Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 681: Karl Alexander

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In Li Xiao's mind, there were 10,000 slapsticks who wanted to vomit, because it was so obvious to the mother and son, as if they were bragging about showing off, that kind of pertinence was too obvious.

However, Li Xiao can only be regarded as invisible, so he can't get angry about this ass!

"It's an honor to meet your Grand Duke, my next is Count Peter Mikhailovich Romanov..."

Li Xiao actually wanted to vomit when he introduced himself. Could this heck Peter Mikhailovich Romanov's fake name be more fake? As soon as I heard this ghost name, I knew there was a problem, and I didn't know if Duke Alexander had his head caught by the door when he fabricated his identity.

What's wrong with this name? First look at the first half. There is no problem with the name Peter Mikhailovich alone. In Russia, there are no one hundred thousand or eighty thousand. It is a very common and common name.

But this name plus the surname Romanov has a big problem. Because Romanov is the national surname of Russia after all, everyone knows that he is a member of the royal family. Then, by the clues of the royal family, look forward to the name and father's title. As long as you are not too stupid and ignorant of Russian history, you will know that the name is fake.


Because the last person in the Romanov family who used the false name Peter Mikhailovich was too special and too famous, and that was Peter the Great. When he came to study in Western Europe under a false name, he was called Peter Mikhailovich.

Now that there is another Peter Mikhailovich with the surname Romanov, it is tantamount to telling people that this is a false name. Do you have such a pseudonym for secret work? That is not the same as telling people that the identity is fake!

Anyway, if it was Li Xiao, it would never have been so ridiculous, and he estimated that the reason why Duke Alexander wanted to give him such a fake name was probably a joke on him. After all, the story of Peter the Great is too famous. Compared with the ancestor of Peter the Great, the descendants of Li Xiao appear so embarrassed. After all, one is a giant and the other is a short winter melon.

Fortunately, the few people that Li Xiao will contact on this trip are actually aware of his identity, and this fake identity is more like a joke. Moreover, when introducing it to outsiders, even if they know that there is a problem with the name, they will not go into it deeply, just as Li Xiao's identity is particularly bad, and it will be revealed directly.

For example, when Liszt, Wagner, and Fanny next to hear someone’s name, they were first stunned, and then a little stunned, only when Li Xiao was a prince of the Romanov family. This was a private visit from Bailongyufu Weifu. With.

Carl Alexander also introduced Li Xiao to three friends with a smile: "The earl is my cousin. He is coming from Vienna to go to Berlin for business. Come and see my mother..."

Liszt, Wagner, and Fanny naturally nodded their heads for a while, and they knew that Li Xiao’s identity was a certain prince or grand prince. As for who it was, there was no need to go into it. Since Karl Alexander didn’t name them, they shouldn’t be careful. ask.

"Hello Earl, welcome to Weimar. Weimar has a unique style this season, I hope you like it!"

Li Xiao also smiled and said hello to these few people, and didn't make a fuss about their identities. As a traverser who is particularly familiar with history. He had long realized that he would meet some historical celebrities. Liszt and Wagner were well-known, and he would not be particularly excited.

After the host and the guest were seated separately, the servant delivered hot black tea and snacks. Generally speaking, it was nonsense time, which was used by the nobles to pass the time. It's just that today because of Li Xiao's intervention, the topic of chat is a bit high-end.

At the beginning, Karl Alexander was a little impatient: "Count, you just came from Vienna. You should have a better understanding of Hungary?"

In fact, Li Xiao is also a little puzzled, because generally speaking, noble chatting has a fixed routine. It usually starts with fake nonsense such as the weather, and then slowly goes deeper, without this, just ask directly. Such a serious topic. After all, this is not a special salon for political discussion. Is it appropriate to discuss political topics with a bunch of musicians and literary workers?

In fact, Maria Pavlovna is also a bit weird. Although she had hinted that her son would like to cope with Li Xiao, she can't go straight to the subject as soon as she comes up! What if this arouses the vigilance of the other party and the routine is not successful?

She felt that Carl Alexander was still too immature. She had not experienced this kind of skill-requiring work, and she still needed to exercise, and decided to increase Carl Alexander's ability in this area in the future.

Poor Carl Alexander did not expect to be caught up by his old mother as soon as he came up. There is only one reason why he went so straight to the subject. He had already noticed Fanny's expression just now. This girl always wanted to publish something. This is the expression when making shocking speeches.

But Fanny’s shocking remarks are really ridiculous. Of course, ridiculous is not a big problem. The biggest problem is that you can’t say in front of his old mother that tradition is worthy of respect for her. Like Ni blaspheming tradition, she must be furious.

Karl Alexander didn't want to be reprimanded by the old mother. After all, he was also thirty years old. He was really impatient with the old mother's lesson. In order to clean his ears, he could only rush to lead the topic. Up.

Li Xiao naturally didn't know the twists and turns in it. Although he was a little puzzled, he didn't take it seriously. There are not few impatients among the nobles. Maybe his cousin is impatient?

He replied naturally: "I still understand the situation in The situation there is not optimistic. Although the Austrian army has tried to regain Bratislava, it is regrettable that it was repelled by the rebels. Today most of Hungary is still controlled by the rebels."

Karl Alexander was surprised: "Are the rebels still so powerful? Didn't it mean that Duke Paskovic and Duke Mikhail have sent troops to help counter the rebellion?"

"Yes, the two dukes have led a heavy army group to help counter the rebellion, but the resistance of the rebels was very tenacious. When I left Vienna, the two dukes did not make much progress."

Now Carl Alexander was really surprised and lost his words: "The situation is still so bad? I thought the counterinsurgency was going well!"

After these words came out, Maria Pavlovna suddenly changed her face and quickly coughed twice to remind her son, because these words meant a bit of a blow...

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