Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 693: Just play on the spot

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Frederick Carr agrees with Li Xiao's remarks. Those deceptive remarks must be taken seriously, and the spread of these remarks must be curbed. He had a strong interest in this and immediately caught Li Xiao for a detailed discussion.

"You are very right. We really have to pay attention to the deceptive things. If we don't pay attention to it, our thousand-year-old tradition will be completely overturned and we will completely lose our living space. This is absolutely unbearable!"

It’s just that, Li Xiao is actually not interested in this, because he is not Nicholas I, and has no interest in stifling the revolution. On the contrary, he is the one who supports the revolution at this time. He hopes that the revolutionary forces will be stronger. It would be better to subvert Nicholas I’s poisonous vegetable rule.

Just now he just followed Frederick Karl's words in order to complete the task. Who would have thought that this tendon would take it seriously. In desperation, he can only continue to make false claims.

"Yes, we must pay attention to the fallacies and heresies that deceive people," Li Xiao pretended to be very frustrated and said, "but it is too late. The riots that have spread throughout Europe fully illustrate these fallacies The climate has already formed, and they are no longer in their budding state, they have become dense forests! At this time, it is impossible to eradicate them once and for all!"

Li Xiao pretended to sigh and said: "To eradicate them, the whole of Europe must unite and act together. This is no longer a single country’s problem, but a common problem. But what disappoints me is that not all Many countries have realized the seriousness of the problem, and some countries are selfish and only pay attention to the petty gains in front of them, and allow these ideas to spread... and more countries are just ignoring others. Wa Shangshuang, how can this solve the problem fundamentally?"

Frederick Carr fell into deep thought. He carefully considered the international situation and thought that Li Xiao was right. For this revolution spreading in Europe, most countries are fighting separately, but only Russia is willing to lend a helping hand. , But Russia’s national strength is limited, and it cannot solve the problem fundamentally. Don’t you see that all the Russian-Austrian forces in Hungary have encountered problems?

And the one thing that Frederick Karl agrees most is that liberalism has indeed spread throughout Europe, so no one country alone can solve all problems. Eliminated the chaos in Prussia, but Austria still has it. It is too passive to deal with it like a mole. It really needs the whole of Europe to work together to solve the problem fundamentally.

These were things that he had never thought of before, and Li Xiao admired him very much after he proposed them. He didn't think someone looked like a dwarf melon, but it was indeed a person who had a few brushes!

Originally, he had no interest in attending this party with his mother because he found it too boring. Because his aunt's relatives only like to talk about some music or literature, all of them are sluggish. Soldiers like him are really uninterested, especially that uncle, who is simply poisoned by music. What does a man like singing and dancing like?

And this time Li Xiao gave him a completely different feeling. When people talked into his words, they were always thought-provoking, and they were as straightforward as him. It’s not fortunate that it’s from Russia, it’s stronger than Austria and the French, and it is worthy of being a descendant of the fighting nation.

Anyway, Frederick Carl felt very good about Li Xiao. He felt that the entire European royal family, the Romanov family, had not abandoned the martial arts tradition. Even the most inconspicuous **** prince in the family had such knowledge. It is admirable.

People are like this, they will subconsciously get close to the things they like, and they will also subconsciously ignore those problems. For example, Frederick Carl, because of Li Xiao's taste for him, he forgot the order of his mother Alexandra before coming.

At that time Alexandra told him that he was going to test someone's details, and told him that someone was a little slippery and very cunning and must be treated with caution. But because Li Xiao liked him too much, he had forgotten all this without knowing it, and was completely led by Li Xiao's nose.

This scene made Alexandra sigh. She knew her son's personality. Strictly speaking, he was almost the same as Karl Alexander and had no political talent. The difference is that Karl Alexander is obsessed with art and naïve, while Frederick Karl is in love with the military. He is completely military thinking and knows all about politics.

Anyway, these two uncles and nephews are actually half-hearted. The slight difference is that Frederick Carr's military talent is too prominent, making people subconsciously ignore his political shortcomings. And now, when compared with people who are really good at politics, they immediately show the prototype, which makes people dumbfounded.

Alexandra had to stand up and interrupt her son’s communication with Li Xiao, because she was very skeptical that if Frederick Carr continued to talk to someone, her baby son would be abducted by someone. At that time, don't talk about detecting someone's hole cards, on the contrary, your own hole cards will be cleaned up.

"Gentlemen, take care of us ladies and stop talking about these boring topics. These things that need to be worried about are left to the cabinet members! Let's talk a little relaxed and happy, and don't move around. of!"

Frederick Karl is 10,000 unhappy, UU reading www. finally found a like-minded friend, and he was having a good chat! You must know that every high-class dance party or salon makes him the baldest time, because he is really not interested in those beautiful things!

What’s worse is that most of the men attending these romantic gatherings are directed at Lie Yan and pick-up girls. People are not interested in discussing serious matters with him, so Frederick Karl always feels that he is particularly lonely. Today it was so easy to run into someone who was able to talk to him, but was interrupted mercilessly. It was really aggrieved.

It’s just that even if he clearly writes his dissatisfaction on his face, it’s useless, because it’s his old mother who is speaking. He can be arrogant to others, but he can’t be arrogant to the old mother, so he can only have a face of resentment. Shut up.

Li Xiao also breathed a sigh of relief about this, because he actually didn't have much interest in talking about those heavy topics with Frederick Karl, after all, he was not really conservative, he was just playing on the spot. Now that Alexandra took the initiative to change the subject, he also relaxed!

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