Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 682: People are better than people

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Things in Germany have always been quite complicated. Since the death of Charlemagne, Germany is probably a geographical concept, and it has never actually been unified. For example, at present, whether it is Austria or Prussia, it looks very powerful, but there is no de facto unified German state.

A large number of small states like Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach are scattered all over the world. It is true that the princes go everywhere to marry the princesses in Europe. It is precisely because of the complicated relationship between the small states of Germany and the great powers of Europe that even a small principality in this place can affect the whole body. Because it may be that one of its princesses is the queen or queen of the great powers, or the wife of a certain grand prince is the princess of a certain country.

In short, it's a mess. Of course, among these small states, there are still tendencies, some like to mix with Austria, and some are closer to Prussia, which has risen in the last one or two centuries. . For example, Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach is close to Prussia. After all, Karl Alexander's sister is the wife of Prince William, and Prince William is the de facto Crown Prince of Prussia.

So the relationship between Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach and Austria is very general, not to mention that it is not to blame Austria, but it is indispensable to be uncomfortable with Austria and occasional cynicism.

This is no secret, because the tendencies of the German states are actually very obvious. After all, everyone's strength is too weak, and you must rely on your eldest brother to take advantage of the cold. Before nature, Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach had always contempt for Austria.

Carl Alexander’s words just now were a bit sarcastic and ironic, which would make people think that he was sarcastic to Russia, and ironicing that Austria was an idiot who didn't support him, even with Russian assistance, it was useless. There is even a mockery of Russia, the first European army's name.

All in all, this is a taboo and very unpleasant. It's just that Carl Alexander had not realized that he had said the wrong thing because of his shallow experience, but the shrewd old mother was different, and immediately realized the problem, and hurriedly interrupted:

"Count, I wonder if you are too pessimistic. Based on what I know about Duke Paskovic and Duke Mikhail, they are all warriors on the battlefield, and it is absolutely impossible to solve such a bit of scabies! I think It won't be long before these dying and rebellious rebels will be wiped out!"

Carl Alexander actually did not agree with the old mother's words, because although he was not a military genius, he had also been a soldier in a military school and served in the Prussian army. There is still a basic understanding of the combat effectiveness of the European armies.

He felt that whether it was Prussia, Russia, or Austria, the quality and equipment of the army were actually half a cat. Perhaps Prussia is the soldier with the highest combat quality, and Russia is the one who can bear hardships and stand hard work most without fear of death. Although the Austrians do not have an advantage in these two aspects, they do not have much disadvantage.

In short, the big guys are half a catty boss, don't laugh at the second. When the Berlin Revolution broke out in Prussia, the performance of the Prussian army was seen all over Europe, and the rebels beat him violently, making his brother-in-law Prince Shot very shameless.

At that time, there were voices mocking that Prussia was inferior to one generation, but after watching the performance of the French and Austrian troops later, this mocking voice disappeared. Because even if one generation is inferior to one generation, the big guys are all inferior to one generation, and everyone's performance is consistently bad. What's the meaning of fifty steps and one hundred steps?

However, the progress of the Russian army in assisting Austria’s counter-insurgency is not going smoothly, which further confirms Carl Alexander’s speculation that the European armies may be similar except for Turkey's scumbag. Since the Hungarian rebels can defeat Austria, they can also stop Russia.

Even if Paskovic and Mikhail were well-known before, they are not more famous in fighting. It cannot be said that because the two men have a good record before, it can be deduced that the rebellion can be smooth sailing!

Karl Alexander immediately wanted to refute it, anyway, the words I disagree were clearly written on his face. It’s just that they know the son is more than the father. In fact, the old mother might as well give more to this. Compared with the lesser Karl Friedrich Grand Duke Maria Pavlovna, she actually knows her son better.

It can be said that as soon as Carl Alexander cocked her ass, she knew what **** the kid wanted to do, and immediately rushed to the front: "And I believe that the emperor will never watch the rebellion raging, whether it is based on The traditional friendship of the Holy League is still the responsibility of maintaining the traditional European order. He will relentlessly invest his efforts to eliminate the rebels! I have no doubts about this!"

Li Xiao actually saw the trick with mother and son. Karl Alexander was still just a young man, he didn't understand politics at all, and even many unspoken rules were just a little white. Her old mother is a powerful character, much higher than him in theory.

And there is one point that Li Xiao agrees very much, that is, Nicholas I, the two hundred and five, will indeed hesitate to eliminate the Revolutionary Party. This is the call of duty for that guy. But, Li Xiao also agrees with Karl Alexander's judgment that counterinsurgency operations will not be smooth sailing, things are not that simple!

So looking at Carl Alexander, who looked aggrieved, UU reading www. Li Xiao has begun to make ends meet: "The Grand Duchess is right. It is morality and responsibility for us in Russia to maintain the traditional European order. It is a mission that has been shouldered since the Napoleonic era. We will never allow anyone. Destroy the hard-won peace of Europe!"

Then he immediately changed the conversation and said: "But we are also well aware of the difficulty of fulfilling this mission. The rebellion against the party cannot be wiped out overnight. We must make long-term preparations. In military terms, it is a strategy. We despise the enemy, but tactically we must attach importance to the enemy and must not be careless! Otherwise, we will inevitably pay a heavy price!"

Maria Pavlovna looked at Li Xiao in surprise, because this nephew felt too weird for her. Although this meeting had overturned many of her existing views, Li Xiao’s changes still made He was taken aback.

She knew very well that Li Xiao was helping to make the rounds. It not only took care of his face, but did not make Karl Alexander uncomfortable. The proportions were really just right. Such a skilled method is really not like a 17 or 18 year old child. His son in his early thirties looks like a hairy boy...

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