1279. Chapter 1264 is posted

The contradiction between Golden Horde Eight Tribes Imperial Clan and Kunga Faction In fact, Su Xin had already investigated it in detail before he turned to Great Zhou.

At that time, Su Xin was prepared to use the Great Zhou counterattack Golden Horde. But now that Su Xin has fallen out with Great Zhou, this thing is naturally not used. I didn’t expect to use it this time. value.

Su Xin looked at Cheliger and said: “I can kill Erdo, but I am just too troublesome to find you.”

Of course, you can also choose Kunga Faction to sit on the mountain, but you must also bear the consequences of doing it all.

Once things get too big, I don’t mind using the power of the entire Northwest Road to force the attack on Golden Horde, directly turning a private grievance into a national war.

By the time Golden Horde bloody, Great Zhou would not be dropping stones down the well which I do not know, anyway, people have died Eight Tribes Imperial Clan among the people, there will your Kunga Faction believers.

Join me and you will get a complete Golden Horde. Otherwise, I will not know what it will look like. ”

Su Xin’s remarks are threats, but saying this with his strength is what makes Cheliger helpless.

After a long silence, Cheliger said: “After killing Erdo, you really don’t want to start with Golden Horde?”

Su Xin asked: “Is it good for me to take the Golden Horde take action? Even if I go to the Great Zhou take action, it is more reliable than the Golden Horde take action.

I don’t want to build a country. Golden Horde has always been a place for Barbarian Race. What if I have encroached on such a region?

And the production of Golden Horde is not too rich, and it is better than my Northwest Road. ”

Cheliger sighed: “I promised this thing, but I also hope that Sir Su can keep his promise.”

Su Xin sneered aloud: “Cheliger Guru, don’t make yourself seem to be coerced by me. In fact, even if I don’t take action this time, there will be a battle between you Kunga Faction and Eight Tribes Imperial Clan. It is the master of Golden Horde.”

Mountain can not be two tigers, now Kunga Faction and Eight Tribes Imperial Clan just rubbing it, but wait until Kunga Faction re-develop some of its strength with Eight Tribes Imperial Clan becomes about the same time, when the two sides will also estimate unrolling a map to see a Dagger.

Cheliger’s complexion changed: “These don’t say it first, since I join hands, I will naturally help Sir Su.”

In fact, you guessed well before, Erdo wants to stop you, naturally you need to use part of the strength of Golden Horde.

However, Golden Horde’s high-level combat is limited, and there is no Third True Martial, so I guess Erdo will use the power of Shamanism to deal with you. ”

Shamanism Su Xin heard that he asked: “Is there anyone in Shamanism now?”

“Under my Kunga Faction’s suppression, there are fewer than a thousand people, but one of them is the old Shaft of Shamanism. The strength is not weak. I can’t move him under the protection of Eight Tribes Imperial Clan. ”

Su Xin picked up an eyebrow: “What means will Shamanism use? Sacrification?”

Cheliger shook his head and said: “Accurately speaking, it should be a living sacrifice, and a living person as a flesh and blood sacrifice, dedicated to those evil spirits in the void.

But these evil spirits have no form, some are a force, they need to be possessed, and the possessed objects will also be backlash of this Divine Strength, which is not much better than the object of the live sacrifice.

It can be said that compared with Zoroastrianism’s satisfaction secret method, the number of people required for this method of living sacrifice is much less, but it is cruel and incomparable. It is not acceptable for Heavenly Dao. It is also a deserved fall in such a field.

And inside the Eight Tribes Imperial Clan, there are many people who are dissatisfied with Shamanism’s bloody and cruel way to live, but Shamanism has been studying Pinnacle for so many years. It is also known as Golden Horde. One of the cards.

I have taught it, and its power is not good to say. Anyway, even if it hurts you, it is enough to disgust you. ”

Su Xin just smothered four words after listening: “The side door Unorthodox Dao.”

In the eyes of genuine’s Martial Artist, these so-called secret techniques, while seemingly irretristrable and strange, are simply vulnerable.

Otherwise, it is not Martial Dao that Genius is circulating on Jianghu, but these things are disorderly mess.

In the past, during the ancient times, these Barbarian Races have mastered the secret technique of this kind of side door Unorthodox Dao. What is the result? It is not easily suppressed by Human Sovereign.

Even now, these so-called powerful secret techniques can only play some role at some point.

The practical and simplest idea is to know that if Shamanism’s live sacrifice method is really so powerful, why didn’t they use it when attacking Great Zhou? It can only be said that it is too expensive and has too many restrictions. Even if it is used, it is not cost-effective.

Of course, for Cheliger’s reminder, Su Xin also wrote down. The Lions also used the full force. He could disdain the Golden Horde’s means, but he would not despise them.

“Guru, I am going to start working on the Golden Horde now. As for you, it is okay to act on the plane. I know that you will make the choices you should make.”

After saying these words, Su Xin turned and left, and Cheliger behind him sighed.

If Su Xin does not have this strength now, Cheliger will never agree with him. After all, the current Kunga Faction is strong, but it is not strong enough to resist the Eight Tribes Imperial Clan.

But now Su Xin is already coming to the door, either killing only one Erdo, or stirring the entire Golden Horde, and Cheliger can only make one that best suits himself and best meets Golden Horde Benefit.

At the time of Golden Horde’s High Capital, Su Xin looked at the not too big corner of the city and couldn’t help but reveal a slight expression.

This Golden Horde is really interesting. If you don’t learn, you can learn Great Zhou to make a Capital. If you don’t look at it, it is exactly the same as the city of Central Plains.

Of course, in Su Xin’s view, Golden Horde is doing this purely.

Compared to Central Plains Martial World, the only advantage of Golden Horde’s barbarians is that they are born with great courage. The Martial Artist who grew up in Prairie’s land is much more fierce than the Central Plains.

As a result, Golden Horde is now making a city, and everything is going to learn from Great Zhou. There are countless fireworks in the city, casinos and countless wine cellars, and the human heart is eroded by many young generations of Golden Horde Martial Artist. The temperament is gone.

Of course, all that is done is the Martial Artist of the Eight Tribes Imperial Clan background. The ordinary Golden Horde herders don’t even have enough food, let alone the broth, so the most powerful decline in recent years is This Eight Tribes Imperial Clan is gone.

These things are not managed by Su Xin. He came here just for revenge.

As the capital of Golden Horde, High Capital is naturally also a defense.

After Su Xin appeared in High Capital, someone found it and immediately notified Erdo.

But before Erdo received the news, Su Xin was already in front of the gate of High Capital. In the hands of Only My Dao’ Sword, the violent sword qi rushed, and within a hundred miles. See Su Xin’s powerful sword qi slipping.

The Golden Horde soldiers who guarded the city gates were only the strongest of the Xiantian realm. They suddenly screamed when they saw this scene, but they didn’t wait for them to react, they heard a loud noise, Formations Dao shines. Rising up, but not yet played a role, it was completely shattered by this sword, and then the city gate is the same, directly bombed by Su Xin’s sword, even with a section of a few dozen walls is completely collapsed.

“Erdo, if you come out and die, I can’t kill it, otherwise people who are full of High Capital will be buried with you!”

Su Xin’s voice is very light, but his words are directly echoed throughout the High Capital, so that everyone’s complexion can not help but change color.

True Martial Realm’s Life and Death ruining a city seems to be a normal thing, especially since this happened in their Golden Horde!

The former Hero Union Union Lord ‘Do Not Neglect The World ‘Mo Shenghui went to the Golden Horde alone when Central Plains King Dynasty and Martial World were weak, and went with the Nation Teacher Sagaer of Golden Horde at the time, and even took the Golden Horde. The tens of thousands of cavalry archers are buried.

The War of the War only knew that Mo Shenghui had killed the Sagaer, who was far stronger than him. He also ruined the tens of thousands of elite cavalry archers that Golden Horde had spent over a hundred years, but he did not know the other Goldens that were decayed in the hands of Mo Shenghui. Horde’s soldiers and Martial Artist are also tens of thousands of people, who were killed by the aftereffects of True Martial Realm who were caught off guard, and also caused Golden Horde’s human heart to hurt.

If I knew this, if they gave the tens of thousands of cavalry archers to the live sacrifice, they might be able to block Mo Shenghui. Of course, if they did, the interior of Golden Horde would soon fall apart, because Golden Horde’s cavalry archer is among them. Some of them are the elite of the Eight Tribes Imperial Clan background.

In the past, Mo Shenghui was able to do this step. Now Su Xin’s strength is stronger than the original Mo Shenghui. He said that he wants to kill the city. No one doubts that Su Xin is joking!

Erdo’s gloomy face fell from the air, and his look was cold and cold: “Su Xin, a Chen Xuanzong is not enough, you still want to kill me?

Chen Xuanzong is a lonely man. He died when he died, but I am Supreme Khan of Golden Horde. Do you think that you can execute me on the site of my Golden Horde?

Moreover, even if you kill me, this hatred Golden Horde will not forget!

From then on, you will never have a North Road, I want my Golden Horde to have another person, and I will swear you Su Xin! Killed you Northwest Road! ”

Su Xin shook her head in a blank expression: “What do you say so fiercely? Are you ready to play any tricks that will win? Pitiful!

Moreover, even if you Golden Horde really has the courage to do this, it is very simple, I just want to kill everyone of your Golden Horde, is this not solved? ”

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