“Sword is coming…”

Su Bai’s voice is like a heavenly sound that swells between the heavens and the earth. For a time, countless word cry sounds madly, resounding sounds, sword qi is like tide, thousands of words of light are like a meteor. At the end of the whistling, dazzling, terrifying Sword Intent to cover the sky.

Su Bai stands in the void, the whole person is like a dusty sword, and the terrifying Sword Intent is surging. The unbeatable powerful aura runs through the sky, and thousands of sword lights surround him. It is like a god in the sword.

“If I die here, then I will really die. Similarly, if you die here, you will die.” Su Bai looked coldly at Murong, indifferently said.

“This is my field. Do you think I will die?” Murong said with a smile, her jade hand raised, and the sorghum’s horns rang out in the heavens and the earth, and the army that had been waiting for the army raised their hands. Weapons, at this time, a purple bewitching Thunder across the sky, rushing toward Su Bai, the army also launched an attack at this moment, and went to Su Bai.

Overwhelming, looking from afar, like countless blood-stained mountains hit, ruined, unstoppable, heavy and breathless.

The thunder sounded in the ear of Su Bai, only to see that the purple thunder appeared above Su Bai, and it had already turned into a thunder pool. The thunder was like a flowing water, and it was very mighty.


The emptiness of the void, Su Bai’s iron sword in a hand sweeping the momentum of the army, such as the rainbow’s sword light skyrocketing, full of 100 feet huge, a few different Sword Intent aura diffuse on it At once, he squatted on the thunder and made a terrifying sound through the clouds. From afar, a sword light rose into the sky, and the thunder pool that was entrenched above the void was torn into two halves. All around swims away.

Su Bai is flying around, and Bai Bai is surrounded by the pale gold Blood Qi. His big move moves toward the void, and a path of ripple spreads across his fingers. It turns into a path of ancient lines. The world can be moved to the unhindered. The eye-catching brilliance shines in the heavens and the earth within a few square feet. It is only in the center of the Guanghua, a magnificent imperial phantom is suspended quietly, and a strange wave is scattered. The void in the square is full of violent vibrations, as if it was suppressed, and finally died.

Buddha Sovereign Throne !

This is Su Bai’s Bloodline Divine Ability pattern, which he rarely uses, but that doesn’t mean he can’t push the Bloodline Divine Ability pattern with the body.

Su Bai stared at the Buddha Sovereign Throne, who was close to the footsteps. He stepped up and sat down directly. The clothes fluttered, seemingly out of this world elegant, but there was an inexplicable power that pervaded him. It is far from the distant Murong.

Murong’s beautiful eyes reveal a strange color. It is not a pure fantasy. It is transformed by her Bloodline Divine Ability. Both she and Su Bai are here in the form of spiritual energy. Here, she will be herself. It is not an exaggeration to call it a god, because her spiritual energy is too terrifying, far more than her peers. At this moment, the means exhibited by Su Bai also indirectly shows that Su Bai’s spiritual energy is also terrifying.

Spiritual energy can also be called Soul’s power, and Soul’s power can only grow when it is promoted.

Su Bai looked coldly at the bloody army rushing in front of him. The iron sword in his hand was drawn at a very slow speed. In an instant, the thousands of sword lights that had been suspended in the void fell together, even if the stars were drawn. Broken into the void, falling into the bloody army.




Yan Yan’s blood blooms like a fireworks in the void. Each sword light contains a very terrifying Sword Intent. One after another, the life is harvested, countless heads fly, and countless bodies are planted.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the cultivation who rushed within a few thousand feet of Su Bai died.

The lineup of the original army’s original solid gold soup was also hit by the stagnation, no longer the previous momentum.

Murong slim eyebrows slightly knitted, her jade hand is once again light, only in the distance between the heavens and the earth, the bloody army once again roared out, but this time, the army also broke out terrifying offensive before the future, countless Blade Intent and knife Whistling out, gathered in a void into a bloody knife, the knife is full of a hundred feet, the terrifying power of the cracking world is filled with the blade.


As soon as this bloody knife appeared, it crossed the thousands of feet of the void, and it appeared at the top of Su Bai at once. Like a bloody knife, the slash fell down.


Buddha Sovereign Throne Glittering, suddenly a golden glow emerged from the Buddha Sovereign Throne, shrouded the entire Buddha Sovereign Throne, which is filled with sinuous lines and a terrifying power That is the trend of Destiny.

Sitting on the Buddha Sovereign Throne, Su Bai was calm, letting the bloody knife slash down, he could feel the terrifying of the strength contained in the bloody knife, just the slash down gold around the Buddha Sovereign Throne When the light shines, the golden light is only a slight movement, it is easy to resist it.

Defense is an absolute defense.

This is one of the uses of the Buddha Sovereign Throne.

Seeing Su Bai again, it was easy to resist his own blow. Murong suppressed the uneasiness that gradually came out. She shot again, and the offensive was far better than the front. A mouthful of bloody knife broke open, and countless thunders lingered on it. Qiqi smashed the past toward Su Bai.

For a time, countless deafening roars sounded.

Su Bai looked up and saw only a path of huge phantom whistling, slash down on the Buddha Sovereign Throne, the Buddha Sovereign Throne just swayed slightly, but still suspended in the void, the golden light still around No breaks.

In this regard, Su Bai corner of the mouth made a smile, apparently very satisfied with the defense of Buddha Sovereign Throne.

“The next round of me.” Su Bai big raised hand, only in the week of Buddha Sovereign Throne, suddenly there are several silhouettes emerged, these silhouettes look like him, and Su Bai clearly feels The energy of owning the body is divided into four.

“I used to think about what the four swords will look like. Unfortunately, my Strength is limited. I can’t do it in reality, but here I can easily do it…” Su Bai got up, In Murong’s strange eyes, he walked down the Buddha Sovereign Throne, and then the iron sword in his hand made a dazzling light, suddenly launched out, running through the clouds, across the bloody army, plunging toward the void she was in.

No, not one, but four.

Almost at the moment when Su Bai used the technique of Supreme Sword, the other three silhouettes were also used. These three silhouettes can be said to be his avatars.

The four-sword light whistling, the ray of light makes the sun and the moon irrelevant, the edge of the edge can run through the sky, the speed can cross the void, the bloody army blocking the front is torn apart, can not compete.

Murong’s heart was suddenly shocked. She shot again. A path of the Thunder teared out in the void around her. Some thunders turned into Tianlong phantom, and there were thunders that turned into phoenix photoms. In addition, Qilin, Black Turtle, White Tiger and other fierce beasts emerged, the phoenix was empty, the Black Turtle was accompanied by thunder, the White Tiger was thundering, the vision was constant, and it was terrifying.





Four resounding powerful sound crying over the sky thunder, four silhouette swords come out, while the sword, a time, countless sword qi able to move unhindered, Sword Intent such as Hong, dim in the void, Numerous snows swayed and fell, and instantly became a snowy world. The swaying snow fell on the phantom of the beast that was condensed by the thunder. A path of fierce phantom was cut into countless roads. collapse.

Murong is out of the ordinary, her figure is locked by four amazing Sword Intents, she quickly shot, a path of purple lines appearing around her, turned into a blue lotus, planted in Among the Thunder, it seems that the power of the Thunder is being taken, and it grows up at once, full of several zhang, covering Murong.


The screaming snow flakes turned into countless sword light, slash down on the thunder and green lotus, Thunder Qinglian swayed violently, but always stood still.

However, Murong looks very dignified, she clearly remembers that the other party is out of four swords…

Murong looked up and saw the world that was originally covered by the snow. I don’t know when it became a white one. The white is not the cloud, but the sword qi, the overwhelming arrival, the landfall in the Thunder Qinglian She faintly saw that a sword light flickered in the white sword qi, and then landed on the Thunder Green Lotus, a huge crack immediately spread out, almost across the entire Thunder Green Lotus.

Murong’s breathing became more and more urgent. She knew that with this Thunder Qinglian, it was difficult to resist Su Bai’s sword. She wanted to evacuate, but she just stood up, and the screaming qi screamed in vain. Looking far away, a path of terrifying skyfire fell from the end of the sky, and all of a sudden, the whole world became a sea of ​​fire, and the fire was very terrifying, which contained a terrifying Sword Intent.

Looking at the past and not seeing the end, Murong is like a lonely boat in the endless fire, and will be burned out at any time without any retreat.

Suddenly, Murong felt a heartbreaking pain in her heart. She looked down violently. The blood was flowing from her chest. Her face changed dramatically. She obviously felt a terrifying Sword Intent appearing in her heart position. A hole in her heart.


Blood violently rushed forth, a cold sword light from the body with the body, tearing her body into two halves.

At the same time, Thunder Qinglian collapsed, all around, surging swords and fires, swallowed her body, and the screams of screaming resounded in this world.

The world in front of Su Bai suddenly disappeared in the eyes of Su Bai. It seems to be a resurgence of the stars. The real world is again in his sight. In the distance, Murong has empty eyes, dull, aura, no body, body swaying, in countless ways. Under the gaze of misunderstanding, Murong’s body, such as a broken kite, was carried down to the ground below, splashing the dust on the floor…

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