“It looks quite spectacular.”

Li Ke stood on the cliff, playing with the various seeds in his hands while watching the grandiose below Team.

This is the 2nd day when Li Ke defeated those courtiers. In the morning, Li Ke heard the humming voices, and found that Ai Xi rarely came to have breakfast with herself.

After he got up, he discovered the reason for this: there was another nominal alliance, the actual attachment came to Ashe鈥檚 capital, and he began to follow Ashe鈥檚 command to bring his tribe鈥檚 People lived around her tribe. That’s why she is so busy that she doesn’t even have time to eat with herself.

Of course, if it鈥檚 darker, you can think that she is trying to control power, but Li Ke doesn鈥檛 think there鈥檚 anything wrong with it. In fact, if you come here with another person, he鈥檚 probably both in Demacia and Cherna. Get on the boat to Shurima.

In fact, he himself feels that his rights are too much here. After all, even if her own ideas conflict with Ashe’s ideas, she will choose to use his ideas.

“Of course, Avarosa’s name is still very loud, and even if her name is not mentioned, the victories she has won are enough to make these tribes yearning.”

Cherna sighed, she looked at Li Ke’s back, a little complicated.

“But master, if you do this, you will have to face the challenges of those ignorant again.”

She doesn’t want to see Li Ke really and Aixi Conclude a blood alliance contract, but know that this is one of the fastest ways to gain status, and it is also the flattest way.

“It doesn’t matter, in the final analysis, I am a farmer. They will come as soon as they come. As long as they don’t disturb my farming, they can talk about everything.”

Li Ke is feel all right about feeling Zouren culture is still necessary, although he did not love war, but this did not calm enough so that he can enjoy the rural scenery of the point.

And there is a ghostly rural scenery here.

So it鈥檚 a good thing to beat those energetic challengers to relieve boredom.

“I鈥檓 worrying about another thing, Cherna. There is an existence I don鈥檛 understand that he wants to help me, and I do need his help… But countless stories and The examples also show that existences like this are undoubtedly deceiving those who don鈥檛 understand their limitations.”

He urgently needs to improve his strength, but the powerful divine force is Very difficult, and my own magic and the frost magic of the people here are completely two concepts.

Because of some special reasons, although there are Ap Carry in Ashe’s tribe, most of them are people who can only release spell but don’t understand too many principles.

Li Ke also tried to ask them, but the answers they gave were very simple.

‘More practice will be enough. ‘

So he has been thinking about the possibility of establishing more connections with the will in that plant, but countless stories have proved how stupid it is to have rash contact with a guy who doesn’t know how to open the way.

“Your concerns are correct. I have seen my clansman sacrifice his family to a Fiend tragedy because of the so-called enlightenment in his dream. But since you asked my opinion , Then I want to know, have we really reached the point where we need you to take risks?”

Cherna鈥檚 words made Li Ke turn his head. Li Ke looked at the continuous crowd and the The blue silhouette of the tired face, but still actively dispatching the crowd and resolving disputes.

“Yes, and I have to respond to expectations, Cherna. Hope is the least obsolete thing in this world… and I have a feeling that if I don鈥檛 do what I promised as soon as possible, then I may not be able to finish it.”

Darkborn Aatrox, Aatrox鈥檚 power penetrated into his body by himself, and he was attacked by him again all night yesterday. Trapped by memory, whether it is the memory of the opponent or the Heavenly God warrior, or the despair and fighting as a darkborn.

These memories turn up without being invited, and unavoidable, the meditation method taught by Udyr is useless in this situation.

This abnormal situation made him feel that he and the Aatrox must have a battle, and from the memories he saw, he had no chance of winning, and he was bound to die. So he must complete his promise as soon as possible, otherwise he may not be able to complete it.

But Cherna didn’t know. After hearing Li Ke’s words, she one-knee kneels to the ground, swearing her loyalty.

“I will try my best to prevent you from being hurt before I fall.”

However, Li Ke directly pulled her up.

“Living is the most important thing, Cherna, my life is not more valuable than you. You have to understand that your life is the life of three people, not you alone.”

He is a bit melancholy. He has been fighting since this World, but since his fate is like this, he can only shut his mouth and resist.

Cherna is too loyal to herself, she can’t give a correct judgment, and Ashe will let herself escape directly, and she will not let any of her relatives die if possible.

So, he can only follow his own ideas.

“Let鈥檚 go, let鈥檚 go to our fields.”

Li Ke went off the cliff and rode with Cherna to the large farmland that Ashe gave him, after all When contacting that unknown existence, you can also shock the people of the Dongquan clan who are building roads, and by the way, you can get some fresh potatoes to relieve Ashe’s food pressure.

Because of a new road, they didn鈥檛 take too long to reach his farmland, and the leader of the Dongquan clan also followed this with a look of anxiety. Follow Li Ke.

But Li Ke didn鈥檛 care about him. He just told them to loosen the soil, and then press a potato into the fertile black ground. Under the shocked eyes of Dongquan鈥檚 clansman, let Green, which represents hope, appeared on this fertile land against the seasons and weather.

In the exclamation of Dongquan clansman, Li Ke also heard that voice as he wished.

“Oh oh, you are here again. This time you are preparing food for people? Or are you fighting with who again? Wait, did you just cut down a lot of trees where you are?”


The voice is still so cheerful, but when it comes to someone cutting a tree, his voice becomes more complicated. But Li Ke didn’t answer him, a sense of urgency urged him and made him somewhat rude.

“Do you have the ability to change the structure of plants so that they can bloom and bear fruit in winter, and the yield is almost the same as that of normal planting?”

And that voice doesn鈥檛 care much. Li Ke’s impoliteness. .

“Oh, another youngster as impatient as I was.”

It paused.

“I think we should exchange names with each other before we have the possibility of further communication, right? After all, we can’t always call you by you, right?”

Li Ke hesitated After a while, he still said his name.

“My name is Li Ke.”

After getting his answer, the voice suddenly became more cheerful.

“Oh oh, a name full of Ionia style, oh yes. I haven’t introduced myself yet.”

This voice coughed twice on purpose, and then Continue to speak.

“My name is Ivern.”

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