
Countless gaze instantly became amazed. Whether it was the killer in the world or the cultivation in the bloody city, they looked incredulously at the dust that was rising. In their perception, Murong’s aura was completely Dissipated, with the body without any trace of life, obviously, Murong is dead.

“What is going on? How suddenly she died.”

Hong Ling exclaimed, the incredible color in the beautiful eyes, even if she was in the face of Murong, she was aware of a strong opression, which is at least a seven-fold existence of Sovereign Dao.

“Soul annihilated…” Cold Yan slowly vomited and looked at Su Bai’s eyes as shocking. He was very clear about Murong’s Strength. Maybe others didn’t know what was happening before, but he could guess some clues. Murong is responsible for two Bloodline Divine Ability, one of which is extremely out of the ordinary. In an instant, he can create a fantasy and pull in the energy of himself and the other’s Soul. In that illusion, once it dies, it means that Soul’s energy dissipates. It is both Soul annihilation.

At the beginning, Murong created the reputation of her Shura with this terrifying Bloodline Divine Ability.

Although Leng Yan has never learned the terrifying of the Bloodline Divine Ability, he knows how terrifying the Divine Ability is. In the Divine Ability illusion, Murong can be said to be a god, but now Murong himself Die in the Divine Ability illusion.

The cold sweat dripped along the forehead of the human cultivation. After the initial horror of the three remaining cultivation, they looked at Su Bai’s eyes with complete fear. The tragic death of the ancient king and Murong completely eliminated them. Hunting Su Bai’s mind, now the only remaining thought in their hearts is to escape from this place.


The sharp wind broke suddenly, and the three men madly rushed toward all around. The three had a good understanding and did not choose to flee in the same direction, because they knew that once they got together, they would only give Su Bai a pot. Opportunity, and if you flee separately, there may be a chance.

Looking at the three escaped silhouettes, Su Bai corner of the mouth sneered a sneer, the iron sword in his hand plucked out, scratching the severe hundred zhang, terrifying Sword Intent like Wang Yang hits the sky, surging, far Looking over, like a comet sweeping across the sky, dazzling.


A savage blood light burst out in the void, accompanied by a scream of screams, the head of a human killer was directly pierced by the iron sword, just the blink of an eye, the cultivator of the Sovereign Dao 5th Layer If you die, you can’t die anymore.

At the same time, Su Bai’s silhouette has already come out, the figure flickers in the void, as if across the void, the speed is very fast, and suddenly catch up with one of the world’s killers, directly punched out.


The deafening roar suddenly sounded behind him. The celebrity killer of the world immediately reacted and felt the terrifying pressure behind him. He knew that he couldn’t dod it, and turned sharply. The golden light was shining on him. The palm of his hand emerged, and his entire arm became incomprehensible.

This is his Bloodline Divine Ability, which does not kill the golden body…

However, he can only push the lines now, not the real Divine Ability, so he can only make his right arm change, but even this is extremely amazing. In the hand, carrying a ruinous land to blast.


The golden light of the fist collided with Su Bai’s fist, and instantly set off a deafening percussion, letting the whole void roar, violently vibrating, and the terrifying storm swept away from the two.

Almost in the moment when the two fists collided together, the face of the celebrity killer in the world became distorted, and the intense pain spread on his fist. He could clearly feel the bones of his fist. Already broken up.

How could that power be what King Dao can have?

“King Dao is extremely…he has reached the first level…”

The celebrity in the world’s killer passed a touch of horror. The blood of his body burned at this moment, and the fascinating Blood Qi rushed behind him. There was a bloody wing behind him. And, with a bang, his figure has turned into a streamer and plunged toward the sky.

This is a mystery in the world, called the magic wing, the price is huge, you need to burn your own blood essence to condense, but the speed is extremely terrifying, just a moment, his figure has already crossed the hundred zhang or So, it’s amazing.

In contrast, a sword light is faster, as if it was broken, it appears directly in front of the killer.

The eye-catching sword light was reflected in the eyes of the killer. His eyes slammed and a strong sense of uneasiness rose in his heart. He was horrified to find that after the sword light, a silhouette seemed like a silhouette. The glimpse of the light appears.

Su Bai expressionless looked at the killer, the iron sword in his hand dragged the white sword qi out, the killer’s head suddenly thrown up, blood violently rushed forth, like a bloody wave, rushed to the sky.

Another killer in the world died, and this time is only a matter of interest.

The killer who has escaped thousands of feet has been soaked in the cold sweat. He knows that if Su Bai took the lead in shooting him, he would die, but even now, he is still afraid, slamming his teeth, pounds. Blood Qi’s Blood Qi infiltrates through his with the body, and a bloody flame is faintly visible in it. These Blood Qi also form a pair of blood-colored wings behind him.

He is the master of the world, but he also mastered this technique. However, he still had some luck in his heart, but now he can’t care. Even if he knows that using a secret technique, he will hurt his injury. He had to rest for a few years to recover, and he did not hesitate to use this mystery.

The wings are broken, and a blood-colored silhouette disappears into the eyes of everyone.


The sharp wind broke suddenly, and the sharply terrifying Sword Intent blew out. After Su Bai, it condensed into a pair of wings with a long length of several zhang. If it was like a wing, Su Bai watched the killer flee. The direction, one step, the fierce sound of the wings behind, the whole figure disappears like a streamer in the sky.

With the wind and wings of Su Peng, Su Bai has already cultivated it to the extreme.

Nowadays, with the addition of the sword, Su Bai’s speed has reached an extremely terrifying degree. Soon, the silhouette of a lose one’s head out of fear appears in his sight.

Feeling the aura that gradually approached the rear, the killer’s face changed a bit, slightly pale, he has used the secret technique, the speed has skyrocketed several times, and he can still be chased by the other party.

“Are you escaping?” A cold voice whispered in the ear, the sweat of the killer’s body erected in vain. He didn’t even think about it, and the figure went straight below the move towards.

At the same time, a sword light seems to fall from the end of the sky, bursting with dazzling light, just like the meteor in the night sky, the brilliance of the world is also reflected in the depths of the killer. He didn’t even react to the reaction. The one sword pierced his head, and the blood and blood were splashed. It was very bloody.

To death, his eyes still have fear and a hint of exclamation.

There is such a stunning sword technique in the world.


The body fell and the blood stained the sky.

In the void, Su Bai holds the bloody iron sword and looks at the corpse below, slightly relaxed, this battle. He seems to be relaxed, even six Sovereign Dao, but in fact he has done his best.

“There are only two people left…” Su Bai whispered softly, his big hand grabbed, a terrifying incomparable force vented, smashing the body below, a golden Sovereign Dao Jindan And the Na-mart was vacated, and he was taken away. After he finished, he turned back to the bloody city.

When the bloody city is boiling, the path of the sky is so loud that almost everyone is talking about the previous scene. However, as Su Bai’s silhouette reappears outside the bloody city, the whole bloody city is once again dead. , absolute silence ……

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