
Li Ke’s mind instantly saw a woman wearing suspenders, traitorous head, playing basketball and singing.

Although he didn’t know why, he would associate the guy who could grow grass in the canyon with the person who praised the beauty of chickens, but this did not affect Li Ke’s recall of the arrogant walk Guy.

Ivern, a super cold bench, even Udyr is an unpopular hero who has played more games than him. Li Ke played that many League Of Legends. If no one reminded me, I can’t remember that there is such a thing, and it can already explain the problem.

What is his background story?

Li Ke tried his best to remember, but apart from being a friend of nature, Jungler could not kill Jungle, he really wanted to do not raise.

Only However, this news made him forget that when he was connected with the other party’s mind, the other party was able to perceive part of his superficial thoughts.

“Basketball? What is it? Freljord is a new sport? But chickens are really beautiful, especially those chickens. I like the interaction between chickens and hens the most!”


Ivern’s puzzled voice came over. He was really curious about what basketball Li Ke was thinking about, because when he mentioned this thing, the joy in his heart couldn’t be faked, so he too I want to play with my natural friends.

“It’s just a ball…Ivern, the most important thing is that you can change the structure of creatures so that they can grow normally in the environment of Freljord.”

But Li Ke is not interested in playing basketball.

“Let the plants grow in Freljord…”

I heard Li Ke ask this question again. In a place far away from Freljord, The way planted on the ground, Ivern sighed on the link with Li Ke.

Of course it knows what to do, but it is precisely because of this that he does not want to tell Li Ke.

He used to be from Freljord, so he understands how difficult it is for plants to live in that place, and what a chain reaction would be if he did so.

Or in other words, the price.

“You should know that the environment of Li Ke and Freljord is not suitable for the growth of plants, and your act of forcibly allowing plants to grow in World of Ice and Snow is actually a violation. The law of nature matter.”

He paused, then continued to persuade Li Ke to give up the idea. After all, to him, nothing is more important than natural harmony.

“Every place has its own balance, and if you do this, you will lose the balance of the ecology there. Many species will lose their living space because of your decision, and then disappear completely in this world.”

If there is more food, there will be more people. With a larger population, more sites are needed. And people occupy more places, and those wild beasts who are already in a difficult situation, their situation will be even more difficult.

So for Ivern, although he can do what Li Ke wants to do, he cannot.

Because for him, a hare to endure hunger and a baby to endure hunger are things that he cannot tolerate, and the two things are equally important. Because any life is the same weight in his eyes.

“So, that means you can do it?”

Li Ke understands what he means, but I am sorry, unless a species can talk to him and has what he recognizes Three views, otherwise he would not treat the other person as a human, after all, there are already many people who are not worthy of being human.

“Oh oh, your thinking is really too much. Some life languages ​​need your good taste to know. It’s really sloppy to judge that the other person is not wise.”

But Ivern still heard his voice, and couldn’t help but want to persuade Li Ke. Because in his opinion, Li Ke’s magic is destined to lead him to the same path as him, and one day in the future, like him, become a natural and harmonious Guardian, truly understanding the beauty of life in this world.

“You always have talents that I don’t have, but like me before, you ignore the real precious things. You only consider the interests of mankind, but ignore the whole nature .”

He stopped for a while before continuing.

“Your ability is not just that, but because you have closed your heart, you have to ask me about this kind of thing, rather than immediately understand the terrifying of this kind of thing. In fact. , If you can let go of your heart, you can do a lot of things that you think you can’t do.”

I closed my heart? Do you still want me to let go of my heart?

Li Ke kind of wants to end the conversation with the other party, because Udyr once said to him that it is absolutely impossible to let a person whose will is far beyond yours into your heart, otherwise you are very likely to be Become the other’s slave.

So when he heard Ivern say this, he had already planned to end the communication with him and continue to explore on his own.

But it is a pity that, because of his lack of proficiency in spiritual spell, this idea was also noticed by Ivern.

“You misunderstood me…well, I can only show you that I really don’t mean to you anymore.”

Ivern doesn’t want someone so talented People just misunderstood him and turned him away, so he took the initiative a little bit.

Although Li Ke immediately cut the link and wanted to lift his hand from the potato, at the moment he was about to do this, the potato he controlled broke away from its control in an instant. And he tightly entangled his arm, a huge and gentle will, through these potatoes at this moment, forcibly broke into Li Ke’s heart.

When Li Ke opened his eyes again, what he saw was an environment full of Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, and warm sunlight. A body made of Malphite and limbs were strange The wooden’man’ smiled in front of him and waved his hand to say hello.

This is undoubtedly his own consciousness space. Li Ke knows this very well, because one side of his body is the flame of Ornn, and the other side is the Thunderlord’s Decree of Volibear. Except in my own consciousness space, I simply can’t fully manifest these two powers.

In other words, the funny guy in front of him is also an existence that he can’t afford to offend completely. Like Volibear, struggling by yourself is nothing more than a heroic point of death.

“Now you understand, I have no harm to you, right?”

Ivern shook his finger at Li Ke, obviously with a proud expression . Although his Malphite face is inexplicably ridiculous, Li Ke knows this very well.

He was really powerless to resist, and because the potato under his hand betrayed him, he finally understood that Ivern’s hero title of the’Emerald God’ was really not to scare people.

This guy is really a god, and also that kind of strong outrageous god!

“My existence with gods and demons is really predestined.”

But to be honest, he was a little helpless.

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