In the palace, everyone’s arguments came to an abrupt end. Most of the roadside elder faces were slightly changed. They were no strangers to this man named Zhuang Yu. During this time, Liu Heavenly Dao and this person continued.

The most important thing is that Zhuang Yu’s Master and the Emperor have had a grudge.

Therefore, no one would think that Zhuang Yu’s visit is just as simple as a visit.

“Changsheng Dian Zhuang Yu? Is it to find Hong Ling sister?” Cao Feng subconsciously started talking.

“No, he should be directed at Simon.” Yu Wenfan brows slightly wrinkle, during this time he collected a lot of information, including the Changsheng Temple. As far as he knows, there are ten families in Changsheng Hall. The banker is one of them, and the banker and the Xiahou family are also the world, and the marriage is constant. Now Xia Houxuan is in the hands of Su Bai. With the relationship between the two, Zhuang Yu is coming, it must be for Xia Houxuan.

“What about it, just rely on his Strength to be impudent here?”

A road sect, Elder, whispered, whether it is the Changsheng Temple or the Sacred Family, it is indeed a huge thing for them, but it is not enough for some of the younger generations.

The hearing of this, Cao Feng and other people’s expressions are also slightly changed. They noticed the demeanor of Yu Wenfan and others, and they all realized that the coming is not good.

In contrast, Su Bai is still a calm face, leisurely drinking tea.

“His strength is not dare, but the background of the longevity hall and the sage family behind him is his reliance, Yu Wenfan…you go to the reception, so that my sect is also a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years. The number of rituals still has to be.” The priest is indifferently said.

“Yes!” Yu Wenfan got up and saluted, and then called several other actor Elder, and went to the reception together.

“Uncle Shi, would you like me to go. That brat is definitely to pick things up, and Yu Wenfan’s Strength is hard to deal with.” A white-haired old man started talking.

“What’s the matter? He dares to pick things up here. I can’t eat him.” The priest is coldly smiled. For the enemy’s discipline, he doesn’t have the slightest affection. If he doesn’t care about the Changsheng Temple and the saint family, he will be early. Just shot.

At this time, in front of the stronghold of the Daoist sect, in front of a magnificent gate, the entire group came from a mighty, headed by a young man. The young man’s body was tall and his body was like a flaming Glorious, the whole person is like a god of war who has stepped through the void, and a terrifying power spreads in his body, facing the magnificent building complex.

“Changsheng Dianzhuang came to visit…” The young man looked up and looked at the magnificent door in front of him, grinning and showing his white teeth.

His voice is very loud, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, in this world between the wild and the drums, not only spread the entire position of the Taoist sect, but also an extreme terrifying speed spread out, dozens It’s faintly fascinating.

We must know that the Taoist sect is now the focus of everyone. Many people are paying attention to the movements of the Taoist sect. Therefore, Zhuang Yu and others have just arrived, and the news has spread in the city of Heaven.

For a time, many cultivation people in the Emperor’s City came to come here. Most people knew the relationship between Zhuang Yu and Daomen. Now, Zhuang Yu went to the Taoist sect to visit, and it is a provocation.

“Zhuang Senior Brother, we will not be too reckless to do so. After all, there is a Emperor Dao cultivation person sitting here in the town.” After Zhuang Yu, a young man is worried.

“Nothing, he can’t shoot, can’t shoot, after all, we are the Changsheng Temple discipline.” Zhuang Yu lightly smiled, the tone is very confident.

“Yes, unless he wants to provoke the door to kill the door, let’s say that we are not making trouble today, just want to pick up the body of the Xiahou Junior Brother, after all, the same side.” A voice rang from the rear, Zhuang Yu When I turned around and saw that a man in a gray coat came slowly, the man looked extremely delicate and pretty, with a gentle smile on his face, giving a feeling of spring breeze.

Seeing this man, Zhuang Yu’s face was full of excitement and exclaimed: “Senior Brother Ning !”

“Zhuang Junior Brother, I didn’t come late!” The man nodded slightly and greeted everyone. When he walked to Zhuang Yu, he couldn’t help but shrink, and he couldn’t help but see a strange color in Zhuang Yu’s eyes. “No wonder.” Ling Shishu once said that in his five disciplines, Zhuang Junior Brother’s aptitude is the best. How long does it take for you to break through Sovereign Dao 9th Layer? According to this speed, Junior Brother Emperor Dao can be expected.”

“Senior Brother Ning, I have to tease me. If it is not the ancestors who gave the Holy Blood, Junior Brother I still can’t break the shackles, let alone the Emperor Dao, but the Senior Brother, you often say that if you are not I want to promote Emperor Dao with Sovereign Dao, and I have already broken that 桎梏 promoted Emperor Dao.” Zhuang Yu lightly smiled, for the man in front, his manner is very respectful, because the man’s identity is out of the Ordinary, also from the sage family, the ten largest family of longevity, ranked fourth Ning Family.

“haha… Uncle Ling Shi can see me too, Emperor Dao, it’s not so easy to break.” The man shook his head and smiled, and immediately he looked up at the undulating temple pavilion, and could not help but sigh, “how still Is there a side on the side of the road?”

“It is Qin Junior Brother and Hong Ling Junior Sister. They were invited by the Taoist sect to participate in the Hundred Sects battle. The Xiahou Junior Brother’s death is estimated to be irrelevant, but after all, it is to take people’s money for disaster relief, Xiahou The Junior Brother’s death is no stranger to them, only to blame the sect.” Zhuang Yu is also looking up, he can detect that three aura are rushing here, just before his voice has just fallen, Qin is undefeated. The silhouette of the three people, Hong Ling and Qin Shuang, has appeared in his sight.

Inside the Daoist sect, Hong Ling came out with a dignified look. When he saw the man next to Zhuang Yu, the picturesque slim eyebrows was lightly picked up. “Ning is lacking, how come he came…”

“What do they want to do? Could they want to give Xia Houxuan a head?” On the side, Qin is unsuccessful said solemnly.

“It is difficult to say that with the relationship between Xiahoujia and the dealer, this Zhuang Yu is really likely to give Xia Houxuan a head. However, Xia Houxuan’s death in Ximen’s hands can only be regarded as his skill is not as good as others, no wonder others, they are coming together. What do you want to do?” Hong Ling’s eyes moved away from Zhuang Yu and the man, and looked at other people. These people are the disciplines of the Changsheng Temple, and some are familiar faces.

At this moment, Yu Wenfan and others also came out. When seeing a group of people in Zhuang Yu, Yu Wenfan and others looked sharply, even though Zhuang Yu and others had already converged their own aura, but these When people gather together, they still have an indescribable pressure. Like Wang Yang, they are rushing toward them, and their faces are not white.

“Guests come to the door, there is a far-reaching welcome, I don’t know what is going on here today?” Yu Wenfan expressionless started talking.

“While it is a guest, let a few people who are not even Sovereign Dao come to the reception. I wonder if the nobles look down on me, or do they look down on the Changsheng Hall?” Zhuang Yu was careless, but his voice was like thunder in this world. Between the drums…

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