“Is there any danger on Lake Lakstark?”

While Ashe was helplessly changing to a new pair of underwear, he poured her heat on the side Li Ke of the water asked his own question. After all, today is not only the first day he officially moved to Ashe鈥檚 room, but also the time when Ashe will take people to fish on the ice lake.

“Except for the ice breaking and falling into the water in shallow water because the ice layer is not thick enough, there is basically no danger. After all, we spend time every year to clean up the monsters that will live in shallow water, so now we are left Yes, that is, those deep-water monsters that will not be active in shallow water.”

Aich wiped the marks on his feet, and then put on the warm shoes that were baked by the stove. . She stood up, and then looked at a clock beside her bed that was obviously from Vi, but it was definitely not a normal purchase. This was sighed in relief. Then he knocked Li Ke on the chest with some complaints, and issued his own condemnation.

“You almost made me late…you said it doesn’t need magic?”

Li Ke just hugged this woman, and then touched her hair. Let her turn away from sorry.

“I can’t make you tired of the past.”

Although Li Ke did not use the remaining iceborn vitality, but he added the most basic vitality to Ashe , So that her legs will not become weak. Although the reason for the softness is also because of this magic. And Ashe also knew the reason for this was because she didn’t resist at that time, so she stood on tiptoe, kissed Li Ke’s lips, and then asked.

“Well, you really make sense. But will you not come back to sleep today? I will come back as soon as possible.”

Li Ke nodded.

“Yes, there are already some wheat that can stay overnight by the fire, but potatoes are not good enough. Freljord is still a bit too cold. These potatoes will still die in relatively warm land. So I I still have to experiment to see if today鈥檚 cultivated can survive the cold of the night.”

After meeting with the emerald god, Li Ke found that he could perceive the body of these plants within the body. Whether the vitality is strong, is it still’alive’, this can be considered a big improvement, because after discovering this, he also found that his ability to perceive other people’s vitality has also become stronger, at least an increase of half a meter The perception distance.

“But your wife is going to face the cold alone.”

Aish laughed, teased with Li Ke, and then left Li Ke鈥檚 embrace and took it Got his own bow.

“Then I set off, see you tomorrow, my dear.”

“Well, see you tomorrow.”

After the two said goodbye, Ashe walked out Closed the door, and Li Ke started to put his own things next to Ashe’s things one by one, but how long can a few pieces of clothes and bedding be kept? Before the people from Ashe costume came to ask Li Ke if he needed help, Li Ke had already put his own things. So he left Ashe鈥檚 house amidst the somewhat embarrassing apology of Steward, and saw that she took that bunch of allies onto the lake, and then boarded countless small boats in a boat. Led by the wooden icebreaker, a blurred picture of moving towards the depths of Lakstark.

This is a hunting that tribal leaders must take part in. After all, this capital city relies on such a large lake, but it is a strange thing if you don’t make good use of it. And in fact, a large part of the ration of the Ashe tribe is the fish produced by this Lakstark.

“Then I will start to be busy too.”

It is indeed a pity that my wife and myself cannot get tired of being together in this kind of time like a newlywed because of work reasons. Yes, after all, my previous life was basically abstinence. It took so long to have a chance to vent, and the subject is still so beautiful, gentle and considerate. To say that he will not be unhappy is completely false, but things are to be done. The headquarters can work outside to support the family, but he is only in charge of fighting, right?

Although this is quite common in Freljord.

After bidding farewell to those familiar with him, Li Ke took some of the things he was going to take with him this time, and moved towards his farmland with a few round defense fighters, but it seemed that He didn’t intend to let him farm well. When the owner of this field returned here, he first saw a large dilapidated camp and Cherna who was confronting a tall giant.

There were a lot of people around her, some were fighters from the Winter Spring clan, and some were fighters sent by Ash to help Li Ke guard the farmland. Although these people are inferior to Li Ke in strength, they are also quite elite fighters. But now they all wailed and fell to the ground, each with a bloody nose and swollen face, and some of them were still holding their arms and wailing on the ground.

“Enemy attack!!”

The soldiers around Li Ke roared, and before Li Ke stopped them, they moved towards the robust man with his naked upper body and charged. Past. After all, in their opinion, this fatty must be tired after hitting so many people, and they are still riding horses, and they must be able to knock down this guy who made trouble on the Avarosa site!

Their idea is actually not wrong. After all, the horse here is not the Earth racehorse that Li Ke knows that it is possible to break his leg after a fall. It has a strong physique. Horse of the magic world. Even Li Ke doesn鈥檛 like to meet force with force with cavalry on horses. After all, although his power can break the bones of these horses with no difficulty, the problem is that his weight is not that of these tall guys. He is heavy, so before the power reaches a certain level, even he will be hit by the cavalry.

But the problem is that they are facing a’hero’.

“haha! Happy time is coming!”

When the man with a huge beard and a huge belly saw the cavalry next to Li Ke rushing over, Not surprised and rejoiced, he laughed heartily and picked up Gragas next to him, and then just moved towards the four Knights and ran into it. And Cherna, who was confronting him, was the same as Li Ke at this time, and it was too late to stop these reckless Knights.

Only seeing this big belly robust man throw Gragas in his hand violently, the two fighters were knocked out by the sudden flying Gragas, and the remaining two fighters found that something was wrong now. It was too late, and the huge silhouette showed a strange power that exactly matched his huge silhouette. Almost at the moment when they were about to collide with him, this person moved towards them and ran into it.

The screams of the horses, the sound of the Knights falling onto the snow, and the hearty laughter of Big Fatty who had just stepped back a few steps, all made Li Ke’s head a little bit painful.

He got off his horse, first looked at the people, and then at the two war horses with their heads a bit crooked. After confirming that he was able to get alive, he walked to the fatty who was drinking.

“I think I should have a fight with you to discuss something, but I think we should have another solution.”

Li Ke looked at those with a sigh The screamers, after all, according to what he knows, these people are probably just pure bad luck. As for what he said, this Big Fatty opened his drunken eyes, and then raised his’wine glass’ to Li Ke.

“Oh, so, do you want to have a drink?”

Li Ke was silent for a while, then looked at the 50 cm radius in his hand Wine glass, then lifted the head for two seconds of thinking, re-looked towards this very good fat, and said his decision.

“Forget it, let’s play a game.”

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