Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 692: Frederick Karl (Part 2)

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For Frederick Carl, what he hates most now is not the insurgents who committed the insurrection, but the incompetent high-level leaders who blindly "compromised and yield" in the face of these insurgents.

Frederick Carr felt that if these guys weren't timid, as long as they made up their minds, there would be nothing wrong with the army. It is because of these timid high-levels who blindly retreat and adopt the appeasement policy that makes things uncontrollable.

It can be said that what Frederick Carl hates most now is these "incompetent" high-levels, and what Carl Alexander said just now was too much like these high-levels' tone, and he suddenly became angry.

"Nonsense! This is a life-and-death contest with the enemy, how can there be peace? Can you tell the enemy holding a knife and gun that I am afraid of pain? It is because there are too many guys like you in the country. Things have become out of control! I firmly oppose any **** peaceful means. Only iron and blood can solve the problem!"

Carl Alexander was immediately embarrassed. Although he was only ten years older than Frederick Carl, he was the uncle of this stuff after all. He was an elder, but now he was pointed to the nose by the younger generation, especially Philip. Terri Carr still has an expression that he can't wait to eat his flesh, which is too scary and annoying!

Anyway, Karl Alexander feels very shameless, because he and Frederick Karl may not be able to compete, because he has already experienced the stubbornness and sharpness of this nephew, and he is a gentle character, really not Good at quarrels and debates. What's more, because of the difference in seniority, even if he wins the fight, it doesn't mean anything.

Of course, it is impossible for Karl Alexander to win the fight, which is even more embarrassing.

At this time, someone is definitely needed to complete the game, otherwise Karl Alexander doesn't know how to step down, but it's hard to say who can complete the game. The normal method is for Maria Pavlovna or Alexandra to intervene. After all, they are elders, and the rudeness of stopping the quarrel and reprimanding Frederick Karl is over.

It's just that, although this can calm the turmoil, it can't completely resolve Karl Alexander's embarrassment. Because this place was retrieved with the help of his sister and mother, he was still blown up when he faced Frederick Carl. What is the face of this?

And the nobles care about face most, especially the thin-skinned Karl Alexander, if today's quarrel spreads, he will definitely be very faceless.

At this time, it was Li Xiao's turn to play, but this round is not so good. Because Frederick Carl is the kind of person who is particularly stubborn to accept death. If he helps Carl Alexander to defend, then this stunned young man will definitely not do it. Naturally, he will feel that Li Xiao is duplicity, and the recognition he has finally won will naturally fight. The water is floating.

To be honest, this is really difficult. It seems that the only thing Li Xiao can do is just shut up and watch from the sidelines, waiting for Maria Pavlovna and Alexandra to help Carl Alexander down the steps. However, in this way, his impression of Karl Alexander will naturally be very poor, so his good intentions in the previous paragraph are useless.

All in all, it seems that there is no way to get the best of both worlds. No matter what Li Xiao does, he can’t take care of it. What’s even more frightening is that the onlookers Maria Pavlovna and Alexandra did not speak out to help Karl Alexander. the meaning of. Obviously, they were going to see Li Xiao's burden.

"Your Excellency, I think you have made a very reasonable point. The worst thing now is appeasement speech. It is these speeches that compromise and retreat to the mob that make things more and more uncontrollable. We must prevent such thinking from spreading, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. !"

The opening paragraph of Li Xiao seems to be completely biased towards Frederick Carl. Anyway, Carl Alexander’s face suddenly became very ugly. As for Maria Pavlovna and Alexandra, they were playful. Looking at Li Xiao, it seemed that this nephew and cousin were nothing more than that.

But the art of speaking is so magical. Don’t look at Li Xiao’s agreement with Frederick Carl’s words at the beginning, but sometimes when you agree with you at the beginning, you don’t really agree with you. You have to look back. You have gone wrong.

Sure enough, Li Xiao immediately said: "But I think the key reason why Karl Alexander agrees with the appeasement policy is that he was deceived. Karl usually works with artists, and he is unavoidable from the influence of liberalism. He is particularly easy to be tolerant. There are too few people as kind as him. His kindness is used by those despicable guys, so I think the key problem is not Carl, but those who lead him to misconceptions. These talents are the most dangerous, Carl At most, it was used by them!"

Frederick Carl looked at Carl Alexander with a look of resentment, and then thought about his uncle's daily preferences, and had to admit that Li Xiao's words still make sense. It is well known that Karl Alexander likes literature and music, and the literary and music circles are undoubtedly the group of people with the most sympathy. It is undoubtedly very normal for Karl Alexander to be led by them.

More importantly, Frederick Carl felt that some of the arguments in Li Xiao's words really made sense. For example, the talents who led Carl Alexander to misconceptions are more hateful and worthy of vigilance. indeed! If there weren't those guys who spread liberal thoughts, UU reading www. This revolution of cannot happen. It is these **** who want to spread some fallacies and fallacies to deceive people's hearts that make things uncontrollable.

Suddenly, Frederick Carl nodded heavily: "You are very reasonable, and you really can't blame Carl Alexander. He is really too kind and easy to be misled! I was too impatient just now and must apologize to him! I'm sorry... but those who spread liberalism and fallacies are the most worthy of vigilance. If they are allowed to continue to harm, the consequences will indeed be disastrous!"

Carl Alexander’s face looked a lot better, although he didn’t think he was deceived or influenced by liberalism, but it’s rare to let this nephew take a step back to him, although he was still a little unhappy. , But he still accepted Frederick Karl's apology to a large extent.

On the other hand, Frederick Karl had no interest in Karl Alexander's acceptance of his apology, or that he did not respect or value his uncle. Li Xiao aroused his intense interest...

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