Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2761: Heaven and Earth Danjiang

"Is your human king's bloodline born?" Wen Yanren Wang was taken aback.

"When I didn't practice, the existence of a taboo realm gave me a drop of blood." Ye Hao thought for a moment and said.

"The one who gave you must be the blood of the origin." Ren Wang said softly.

"Wouldn't it be possible for a king to shape many kings in this way?"

"You think too much." Ren Wang shook his head and said, "Even if you have the blood of a human king, you can't excite its divinity, and ultimately it won't become a human king."

"Inspire divinity?" Ye Hao seemed to understand.

His human blood has been stimulated more than once.

"The legendary human king blood has four levels." The human king said softly. "The first level is red, the second level is blue, the third level is gold, and the fourth level is color." After a while, Ren Wang continued, "Your current Ren Wang blood is still at the second level."

"What about your blood?"

"The second level corresponds to the God Emperor Realm." Ren Wang looked at Ye Haodao, "my human king blood also belongs to the second level."

"In this way, the third level of human blood corresponds to the taboo?"


"The fourth level of human blood corresponds to detachment?"

"Not bad."

"I want to know whether it is the dominance above the transcendence?"


"In other words, the strongest state of Wang Xue is nothing but detachment."

"Speaking of this, it is also the sorrow of the human king." Ren Wang sighed and said, "We have no master in this vein."

Wen Yan Ye Hao's mouth twitched.

You know, there are only nine masters in the whole world.

"Can the human blood evolve after reaching the fourth level?"

"Evolutionary theory never ends."

"I understand."

"Are you interested in killing the broken army with me?"

"You have a grudge against the broken army?"


"Will killing it have any effect?"

"In this battlefield, we can kill any juvenile supreme." Ren Wang Dan said with a smile, "There will not be any trouble to find you."

Ye Hao's eyes flickered or shook his head, "I'm still looking for other opportunities."

There are six masters standing behind the king.

But no one is behind him.

"There will be a chance to cooperate again after that." Ren Wang thought not.

After the king left, Yuehua and others gathered together.

"Are you all right?" Xiao Green said worriedly.

"It's okay." Ye Hao shook his head.

"I didn't expect you to defeat the King of Man?" Yue Hua said excitedly.

King Ren is the top ten superpowers.

"To be precise, I just tied the game with the human king." Ye Hao shook his head.

"But in the end you suppressed him." Dan Ling asked puzzled.

"Don't you notice that the human king only used the magical power of human sword unity?" Ye Hao looked at Dan Ling and said slowly.

Dan Ling couldn't help but stunned.

This is really the case.

"If that's the case, it would be difficult for you to get the top three?" Bi Chun frowned.

"It's been a few months since the end." Ye Hao's face was full of dignity, "If there is no anti-sky creation, I can't do it."

"Niantian's creation? What do you mean?" Xiao Green said puzzled.

"Only if there is an anti-celestial creation, there will be groups of monks, so that my points can surge." Ye Hao said with a deep voice.

Everyone was silent.

How could such an easy creation appear?

Moreover, even if they appear, they may not know.

This battlefield is too big.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Soon a month passed.

They successively encountered several chemistry, but these chemistry were not very big.

"There are three months to three years." Ye Hao felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Yuehua and others also felt Ye Hao's inner anxiety.

But what can they do at this time?

Just then Dan Ling shouted.

"Come and see."

Ye Hao and others ran over.

Dan Ling pointed to the center of the lake and said, "Just when I was swimming here with Xiao Green, I felt a red scent."

"Danxiang?" Ye Hao wrinkled his nose involuntarily.

Nothing at all!

"You can smell it when you sink." Dan Ling said softly.

Ye Hao thought about it and jumped into the lake.

Soon Ye Hao reached the center of the lake.

He kept sinking.

It didn't take long for him to smell a little incense that was almost invisible.

"So light?"

Ye Haohu looked around in doubt.

He was looking for the source of this incense.

What surprised him was that he couldn't find it.

"Yuehua, do you see any formation nearby?" Ye Hao looked at Yuehua Road that followed.

Yuehua nodded and looked around.

But no matter how Yuehua searched, he found no clues.

"I can't find it." Yue Hua said with a wry smile.

"Continue to find." Ye Hao's eyes scorched, "I vaguely think this may be a chance against the sky."

Yuehua was excited.

He didn't let go of any details this time.

After three days and three nights he was finally found.

"Mama is so **** up," Yue Hua shouted. "There is a world in this sand."

One sand, one world!

It is simple to say, but it is actually very difficult.

For Ye Hao and others, special materials are needed to open up the world.

But this one has opened up a world in a grain of ordinary sand.

"Break through the formation of this grain of sand." Ye Hao hurriedly said.

Yuehua started to crack.

After about a dozen breaths, the sand suddenly burst into a terrible golden awn, which turned into an arrow of the string and rushed towards the sky.

With a bang, the clouds in the thousands of miles were torn apart.

"What's the situation?" Ye Hao's face changed uncontrollably.

"As long as I crack this formation, this prohibition will burst." Yuehua's face was gloomy like a waterway.

"Let's go in quickly." Ye Hao said in a deep voice. "I don't think it will take long before a large number of monks will arrive here."

Ye Hao and others have turned into streamers and entered the grain of sand.

What surprised them was that the sand turned out to be a viscous slurry.

"Is this—?" Dan Ling looked at the golden yellow slurry in front of him and was startled.

"Heaven and earth elixir." Ye Hao said excitedly.

"What's the use of this thing?" Yue Hua asked puzzled.

"Heaven and earth elixir is the spirit between heaven and earth, very precious." Ye Hao said with a deep voice, "I have only seen it in ancient books."

"Tiandi Danjiang can enhance our origin." Dan Ling explained at this time.

"Then let's absorb it now." Yue Hua said busy.

Ye Hao stretched out his hand and found that he couldn't move.

"It seems that we only absorbed here."

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