Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 643: Acting full set (Part 2)

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Nicholas I was furious, and immediately asked the Duke of Aldorf to inquire about the situation.

"Duke, did the third spy in Austria find anything?"

The Duke of Aldorf looked at Nicholas I's face and found that the tsar had a blue face, and his two flushed eyes were full of murderousness. He couldn't help but mourn for the Poles in his heart.

Of course, he was not panicked, because he had expected that Nicholas I would follow up on this matter. He methodically replied: "Your Majesty, according to my understanding, Duke Alexander Gorchakov's frame was assassinated. He was shot and bombs were thrown. Although he suffered only minor injuries, it was entirely luck. As far as I know, if the assassin deflected his muzzle a little bit, the Duke’s head might not be able to keep it."

Nicholas I nodded, and he trusted the Duke of Aldorf. Since the Duke said the assassination was thrilling, the situation must be very dangerous. Of course, he would still send Count Rostovtsev to check the original report. You can't be too cautious about such important matters!

The Duke of Ordorf continued to report: "The assassin's actions were well-established and decisive. After a miss, he did not stop. After spreading a large number of leaflets, he fled the scene wildly. According to my understanding, after the incident, the Austrian police and gendarmerie I arrived at the scene ten minutes later..."

Nicholas I's face suddenly became very ugly, not only because of the assassin's well-trained, not only because of the assassin's decisiveness, but also because it once again proved the assassin's relationship with Poland. The most important thing is that he can't see Austria's respect!

Yes, for Nicholas I, who was desperate for face, the only thing he saw in this case was Austria’s incompetence and negligence. Duke Alexander was not an ordinary person, he was the Russian ambassador, and he was the one who represented Russia. His personal symbol.

After the assassination of such an important person, it took the Austrian ten minutes to get to the scene, ten minutes! This is enough for the assassin to run five miles away, what kind of attitude is this?

I don’t think much of the Duke of Alexander. No wonder there will be one after another. It must be that this gang of **** didn’t take his Russian diplomats seriously. Could this be the result if they had a little bit of trouble?


Nicholas I slapped the table heavily and stood up abruptly and exclaimed: "The Austrians are getting more and more wasteful! Even a bunch of Polish chores can do nothing! If such a thing happens in Russia, let alone ten minutes, Three minutes is not acceptable!"

Nicholas I became more and more angry as he talked, and began to walk around the study non-stop, while walking, ruthlessly annoyed Austria's incompetence.

"I shouldn't be surprised at all. Just look at the mess in their country and see how unreliable and incompetent these **** Austrians are! Including that Schwarzenberg, this **** is just as nice as it is actually. Nothing was done last!"

"Let him quell the rebellion is to procrastinate, let him hang the rebellion or procrastinate, and now it is even procrastinated to punish the Polish bandits. This is absolutely unacceptable!"

Scolding Nicholas I and patted the table heavily, and asked angrily: "Where is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Why didn't I see their reaction? What about Neschel Rodie? It was not Austria who was a bit troubled before. Is it positive? Why is it so silent today?"

The Duke of Ordorf replied "faithfully": "The Prime Minister seems to be taking a note of the Austrian ambassador and is talking to Mr. Ambassador."


Nicholas I snorted coldly, and said coldly: "I will see what the Prime Minister has said! But before that, I want to know, are the Poles very dishonest recently?"

The Duke of Ordorf immediately replied: "The situation in Poland has been somewhat unstable recently. Sporadic rebellions and riots have occurred in many areas, especially those Polish bandits who are in exile are rampant. There is no Duke Paskovic in the town. Warsaw, these craps are starting to move again!"

Nicholas I nodded. The most satisfying thing about Paskovic was that he was cruel enough to the Poles. If it weren't for Paskovic, this group of clutter might really cause a tsunami. The only thing he regrets is that there is only one Paskovic in the DPRK.

He muttered a little bit angrily: "The benefits of the old man can only be understood by us, and now there are people in Chaozhong who help those wiping cloths to speak. I really don't know what to say!"

The Duke of Ordorf did not say a word, because he knew who Nicholas I was spitting up, and it was not the Duke Vorontsov who he disliked the most. That was because the Duke had been spitting on Paskovic’s barbarism. And bloody, it is clear that in the eyes of Nicholas I, this is sympathy for the weak in Poland.

However, the most important issue now is not condemning the Duke Vorontsov and those who sympathize with Poland. The most important thing is how to deal with it in Austria.

"The Austrians are unreliable!" Nicholas I chanted again, rubbing his temples and said: "But these unreliable **** are still useful for the time being, Duke, you choose some reliable and brave enough people to send to Vienna to protect Alexander. The Duke and important officials of the embassy must never let the Poles succeed!"

After a while, he seemed to have thought of something, and continued to order: "Let your people strengthen governance in Poland and focus on fighting those who instigate riots. When necessary, catch a batch and kill a batch, and you must not be soft!"

"I will let the local garrison cooperate with your people to carry out operations, resolutely suppress the unhealthy trends in Poland, and must maintain Poland's stability!"

Dismissed the Duke of Aldorf, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Nicholas I's anger also disappeared a lot, but he still felt very upset, he just sat there quietly, waiting for the arrival of Neschel Rodie.

Nicholas I knew that Neschel Rodie would come, because he, the prime minister, would become particularly proactive about everything with Austria, and there was no need for him to use a whip behind him.

"Your Majesty, I have given a note to the Austrian ambassador and expressed my strong concern, asking them to ensure the personal safety of our diplomats, and instructing them to arrest the murderer as soon as possible!"

Nicholas I listened like that, looking like an old monk entering concentration, which made Nesher Rodie feel a little bit grotesque in his heart, wondering what the tsar's plan was in his heart. He can only bite the bullet and go down:

"In view of the current dangerous situation in Austria, I suggest strengthening the security work of the embassies and consulates in Austria, especially the security work of important officials!"

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