Countless eyes fell on Su Bai, waiting for Su Bai’s response.

Among these gaze, the eyes of Hong Ling and others all revealed a little nervousness. They were really afraid that Su Bai would agree to Zhuang Yu’s invitation, and even Yu Wenfan on the side would look at Su Bai and let him not want it. The meeting will be the invitation of Zhuang Yu.

Zhuang Yu turned and walked out a few steps, seeing Su Bai did not respond, his face could not help but pick up a disdainful smile: “hehe … originally thought that the nobles had a great figure, now it seems like this, shepherd Senior, in Here, Junior advises you, don’t let this little brother participate in the East Xuan domain battle, but there will be life.”

When Zhuang Yu’s words came out, he suddenly gave a laugh at the other cultivators of the Longevity Hall.

“This will not bother you.” Shepherd indifferently said.

“As far as I know, there are many younger generations who will participate in the East Xuan domain battle this time.” Zhuang Yu faintly smiled, he sighed helplessly. “There is such a temperament in a young age… not simple.”

Originally in Zhuang Yu’s view, Su Bai is the first person in the young generation of the Taoist sect. As in today’s imperial city, he is regarded as the first person in the young generation of the wilderness. Such a person must be proud, and he is in public. How can he react when he invites the war, but what disappoints him is that the latter’s expression is as calm as ever, as if his previous words were all air.

The hearing this, the emperor’s brow can not help but wrinkle, the Changsheng Temple as the hegemon of Dong Xuan, naturally will not miss the East Xuan domain war, every year indeed many younger generations participate in the East Xuan domain war, if there are people of Xiahou family to participate in Dong Xuan If you fight in the domain, you will definitely be able to shoot Su Bai, which really has to be prevented.

Liu Heavenly Dao smiled and looked at the emperor, and then saw Su Bai and others behind the emperor, and exclaimed: “Mother, you are a generation that is not as bloody as a generation, if you change it to be my discisle. This battle post will definitely be taken.”

Shepherd looked at the smiley Liu Heavenly Dao, and it was a smile: “hehe… I don’t know if Brother Liu is coming today, is he also going to ask for the bodies of the disciples? After all, those younger generations are fighting for the Zong, now they are dead. Now, you have to bring it back and bury it so that you don’t have to throw it away.”

Hear this, Liu Heavenly Dao is a moment of silence, the smile on his face is solidified, and this pastoral is not dead, which pot is not open.

Aside, Su Bai is also a smile, said: “Zhu Zu, Zhao Kuo, the bodies of those people, I have not brought back… If nothing unexpected, it should have become the food of the demon.”

The original face was a bit stiff, and Heavenly Dao heard this sentence, his face was straightforward, but he couldn’t wait to shoot Su Bai in front of his eyes. It’s that this fateful little fellow not only made the Daomen team completely annihilated, but also took him. The old days of so many years have been hollowed out.

But at this time, he can’t shoot again. After all, it is the city of Heavenly Emperor, and the rules are there. Even if he is an Emperor Dao cultivation, he dare not pass, and there is also a glare like a tiger watching his prey. He shot, and then he must stop.

“Brother Liu, you also heard it… This also blames me, forgot to tell them to leave everything in line, how to give the valuables to the whole body. After all, it is the mainstay of your future.” It was just that I saw a little glory in the eyes of the Emperor.

Liu Heavenly Dao’s face turned black in a moment, looking at the smug look of the shepherd, even if his city was to explode, he has never been so grievous for so many years.

“Let’s go!” Liu Heavenly Dao said coldy, he doesn’t want to stay here for a moment.

Shepherd sees Heavenly Dao and turns away directly. He can’t help but laugh. Hehe said: “Brother Liu walks slowly, remember to lose the bones lost to me.”

Seeing Liu Heavenly Dao and others leaving, Zhuang Yu’s face is also slightly sinking. Although he has called many cultivators of the Changsheng Temple together today, they are all Sovereign Dao cultivation people. Now Liu’s Heavenly Dao is gone, even if He wants to continue to pick things up, and he has no confidence. He turned and Zhuang Yu looked at Su Bai in the distance. He could only helplessly sigh. “Unfortunately, I still want to solve for Xiahou Junior Sister. Now it seems that only Give them the Xiahou family themselves.”

“Go!” Zhuang Yu said to the side of the Changsheng Temple cultivation.

Seeing the departure of Zhuang Yu, Ning deficiency, etc., Hong Ling was relieved, she just really worried that Su Bai promised Zhuang Yu’s invitation, but she thought of Zhuang Yu’s previous Dong Xuan domain war, she sighed helplessly. Toss, “Oh… I almost forgot. After some time, you have to represent the Taiyuan domain to participate in the East Xuan domain war. This is a big trouble. This time, there are many people in the Changsheng Temple. Participate in the war, including some of the descendants of the Xiahou family…”

“Little girl, do you know which younger generations of Xiahou family want to participate? How about their Strength?” The side of the pastor is very heavy. He is also very familiar with the East Xuan domain war. The location of the East Xuan domain war is a separate one. Xiaotiandi, where only the younger generation can enter, that is to say, once Su Bai participates in the East Xuan domain battle, they can not protect Su Bai.

“Which specific people I still don’t know, after all, the situation of the East Xuan domain war, Senior you should also know … how many sect genius and family outstanding talent, willing to be sealed for dozens of years, is for this time the opening of Dong Xuan.” Slim eyebrows slightly knitted, she was born out of the ordinary, and some understanding of the hidden secrets of the East Xuan domain war, plus some time ago, she also heard some elders of the Changsheng Temple mentioned the situation of the East Xuan domain war.

Hearing this, the emperor’s eyes are slightly congested. For the East Xuan domain war, he naturally knows very well. He also knows why the forces of various domains have broken their heads and must participate in the East Xuan domain war. Even the two major ones in Dong Xuan Overlord, Dong Xuan Xue Palace and Changsheng Temple are no exception, because in that small world, there is a chance of sanctification.

“Dongxuan Tiangong…the machine of sanctification…” The emperor said in his heart, he was only guessing that after all, the tension of their sects could not be touched by the East Xuantian Palace, so he was not enthusiastic about the battle of Dong Xuan, now After such a reminder by Hongling, he even more affirmed his previous guess.

Thinking of this, the Emperor looked at Su Bai on the side, but he had a said with a smile: “Small fellow, if you can, this time, you will not participate.”

“Zhuzu is worried about the Xiahou family’s people shooting on me?” Su Bai whispered, compared with this, in fact, he is more concerned about this Dong Xuan domain war, why can the top forces of Dong Xuan pay so much attention to it, For example, the wilderness in front of the eyes, the demon palace, the gods and the gates, do not hesitate to use the bronze eternal life of the soul of the ancient world to seal the younger generation, the figure is not for this East Xuan domain war.

“Well… this Dong Xuan domain war… It’s too dangerous… but unfortunately, or with your current Strength, it’s enough to shine in the East Xuan domain battle…” The shepherd nodded slightly, he was actually worried not only the Xiahou family. There are other forces, because he is very clear, once Dong Xuantian Temple is really at this time, then the contestants sent by various forces are destined to be the arrogance of an era. After all, Dong Xuan has a bronze eternal life. There are not a few in the soul of the town.

“Zhuzu, what is the difference between the East and the Xuan domain battles in the past?” Yu Wenfan asked, and this was the biggest doubt in his heart.

“Dongxuan Tiangong…the machine of sanctification…” The emperor whispered softly.

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