1278. Chapter 1263

Erdo finally agreed to Gisinto’s words, using the shaman secret technique blood sacrifice resent qi, using human life to block Su Xin.

He is Golden Horde’s Supreme Khan, but he is more representative of the Eight Tribes Imperial Clan’s Benefit. If he is to sacrifice the Eight Tribes Imperial Clan, he may have to think about it, but only sacrifice some of the Eight Tribes Imperial Clan. In the words of the untouchables, the resistance will be much smaller.

Just when Erdo was preparing to defend against Su Xin, he did not know that Su Xin had arrived in the territory of Golden Horde.

Of course, Su Xin is not in the center of the Third Tribes Imperial Clan, but it is the center of the Golden Horde. Even if Golden Horde is not good at Formations Dao, it is full of various formation methods. Su Xin is even It is easy to find out that the aura is hidden.

Su Xin came just to a place on the edge of the Golden Horde, formerly known as the North Sea Pasture, which is a fertile land of grassland, so it was used by the people of Golden Horde to graze.

Of course, this grazing person will not be the person of the Eight Tribes Imperial Clan, just some ordinary herders, and even a large number of slaves who were captured by Golden Horde because of defeat.

After Kunga Faction came to Golden Horde, then Shamanism had already rejected Kunga Faction, so the Kunga Faction station would naturally not be in the central area of ​​Golden Horde, they were directly rushed to this North Sea Pasture, with some The slaves are the people.

Of course, the people of Shamanism finally understood what stupid things they did at the beginning.

Kunga Faction doesn’t care whether the people here are Imperial Clan or civilians. They only care if someone will limit their mission and action.

So Kunga Faction began to develop in the wilderness of Shamanism, and the time of severe tens of years has already begun to show up. Now it is even more direct to Shamanism, if there is no Eight Tribes Imperial Clan The shelter will even die out.

Next to a small lake in the North Sea Pasture, a slightly plain Lama Temple is located next to it.

This is the temple of Kunga Faction, which is very simple and very low-key.

In front of the Lama Temple, countless Monk sat in a respectful manner, listening to Cheliger preaching in the Bible.

Some of these Monk are wearing robes, but some even wear only some worn sheepskin plaques. Outer Circle has countless Kunga Faction believers, sitting respectfully and listening to Cheliger’s sermons.

Because Cheliger is only about the meaning of their Kunga Faction, not Martial Dao, even ordinary people can come and listen.

In Shamanism, these ordinary people are just untouchables, just slaves, but in Kunga Faction they are precious believers.

It doesn’t matter if a believer does not have Martial Dao talent, but when his inheriting children are born, his inheriting children have Martial Dao talent, then he was destined to be a believer of Kunga Faction from birth, which is also the persistence of Kunga Faction. Several tens of years After hundreds of years, the strength of their Kunga Faction began to grow quietly.

Although Kunga Faction Guru Cheliger looks like a young little shaman, he is a Martial Artist with Li Boyang and others.

At the time of the sermon, Cheliger’s eyes exude a chilly death intent, while the other side is endless Samsara and vicissitudes. The combination of these two types of power is after people feel the fear of Death. Can get another mysterious feeling of relief.

After an hour, Cheliger’s preaching was completed. He stood up and rushed to the 11 ceremony and turned back to the temple. The rest of the Kunga Faction believers also respectfully bowed to Cheliger, representing their respect.

Kunga Faction doesn’t have Abbot, and some are just Guru.

Any Martial Artist promoted to Transforming Divine Realm can be called Guru. These Guru will establish a small temple evangelism around Golden Horde, bringing the teachings of Kunga Faction to any corner of Golden Horde.

As the most powerful Guru, Cheliger naturally wants to sit on the headquarters of their Kunga Faction.

At the moment he just returned to his Zen room, Cheliger’s brows suddenly wrinkled. He whispered: “Come out, it’s the existence of True Martial Realm. Is it interesting to hide?”

Su Xin’s figure appeared in the Zen Room, and Cheliger’s complexion suddenly showed a hint of surprise.

Su Xin knows the grievances of their Golden Horde Cheliger, but the problem is that it is just the grievance between Su Xin and Golden Horde, not the grievances of his Cheliger.

In Erdo’s mind, his own Benefit and Eight Tribes Imperial Clan’s Benefit is in the First position, and in Cheliger’s mind, Kunga Faction is the First.

So there isn’t much hostility in Su Xin Cheliger, but now Su Xin is here to make Cheliger feel very surprised.

This time White Emperor City has not gone, but the contradiction between Su Xin and Erdo is very clear.

Looking at Su Xin, Cheliger said faintly: “Sir Su, you want to take revenge and go to Erdo. What do you mean by coming to me Kunga Faction?”

Su Xin looked at Cheliger and said: “If I am going to kill Erdo now, will Cheliger Guru take action to help him?”

As soon as this statement came out, Cheliger suddenly had some words.

In all fairness, Cheliger didn’t want to help, even Erdo didn’t speak, and he pretended not to know about it.

When I first killed Su Xin, it was Erdo’s own decision. The result is now causing trouble, but I want to let you wipe my ass. This kind of thing is not Cheliger. It is not willing to switch to other people.

But now in the face of Su Xin, an outsider, Cheliger certainly won’t say that, he just coughed a voice: “Sir Su, what do you mean?”

Su Xin said faintly: “It’s very simple, I just want to tell Guru you, I want to kill Erdo, he can’t stop it, even if you help him, you can’t stop the two together.”

Cheliger’s face showed a sigh of anger: “Is Sir Su coming to show me Martial Force this time? I admit that Sir Su is really strong, but I don’t know that you can insult Cheliner.” !”

Su Xin shook her head: “Guru misunderstood what I meant. I just wanted Guru to recognize a reality, and then we can achieve a win-win cooperation.”

Cheliger smiled and said: “You are going to kill Supreme Khan of Golden Horde now, but I came to work with me again, Sir Su, are you here to play with me?”

Su Xin said: “I want to kill Erdo and it is not in conflict with you, and the thing I want to work with you is to let you kill Erdo for me!”

After hearing this, Cheliger’s eyes suddenly showed a horror, and whispered: “Su Xin! Are you crazy?”

This kind of thing is not only crazy for Cheliger, but also crazy for others.

In the face of Golden Horde’s True Martial to kill another True Martial, he still wants that person to help, isn’t that crazy?

“Guru doesn’t need stranged up, you only admit it, even if you join hands with Erdo, you can’t stop me.” Su Xin seems to be very calm, as if he is saying something that is not his own.

Cheliger snorted: “That’s the case, but do you think I will help you do something that harms Golden Horde?”

Su Xin shook his head and said: “It seems that Guru still didn’t understand me. I said a win-win situation. Killing Erdo will definitely harm Golden Horde’s Benefit, but for Cheliger Guru, and Kunga behind you. Faction has many benefits.”

Cheliger’s complexion changed slightly: “What do you mean by this?”

Su Xin sighed a bit: “Do you want me to say that straightforward?”

The relationship between Kunga Faction and Golden Horde has been around for a long time. This is not a rare thing.

Moreover, this time White Emperor City Why are you Golden Horde only coming to Erdo? The Divine Martial Decree in Golden Horde is definitely more than one. As a result, he didn’t give you a Guru. Isn’t this obvious enough to explain a lot of things?

Although Erdo is dead, Golden Horde’s Benefit will be damaged, and it is easy to attract Great Zhou’s attack and revenge.

But the consequences of all this are within the tolerance, because it means that the Kunga Faction first time is above the Eight Tribes Imperial Clan.

As long as Erdo dies, and since then on this Prairie, that is your Kunga Faction named as Venerate, the power of Kunga Faction will be completely above the imperial power, and even the future Golden Horde will choose the new Supreme Khan to have your Kunga Faction belt. You can admit it. ”

Su Xin’s words are indeed very tempting, even though they have already thoroughly studied their Kunga Faction, and Cheliger is really very excited, and it is true.

As long as Erdo is dead, then his Kunga Faction can be used in the Golden Horde named as Venerate to completely remove those remnants of Shamanism and control the imperial power.

But Cheliger has not been completely confused by Su Xin’s words. He just asked: “You only said that it is a win-win situation, but now I listen to you, the benefits are all from my Kunga Faction. What can you get?

Moreover, since you are confident that you can execute Erdo, do you still have to pull me up? Is it not good for my Kunga Faction to sit on the sidelines? ”

Su Xin said faintly: “The things I can get are very simple, that is, I can save a lot of effort, and when you come out with Kunga Faction, you can also stabilize the Martial Artists of Golden Horde.

Golden Horde In addition to you and Erdo, the other Martial Artists are not in the eye, but Golden Horde is a country after all, God knows what make trouble out of nothing.

A Xiantian Martial Artist is desperate for me to be a moth, 1000, 10,000, and even 100,000, million people? As long as the quantity is sufficient, the quantity can cause a qualitative change under certain conditions. ”

Su Xin didn’t know that Erdo was already waiting for him with Shamanism’s secret technique, but he could guess even by guessing that Erdo wouldn’t be awkward.

Just as Great Jin did not destroy Zoroastrianism during the peak period, Zoroastrianism is very terrifying if sacrificing all the Sects of all Martial Artists.

So in order to prevent Erdo from using the same method, Su Xin came to find Cheliger to join forces.

The most important thing is Cheliger’s identity. He is the Nation Teacher of Golden Horde. After Erdo’s death, he can control the whole situation and avoid a revenge to develop into a national war between Northwest Road and Golden Horde.

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