“Why did this thing suddenly break?”

This is the third day since Li Ke returned to his farm, but he was not here at this time In his farmland, but in his house in Ashdod City. And looking at the necklace representing friendship that Teldrassil gave him, he was a little confused.

After all, it’s a weird thing that this thing broke suddenly, but it’s not an important thing, so Li Ke just got this necklace off after being strange. Part of it was re-tied, and then placed in his organized bag. After all, this thing was also given by Tedamir, his previous Life Source hero. Even if it is broken, it can be kept as a souvenir.

“Lord Li Ke, are there only these?”

A furnace owner who was called to help, that is, an ordinary person who doesn’t always fight. Looking at Li Ke, I can’t A bag of things is still very strange in my heart. After all, according to the ability of Li Ke he heard, his spoils of war and souvenirs should be very many, what kind of enemy’s skull, wild beast’s head, teeth, sharp claw or something. But surprisingly, Li Ke only has some bedding, and even his clothes have only one set for changing and washing.

This powerhouse in his impression is different.

“Ah, that’s it.”

Li Ke nodded, and then picked up the cloak that was given by those claiming to be his followers when he came, and put this thing I put it in the white clothes I brought from the Sejuani tribe, then put my sword on his back, and motioned to this stove to be like his new residence with him, which is the one where Ashe lives. The’palace’ walked over.

Many soldiers greeted him along the way, and Li Ke responded one after another. And he even saw that several women he had brought over were chatting quietly with the fighters of the Ashe tribe, and most of these women had ruddy, joyful and excited smiles on their faces, and they brought them Although the men had seen a lot, most of them were busy in a hurry, and some didn’t even notice that he was here.

This is obviously caused by Ashe and his orders, as well as the tribes who keep coming. Otherwise, judging from their glamorous clothes and ruddy complexion, they actually had a pretty good life. And there are many more people around this capital than when I saw it before. At least there are already people doing commercial activities here, although they are all placed on the side of the road with handmade decorations, daily necessities, and Some delicate knives, bone arrows and the like. But judging from the warriors and women who selected these, these merchants and craftsmen are not without business.

It’s a bit hard-core that these customers buy these products, although some use a mess of currencies such as Gold Coin. But in such a short period of time, Li Ke has already seen someone paying the bill with a rare beast head and a bowl of stew.

There was even a little girl who brought the little girl over and wanted to sell the slave, but before Li Ke took the shot, Ashe’s guards surrounded him and didn’t know where it came from. The slave dealer who came to set off, and sent a robust man with a big beard to send the little girl who was trembling with fear and didn’t know what happened to the school that Li Ke had prepared.

Yes, there are still slaves here. Although Ashe has been calling for not to use slaves before, there are still some. But now that Li Ke is here, there is no need for the slave to exist. And this slave merchant was obviously the uninformed one, and directly hit the iron plate.

“It’s full of vitality.”

The furnace owner walking behind him couldn’t help laughing when he saw this scene and looked towards Li Ke When he was, he scratched his smooth scalp somewhat sorry, and then said why he sighed like this.

“Then you may not know, Li Ke, such a scene is very rare for us. In the past, we can only see it once a year, such as in such a cold winter. So many people are active in Lakstark, this is really an inspiring thing.”

His face showed a happy expression, and Li Ke, who had seen more things, although He wasn’t too surprised that he didn’t even have half the excitement of the temple fair, at most the level of excitement of the vegetable market during working hours, but he was still very happy.

“It will be more lively in the future.”

But his plain promise made the man with a large beard nodded excitedly, and used The passionate voice spoke out his thoughts.

“Well, we all believe that under the leadership of the war mother and you, we Avarosa will become stronger and stronger!”

Li Ke nodded as Recognition of this sentence, and then stopped talking. This is not because he has nothing to say, but for a long time life has made him accustomed to silence. And for things that are bound to happen, he doesn’t think that more guarantees can make things better.

After all, people still have to do things.

In fact, speaking of which is very interesting. The capital of Ashe is called Lakstark, and this area is also called Lakstark in other Freljord, and the most important thing is that the big and incredible The Great Lake, also known as Lakstark. Quite simple way of naming and addressing, although this city has other names, but to the people of Freljord, most of the time, if you say Lakstark, they will think of this big lake and this city at the same time.

As for how big this lake is…

Let’s put it this way, with Li Ke’s eyes, you can’t see the opposite shore when standing on the edge of Lake Stark, just Can see those icebergs and’islands’ on the lake.

Furthermore, according to Ashe’s statement, if a person wants to cross this great lake, rowing one after another, without eating or drinking, and without any accidents, it would take more than three days to be able to cross. .

Well, this is a lake.

“I thought you needed half a day, didn’t expect you to be so fast.”

At the door of Ashe, the furnace owner left and refused After Li Ke’s invitation to let him have a glass of wine, according to his statement, he had to go to work, and then to show off to his daughter that he helped Li Ke today. So Li Ke walked into Ashe’s’palace’ by himself, and saw Ashe who was finishing his attire.

“I don’t have much… Then it seems that we can get together for a while before you take people to hunt on Lake Lakstark?”

He came from behind He hugged Ashe, and Ashe was helplessly sighed, and helplessly untied the belt of her war skirt so that she didn’t have to take off too many clothes. Then he put his hand on the map, preparing to maintain the stability of his body in the next shock.

“You are not allowed to use your magic, I don’t have time to take a bath again.”

Of course Li Ke is willing to this, after all, his iceborn vitality is not much.

“Of course, my lady.”

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