“Dongxuan Tiangong…the opportunity to sanctify…”

Su Bai’s eyes are strange and look to the emperor.

Speaking of it, Su Bai knows very little about the East Xuan domain war. In his impression, this Dong Xuan domain warfare is the biggest event in Dong Xuan, and all forces are highly valued, even the Last Sword Territory is no exception. He still remembers that Chu Ge told him that when Sword Territory was established, Xi Tuo Lu Ke Dian and Qiu Dao Wu Zong were preparing for the East Xuan domain war, and there was no time to take care of it. Obviously, Xi Tuo Lu Ke Dian and Qiu Dao Wu Zong will also send people to participate. This East Xuan domain war.

However, when mentioning the East Xuan domain war, Su Bai suddenly thought of a very serious problem. When he was in the restricted area of ​​the gods, he heard that Peng Peng had said the rules of the East Xuan domain war. The bone age of the contestants must not exceed 40 years old. And the cultivation base can only be confined to King Dao, and now his bone age is in line, but the cultivation base has already exceeded King Dao.

“Senior, according to the rules of the East Xuan domain warfare, I am afraid I can’t participate in my current cultivation base!” Su Bai asked softly.

“Why can’t you participate? The East Xuan domain war only has requirements for the skeletal age of the contestants, but there is no requirement for the cultivation base. Where do you hear the rules?” The emperor admits that he does not remember the Dong Xuan domain war. the rule of.

“…” Su Bai sees the strange look of Hong Ling and others, and knows that he was calculated by the old things of Kunpeng. He should have thought that the original Peng Peng had placed a curse on him and the purpose was to occupy His body, as he said the rules of the East Xuan domain war, I want to come to Su Bai a little confidence, after all, Su Bai’s then cultivation base, once participated in the wild selection, it must be a narrow escape, then have to often Use the Peng Peng curse.

“damn it…the old thing is really insidious.” Su Bai cursed all of a sudden. He had decided that once he stepped into the Emperor Dao, the first thing was to go back to the ruin and directly destroy the Peng Peng.

“Zhuzu, you also know my situation. I used to be a loose repair. The cognition of the East Xuan domain warfare is also limited to the next population. I know that I know very little about this East Xuan domain war. Can you give me a detailed introduction.” Su Bai lightly said with a smile, he saw it, the former Emperor had a great understanding of the East Xuan domain war, after all, the latter is the Emperor Dao cultivation.

“Yes, but this is not the place to talk about things. Come with me… Hong Ling, you will come over together too.” Shepherd is a bit shameful. He thinks that after going back this time, it is necessary for Shi Yi to teach Su Bai something, otherwise, If you don’t know anything about Dong Xuan’s secrets, you may have to suffer big losses in the future.

“Nuo…” Hong Ling and others whispered, because the insiders of the Taoist sects were discussing things, they were not good enough to participate, they were not present, but now that the emperor said it, they went back to the temple with the emperor. Yu.

Under the leadership of the Emperor, the entire group returned.

In the magnificent temple, Su Bai entire group has been seated, and the first emperor was only started. “In the ancient times, there was a force called Dongxuan Tiangong, but it was still better than the current East and West Palaces and the Longevity Hall. To be terrifying, the strong period was to control the Dong Xuan fifteen domain, but later did not know what the reasons were over, but the inheritance of Dong Xuan Tiangong was left behind…”

Su Bai’s look changed slightly and dominated the fifteenth domain. I can imagine how terrifying of the East Xuan Tiangong’s Strength is, but he did not expect it, then the terrifying power will actually be destroyed. I have never heard of it. This is not the same as the original sword.

“Dongxuan Xiaotiandi…that was the world that was created by the sage of the former Xuan Tian Temple. The cultivation of Dong Xuantian Temple was in the middle of the small mysterious land. Although the Dong Xuantian Temple was destroyed, its inheritance was It is left in the Dongxuan small world. In addition, there are countless cultivation resources and countless treasures.” The emperor sighed, when Dong Xuan’s small world was born, it caused countless turmoil, almost the whole Dong Xuan’s cultivation is crazy, knowing that if you can enter the Dong Xuan Xiaotiandi, it is a thrilling creation.

Su Bai couldn’t help but grin. “After so many years, the cultivation resources and treasures in Dongxuan Xiaotiandi are probably being evacuated.”

“I can’t move, Dong Xuan Xiaotiandi has been in a closed state since the destruction of the East Xuantian Palace. It is only once every 100 years, and not everyone can enter Dongxuan Xiaotiandi. It has a very good bone age. The most demanding requirements, and the most important thing is that the conditions for opening the Dongxuan Xiaotiandi are extremely demanding, and the Destiny trend of the fifteenth domain is needed!” The emperor shook his head slightly, if those inheriting cultivation resources and the treasure are so easy to be evacuated. Now, there will be no so-called East Xuan domain war.

Hear this, Su Bai’s spirit can’t help but “Destiny’s trend?”

This is the second time he has heard someone mention Destiny.

“Well, the trend of Destiny, the mountains and rivers have a number of gas, all the spirits have a number of gas, the gathering is Destiny, the East Xuan 15 domain, each has its own Destiny trend, in which the power of the domain is to own this domain. Destiny, such as the ancient dynasty emperor, it dominates the wilderness, and Destiny, the whole wasteland, gathers in the hands of the ancient dynasty…” The priest nodded slightly, and he was not considered to be Destiny. To know more, it is only limited to the surface. After all, it is only after the extraordinary sanctification that it can really touch and even use it.

On the side, Hong Ling smiled and said: “Dongxuan Tiangong once ruled the fifteenth domain. That small heaven and earth is the sage of the Dongxuan Tiangong. It was opened by the Destiny blessing of the Dongxuan fifteenth domain. After the destruction of the Dongxuan Tiangong, it is necessary to open the Dongxuan small world. The only way to do this is to gather Destiny in the Dong Xuan fifteenth domain. Therefore, the East Xuan domain war was born.”

“Yes.” Shepherd nodded slightly and slowly said: “After all, only the Dongxuan small world can be opened to compete for the inheritance cultivation resources and treasures. Therefore, the forces of each domain negotiated and cooperated to open Dongxuan Xiaotiandi. Limiting the number of places where various forces enter Dongxuan Xiaotiandi, so that all forces are at an equal level. As for how many inheritance and cultivation resources can be obtained in Dongxuan Xiaotiandi, it is necessary to look at their respective generations… Gradually evolved into the current East Xuan domain war.”

Hear this, Su Bai’s face can not help but reveal the color, it is no wonder that the strength of Last Sword Territory is actually eligible to participate in the East Xuan domain war, but also has a place, it is this reason.

“What is the sanctification machine?” Su Bai asked again what the pastor had said.

“The machine of sanctification…” There is a little fanaticism in the eyes of the pastor, but that makes him feel the heart of his heart, “the holy fruit…”

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