Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2636: Life and death

It stands to reason that the patriarch has no right to ask Zongmen anymore.

But the ancestor's cultivation practice generally has the qualification to coerce the whole clan, so he can even bypass the clan's order many times, and even if the clan's master knows it, he dare not ask.

It's not that the ancestors ousted the patriarch over the years.

The words of the dragon elephant stimulated Zhang inorganic, "Dragon elephant, you seem to have forgotten your identity."

"I will take care of anything that threatens the Haoran Zhengzheng." The Dragon Elephant God King looked at Zhang Zhidao with a solemn face. "Now I think you threaten the Haoran Zhengzheng."

"Do you think the four of you can beat me?" Zhang inorganic said with a bad look.

"Do you think the current Haoran Righteousness is still the Haoran Righteousness before you left?" Su Yu'er said that the formation of the ancestral land had recovered, and then a horrifying sword of the limit appeared. The breath was amazing. Zhang Zhi was locked tightly.

"The formation of the God King's Peak?" Zhang Fei's face changed uncontrollably.

Zhang inorganic is only a high-level master of God King, how can he contend with the formation of God King peak?

"You are playing with fire and setting yourself on fire." Zhang trembles angrily.

He came to Haoran Zhengzheng really did not think about seizing power.

But now he finds himself rejected by Haoran Zhengzheng.

He felt stumped.

See you poorly.

I really do it for the sake of Haoran.

"Zu Zu Shi, do you still remember the doctrine of Haoran Zhengzheng?" Su Yu'er looked at Zhang Zhizheng's expression.

Noble righteousness, eternal life.

Zhang inorganic was shocked.

"I know that you have been following Zhao Zu for all these years, but are you sure what Zhao Zu did?" Su Yu'er continued, "Yan Huangzong can do things that are not good for Zhao Zu all these years? No. But Why did Zhao Zu's vein drop down at this level? Just because Yan Huangzong did not want to follow Zhao Zu's vein?"

"Zhao Zu's vein has helped Yan Huangzong a lot!"

"Did Yan Huangzong not help Zhao Zu?" Su Yuer sneered, "I don't believe Ye Hao is such a person."

Zhang inorganic was silent.

Ye Hao gave Zhao Zu the heart of ten beasts.

On the value has been more than Zhao Zu gave Ye Hao.

"You have lost your original heart." Su Mingtu said leisurely.

"Maybe." Zhang Fei felt a little hesitant in his heart.

Are you wrong?


But is he still looking back?

No more.

His body has long been marked with Zhao Zu's pulse.

Such branding will not fade for a lifetime.

"I want to take a group of disciples." Zhang Jiji suddenly thought of something when he was about to leave.

"Hao Ran Zheng Qi Zong has already made perfect preparations, even if this time the Hao Ran Zheng Qi Zong is uprooted, it will not be completely destroyed." Su Mingtu looked at Zhang Zhidao.

"There are nine groups of disciples who are incognito, but no one but us knows their position." Su Yuer said lightly, "So you don't have to worry about the complete extinction of the holy and righteous clan."

In fact, it is not only the sect of the Holocaust, but the general sect will leave some back. This is why, after many years have passed, there will be long-lost disciples who come to seek revenge.

When he heard Su Mingtu and Su Yu'er say this, Zhang inorganic did not say anything, and turned away.

After Zhang inorganic left, Su Mingtu ordered, "How are the disciples of Zhengqi and Haoran gathered?"

"It is being assembled in an orderly manner." Zhong Jincheng said in a deep voice.

"All dropped into the Yanhuang domain." Su Mingtu solemnly said, "Don't delay for a moment."


Haoran Zhengzong mobilized the soldiers on a large scale to be able to hide some interested people.

The monk of God Realm suddenly realized that Haoran Zhengzong was ready to join in.

Yan Huangzong!

"Ye Hao, the soldiers of Haoran Zhengzheng are already in the territory of Huang Zong." Tang Pian came to Ye Hao and said.

"Hao Ran Zhengzong?" Ye Hao was taken aback.

At this time, Ye Hao didn't expect the fate of Haoran Zhengzheng to dare to block the entire sect.

"Half an hour before Zhang inorganic arrived, he persuaded Haoran Zhengzheng not to join, but was taken away by the high-ranking Haoran Zhengqi." Tang Pian said softly.

Tang Pingming knew that Yan Huangzong did not fear Thor's army at all.

But some forces still made Tang Ping feel very cold.

Otherwise, let’s talk about the forces that Ye Hao made, and even now no words of comfort have been released.

"Let the soldiers of Haoran Zhengzheng come in." Ye Hao said after thinking about it.

Haoran Zhengzong has already made a decision. If you let them go back at this time, it will be tantamount to destroy their enthusiasm.

"Mo Mo, this matter is up to you." Tang Pian looked at the woman beside her.

"Follow the order." Mo Mo ordered to leave.

"How is the defense line arranged?" Ye Hao asked softly.

"It's almost done." Tang Pian Ping came here as soon as Tangtang came in. "Young Master, Miss, Rose Fairy arrived."

"Rose Fairy?" Ye Hao and Tang Pian looked at each other inconceivably.

Because up to now, Shencao Pavilion, Yaowanggu, Taishi clan, and Nandou Academy have not expressed any attitude, and at the same time, these forces have not gathered any soldiers.

What does this mean?

Ye Hao is very clear.

Ye Hao thought about it and went out.

Rose in the living room is chatting with Qingqing.

Seeing Ye Hao coming, Rose Fairy quickly stood up, "Ye Hao, I was expelled from the Shencao Pavilion, and now I have no place to go. Can you keep me?"

"Actually, you don't have to do this." Ye Hao sighed lightly.

"Can you take me in?" The fairy rose burst into tears when she said this.

"Welcome." Ye Hao solemnly said, "In the future you will be the host of China's Zong Dan Tao Hall."

The host of Yanhuang Zongdan Daotang is Lin Ningxia.

But it is not suitable to let Rose Fairy become another one.

"Hua Xia Zong?" Fairy Rose wondered.

"Hua Xia Zong is also part of Yan Huang Zong." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Good." Fairy Rose nodded.

"What about medicines avoiding the world?" Ye Hao hesitated or asked.

"I have drawn the line between medicine and avoiding the world." The fairy rose said, looking at Ye Hao, he said with a grudge, "I blame you."

"Blame me?"

"You took me back then, how could there be such a thing?"

"This--?" Ye Hao couldn't help crying.

After arranging the rose fairy, Qin Shuhuan and Qin Qingqing and their colleagues also came to Yanhuangzong.

"Uncle Qin, Qingqing." Ye Hao said and looked at the group of people behind Qin Shuhuan.

"These are my people." Qin Shuhuan's face was full of anger, "Dando General Pavilion has done such a thing, I Qin someone is ashamed to be with them."

"Ye Hao, my Qin family lives with Yan Huangzong." Qin Qingqing said with a fist.

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