Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 642: A full set of acting (Part 1)

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Watching Duke Alexander leave his office arrogantly, Schwarzenberg's eyes were red, and the dragon roared when the office door was closed.

As the sound of document ink bottles and other utensils being overturned and shattered fell, Schwarzenberg panted and sat back on the chair.

He was furious, but he also knew that there was no point in venting to the office. As long as the murderers were still active, his pressure would increase.

He knew that he had to find a way to change his passive posture, and he had to catch the murderer, even one. As long as one was caught, as long as it was proved that the murderer was not a Polish wiping cloth, he knew that the situation would be completely reversed, and then it was his turn to trouble the Duke of Alexander.

Schwarzenberg believes that this day will not be too far away, because as long as the assassin continues to move, there will be a day when the horse will stumble. He must make arrangements for it. It’s time to keep an eye on the remaining doglegs of Neschel Rodie, believe. The target of the assassins must still be them!

Just as Schwarzenberg got up and prepared to make some elaborate arrangements and then wiped out the assassins, the office door was slammed open, and his secretary rushed in in panic.

"Your Excellency, something is bad!"

Schwarzenberg's heart throbbed, and a bad feeling arose: Did the assassins start their hands again, and once again grabbed the front? If the counselor or secretary died again, he would neither be able to explain to Russia nor to Neschelro!

"Damn it!" Schwarzenberg wanted to poke himself a few mouths. He shouldn't just vent his anger just now, he had already set up immediately, so he bounced off his chair and asked: "Are those assassins again? Who was killed this time?"

The secretary looked at him in horror. He didn't understand how his boss had foresight. He nodded in a daze and said, "Yes, they are doing it again!"

Schwarzenberg asked impatiently: "Who was killed? Hurry up! Which counselor or secretary was it?"

The secretary replied hurriedly: "It was Duke Alexander Gorchakov who was assassinated. On the way back, the murderer shot at his frame and threw a bomb. A large number of leaflets were scattered on the spot..."

Schwarzenberg was ashamed, because he couldn't imagine that it was Duke Alexander who was assassinated, because it didn't make sense! That Duke is behind the scenes, OK? How is this going?

But Schwarzenberg immediately became happy again, and it would be a good thing if Duke Alexander died. Without this difficult duke, Austria's interests would be greatly protected. Although confessing to Russia is not a small problem, but if you lower your stance and have Neschelrod helping to make peace, the problem should not be big!

Suddenly Schwarzenberg felt refreshed again, and he replied happily: "Is it? This news is so surprising. Your Excellency has suffered an accident. This is a huge loss. As his My friend, I feel extremely sad, we must act now..."

Schwarzenberg was talking about there, making his secretary really anxious to hear, but he didn't have the guts to interrupt his boss. He waited until the goods were all beeping, and then he reminded him quietly: " Your Excellency, Duke Alexander is still alive..."


Schwarzenberg was dumbfounded or disappointed, but immediately he seemed to think of something before he said: "Is the injury serious? Is it serious? No, the doctors outside are unreliable. You must ask the Duke the best doctor. We must let our best doctor treat him, and we must not let those quack doctors touch him!"

Obviously this guy was holding bad thoughts, probably because he hoped that Duke Alexander would die before the doctor he sent to take over. It's just that his secretary shattered his hopes once again: "The Duke was not hurt too badly, he was frightened..."

Schwarzenberg scolded his mother directly: "Then why didn't you say it earlier!"

The grievance of the little secretary, he wants to say, but you have to give him a chance to speak!

It’s just that Schwarzenberg didn’t even bother to take care of his secretary, because the grim reality was in front of him. The Russian ambassador was publicly assassinated. This was a remarkable event, especially after the continuous assassination of Russian diplomats. , This is simply adding fuel to the fire or even worse.

Anyway, Schwarzenberg knew that next he was going to be attacked by the slobber of the Duke Alexander again, and this time he couldn't but dared to talk back. Who made this Duke also a victim!

When he thought of this, Schwarzenberg had a splitting headache, and a heart throbbed without a rhythm, making him feel extremely depressed, and he almost slapped him without breathing.

The assassination of the Duke of Alexander was naturally also a good show performed by Li Xiao. The reason is very simple. It is a little coincidence that he killed Neschel Rodi's three doglegs one after another, even if he deliberately asked the Poles to go back.

Anyone with a little brain will suspect that there is a problem here, and that Duke Alexander has a problem. Of course, there is no evidence to help the Duke of Alexander, but for some people, it does not matter whether or not the evidence is needed. As long as he is unhappy and suspicious, the consequences will be very serious.

This man is Nicholas I, and he will definitely suspect that Duke Alexander has a problem. This is 100%. Who makes him suspicious at first! These cases benefited Duke Alexander from start to finish, and he would naturally think that Duke Alexander was doing a ghost in order to covertly realize the Duke’s political intentions.

This is similar to how old Adler Bergmin knew that he wanted Alexei to be the governor and he blindly pushed his own and even worse.

It is inevitable that the Duke of Alexander will be branded as unreliable and disobedient in the heart of Nicholas I. Such a person can be reused by Nicholas I!

To put it bluntly, it is not impossible to do this, but the consequences are a bit serious. Politically, it belongs to picking sesame seeds and losing watermelon. Naturally, based on the IQs of Li Xiao and the Duke of Alexander, I can't do such a stupid thing, right?

So I have to do some bitter tricks and remove the Duke of Alexander, which makes people think that these cases are really being exported by Polish re-nationalists. Not only achieved the goal of countering Neschel Rodie, but also could not lose the trust of Nicholas I.

Anyway, this trick is very useful, at least the news was sent back to St. Petersburg. When Nicholas I heard the news that Duke Alexander was also assassinated and injured, all his previous suspicions were dispelled, and he was replaced by a deep wiping cloth. Deeply hate!

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