The sound of the hustle and bustle swept through the heavens and the earth like a cold wind, and swept away to Yu Wenfan and others.

Yu Wenfan and others are all changed, and some are embarrassed. Anyone can hear the contempt and disdain in Zhuang Yu’s discourse. Although the heart is full of anger, but Yu Wenfan’s face still has a gentle smile. a smile : “The visitor is a guest, there is no distinction between the nobles, the Changsheng Temple is one of the holy places in my Dong Xuan, how can I dare to despise, and you are the genius outstanding talent in Dong Xuan, I Dojos do not dare to despise…”

“A good sentence can’t be underestimated.” Zhuang Yu lightly smiled, as if he was very satisfied with Yu Wenfan’s explanation, but at the moment when his voice just landed, Zhuang Yu took a step forward and suddenly became a majestic man. The Yuan singularly emerged from his with the body, accompanied by the sly Heaven Qi, his original glorious body is filled with the golden light, and the latter terrifying power emerges from the world around him. Xiang Yuwen Fan and others.

This is the trend of Sovereign Dao!

The power is like a mountain torrent, and Wang Yang is like a sky.

Yu Wenfan and other people’s scalp are numb. They only feel that the whole sky has collapsed. A vast expanse of pressure has fallen on them. Their bodies are like a heavy blow, even if they bite their teeth. But their bodies can’t stand the impact of this Sovereign Dao, and they gradually bend down.

“scoundrel … this brat is forcing me to wait for the ugly.” Yu Wenfan and other people’s faces rose red, they now represent the Taoist sect, once they can not withstand the impact of this Sovereign Dao, they rushed The face of the sect can be lost.

“brat is just right!” At this moment, a majestic voice sounded like a natural sound.

“Call…” Yu Wenfan only felt that the power coming from the front was gone at this moment. Their bodies immediately stood tall and straight, and their eyes looked straight behind them, seeing the arrival, whether it was Yu Wenfan or The other road squad elder had a look of embarrassment on his face.

“I finally come back.” Zhuang Yu corner of the mouth smashed a curve, he pressed the people, forcing the emperor to appear, but he did not expect that things are smoother than he imagined, his eyes are also As far as Yuyu Wenfan and others looked behind, I saw there, the entire group was coming, and the front was the shepherd. His eyes did not stop too much in the animal husbandry. A white clothed youngster behind the emperor.

Su Bai wins snow, Su Bai holds a small teapot in his hand, and calmly looks at the two groups of people in the distance. When Zhuang Yu’s eyes are coming, Su Bai looks at Zhuang Yu casually, after a short period of understanding. He also understands the identity of this person, and he knows that these people are coming to him today, but he does not care about these people. After all, this is the stronghold of the Taoist sect, and there is Emperor Dao sitting in the town, even if These people are no longer arrogant, nor dare to face themselves in the face of the emperor.

“It’s very strong!” This is Su Bai’s first impression of Zhuang Yu. In his induction, Zhuang Yu’s cultivation base is far more fluctuating than the original Li Changsheng, but compared to this person, Su Bai is jealous. It was the man named Ning, who stood there. Although there was no cultivation base aura, it gave people opression far better than Zhuang Yu.

What surprised Su Bai was that he would rather look at the killing intent in his eyes than Zhuang Yu.

Is this person and Xia Houxuan also have some relationship?

“Zhuzu!” Seeing the emperor came, Yu Wenfan and others were relaxed and relaxed. They knew that since the emperor had already appeared, then the next thing would not have to worry about them.

The priest did not say a word, and did not go to the front, but every time he took it, the whole world was shaking, and later, a path of sound like a sound in this piece. Between the heavens and the earth, a majestic power has fallen from Nine Heavens and shocked the human heart.



Not far away, following the entire group of the longevity hall that Zhuang Yu came, the faces were all changed. These people are the cultivation base of Sovereign Dao. There are some Sovereign Dao environments, but they are in the emperor. Hem coughing in the footsteps, and receding.

Only Zhuang Yu and Ning Xiaozhan stood still, but if they looked carefully, Zhuang Yu’s forehead had sweat, and the whole body was shaking gently. In contrast, Ning’s lack of looks was easier. It’s just a little white.

Standing on the side of Qin unbeaten, see Su Bai coming, could not help but sigh, said: “Xia Houxuan’s death has just spread, these people are looking for the door, Simon, you are in trouble in the future.”

Hong Lingmei is very taboo to look at the lack of distance in the distance, immediately reminded Su Bai that slowly came: “Little fellow, you have to be careful about that person, he is rather lacking, is the number one pursuer of the fairy In the past, there was no less diligence on the goblin. Now, you killed Xia Houxuan, and the fellow is estimated to be ready to kill you for the old demon.”

Hear this, Su Bai has some stunned color on his face. No wonder the fellow has such a strong killing intent. “I am interested in the fairy in your mouth now. I can have so many geniuses in the longevity hall. I want to come. Should be out of the ordinary.”

“It’s not out of the ordinary. It’s not too much to use Yan Guan Dong Xuan.” Qin sighed softly, but he just said it, he felt the murderous look of Hong Ling and quickly changed his mouth. If you start with Red Sister Senior Sister, it is still a little worse.”

“Yes, little fellow, you are interested in the fairy, but it is better to be interested in me. After all, you and I are sad, maybe the elder sister is happy, talk to you about life.” Hong Ling smiled, Light body.

Su Bai has no choice but to look at Hong Ling. This little elder sister is still making such jokes on this occasion. Is this really appropriate?

At this time, the priest was started talking: “The Taoist sect is not as good as the longevity hall, but it is also a sect with thousands of backgrounds, and it is not humiliating for these younger generations…”

The words of the emperor said that the clouds were light, but anyone could hear the anger inside.

For a time, a more terrifying power condensed out between heaven and earth. At this moment, the pastor does not seem to be an old man at all. Instead, it is like a god of aloof and remote, full of opression, suffocating. He did not have any movements, and he stood in front of the gate, and many of the cultivating people of the Changsheng Temple almost fell to the ground.

At this moment, even if Ning deficiency and Zhuang Yu feel great pressure, the body is ready to draw.

Faced with the anger of an Emperor Dao, even Zhuang Yu did not dare to maintain the previous posture, immediately put on a smile on his face, and lost with a smile: “Senior laughed, how can the junior humiliate the noble.”

“Don’t dare to be the best. Otherwise, you will not have the chance to see your master.” The priest is faint with a smile. For the younger generation of the enemy, he does not mind to punish him. If he does not care about the Changsheng Temple, he I also want to kill Zhuang Yu. Whoever asked to meet from the beginning, Zhuang Yu left him with an annoying impression.

“How? Is the shepherd brother still wanting to bully? If you want to ask Liu, you can’t agree, Zhuang virtuous nephew, but I am a guest of the door.” A hearty laughter screamed in the sky, at the same time The silhouette of Liu Heavenly Dao and others came at this moment…

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