Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2635: Zhang inorganic advent

Haoran Zhengzong!


Both the high-level leaders of the Haoran region and the high-level leaders of the Zhengqi region have gathered here.


The grandfather Zhang Hao, the grand prince of Haoran, came.

Zhang Fei is the most powerful ancestor besides the ancestor.

I have great respect for the high-ranking ancestor of the grand ethics.

However, after Zhang inorganic expounded the purpose of coming, both Su Yu'er and Zhong Jincheng's face sank.

"If it weren't for the Yanhuang Sect in these years, the Haoran Zhengqi Sect had already been beaten." Su Yu'er's temper was rather irritable, and he said directly.

"Yan Huangzong has already been targeted, and I won't allow you to mix up indiscriminately." Zhang Zhili glanced at Su Yuer.

"Yan Huangzong's current master is my father, you can't control Zhang Zhiji's ancestor." Su Yuer said coldly.

"What are you talking about?" Zhang inorganic said angrily.

"Zu Zu Shi, don't be angry." Su Mingtu saw her daughter and Zhang Fei jacked up and said busy.

"Su Mingtu, did you teach your daughter that way?" Zhang inorganic looked at Su Mingtu badly.

"Yu'er speaks a little bit rashly, but I think what he said makes sense." What Zhang Min did not expect was that Su Mingtu said this.

"Su Mingtu, do you know what you are talking about?" Zhang Fei dumbfounded.

"I know what I'm talking about?" Su Mingtu said calmly, "Hao Ran Zheng Qi Zong from the beginning of Li Zong to the present, pay attention to the righteousness in his heart. Yan Huang Zong has great grace for Haoran Zheng Qi Zong, now Yan Huang Zong Yu In case of trouble, Haoran Zhengzheng has no reason to help."

"Do you know that this will bring Haoran's righteousness into a land of nowhere to be lost?" Zhang Zhifei shouted angrily.

"So what?" Zhong Jincheng said coldly, "Isn't it just a death?"

"It's easy to say, you just die. Why should the disciples of the magnificent and upright sect have to die because of your decision?" Zhang Fei was very angry.

None of the three high-ranking Zhengrans stood on his side.

His ancestors were really failing enough.

"Then you might as well ask Haoran's disciples if they are willing to accompany Yan Huangzong to death?" Zhong Jincheng said coldly.

Zhang inorganic glanced at the hundreds of high-ranking high-ranking officials with a dignified expression and said, "Tell me your opinion?"

"Haoran Zhengzheng has really straightened his spine since he met Lord Ye, but now Yanhuang Zong is in trouble. How can Haoran Zhengqi Zong not shoot?"

"Without Sect Master Ye, it would be impossible for me to reach the high order of the gods in my life."

"The current strength of Haoran Zhengqi Sect is several times stronger than when the Patriarch was there, and this is all brought by Ye Sect Master."

"How many king-level sects have fallen apart in recent years, but why did no one dare to move Haoran Zhengzheng? It is not because Yanhuang Zong is propping up in front. Now that Yanhuang Zong is in trouble, we haven't ignored Haoran Zhengzheng?"

"Hao Ran Zhengzong cannot be a ruthless and unscrupulous generation."

"How much resources did Lord Ye provide for Haoran Righteousness Sect, and how much power did Haoran Righteousness Sect provide?

Zhang was dumbfounded.

He did not expect Zongmen's backbone to oppose.

"Dragon Elephant, do you express your attitude?" At the critical moment, Zhang inorganic looked at the patron saint of the noble and true style.

"If it weren't for Sect Master Ye, I would have fallen now." Long Xiang said leisurely, "What do you think I should make?"

Zhang was shocked.

He did not expect Ye Hao to do so much for Haoran.

However, he knew very well that this time Yanhuang Zong was simply a mantis, and was destined to be destroyed.

He couldn't just watch Haoran Zhengzheng be destroyed.

"This time, Zhao Zu gave me a volume of quasi-imperial-level primitive exercises, which is very consistent with Haoran's righteousness." Zhang Zhifei said for a while, "quasi-imperial-level exercises meant What is it, I think you know it well?"

"We don't need it." Su Yuer refused.

"You don't need it, how do you know that others don't need it?" Zhang Zhiji sneered.

"Do you know what exercises we are practicing now?" Su Mingtu said slowly.

"What?" Zhang inorganic stunned.

"Zhengyang's decision in the early days of the Divine Emperor." Su Mingtu looked at Zhang Zhidao and said, "Grandmaster Ye Zong gave it."

Zhang Fei couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Quasi-Emperor and Divine Emperor seem to be one word apart, but they are actually far apart.

"By the way, the method Ye Zongzhu gave us is not a simple source skill, but also an attack magic power, a defensive magic power, and a secret technique." Su Mingtu then threw another heavy news.

The early exercises of the Four Gods?

This handwriting is not so big.

Zhang Fei felt that things were getting trickier.

But it is impossible for him to give up.

"I can't just watch you bury the Haoran Zhengzheng." Zhang Zhang stood up here, "So from now on I will control the Haoran Zhengzheng."

At the next moment, Zhang Fei's body was filled with immense fluctuations, and all the monks in the audience were suppressed.

"Zhang Fei, what are you going to do?" Su Yuer said furiously.

God King High Order!

At this time, the diffuse fluctuations in Zhang Noi's body were the high-level fluctuations of God King.

"Su Yu'er, from today onwards, you are no longer the master of Haoranyu." Zhang Zhifei said indifferently.

"I'm afraid you don't have this qualification to deprive me of my identity." What makes Zhang Fei unexpected is that Su Yu'er suddenly got rid of Zhang Fei's imprisonment.

"How is it possible?" Zhang had an incredible expression on his face.

Because in Zhang Fei's opinion, Su Yu'er is only the early cultivation practice of God King.

But he is a high-level **** king.

You can easily suppress the Su language.

The next moment, he was shocked to find that Su Yu'er even had the power of the mid-level God King. Su Yu'er's power and his own power collided fiercely in the air.

"I didn't expect you to hide so deep? But do you think that God's mid-level cultivation will be able to contend with me?" Zhang inorganic sneered.

Just as Zhang inorganic was preparing to suppress Su Yuer, Su Mingtu and Zhong Jincheng also got rid of his momentum.

Two powers not inferior to the Su'er came to him from both sides.

"You--?" Zhang Fei found that Su Mingtu and Zhong Jincheng's repairs had also set foot in the middle level of God King.

The three momentums collided with Zhang inorganic's momentum in no particular order.

It's as if the tip of the needle is against the awn.

With a thud, the three Su Yuer snorted, and they were violently shaken in their internal organs, but they also melted Zhang inorganic's momentum.

"You-are you going to rebel?" Zhang Zhifei said sullenly.

"Zhang Ganji, the current suzerain is Su Mingtu." At this moment, the dragon elephant stood up. "You are not qualified to ask Haoran Zhengqi again."

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