Your kid doesn't know the preciousness of the heaven and earth danjiang? Tell me this? Your golden body's physique has been completely transformed. If there is no accident, there is no problem in climbing to detachment."

"Ah." Ye Hao was really surprised.

Be out of bounds!

Can your body be detached?

"Now your golden body can't absorb any more."

"Can I absorb it again?"

"up to you."


"What else do you want to say?"

"Senior, I want to bring some celestial mortar to my wife." Ye Hao said embarrassedly, "You said that in the future I will reach detachment, and my wife is still struggling with taboo, this--?"

"Your kid is kind and meaningful." The chief of the five elements saw Ye Hao say this, and there was a hint of admiration in his eyes, "You take some."

Ye Hao opened his mouth and sucked towards the heaven and earth mortar in front of him.

A lot of heaven and earth danjiang was poured back into his mouth, and the heaven and earth danjiang here was reduced by nearly one fifth in a time when he could not breathe.

The five-element master suddenly became angry.

"Why did your wife use so much?"

"Senior, don't be angry first." Ye Hao, who saw the five elements master angry, said, "You listen to my explanation."

"You said." The master of the five elements said with restrained anger.

"My wife has a lot."

"how many?"

"Tens of thousands."

Master Wuxing couldn't help widening his eyes, "How many tens of thousands does your wife have?"


"You--you--?" Seeing that the master of the five elements was about to run away, the master of the six roads quickly lowered his projection.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, don't be angry." Master Liu Dao glared at Ye Hao as he said, "I'm not sorry to Master Wu Xing."

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