“Two gods… The pastor is really a big hand. It seems that the pastor is very expensive in this battle of conquest. Well, the pastor is so elegant, I will accompany you and bet two bones.” Liu Heavenly Dao squats and looks at the pastoral emperor. As a long-time old rival, he knows the latter’s temper very much. The latter dares to say so, obviously has great confidence in the team of the Taoist sect. However, he also gave great confidence to the team of the gate.

The animal husbandry is also awkward, staring at Liu Heavenly Dao, and then sard with a smile: “Brother Liu don’t need to think about it? After all, it’s two gods, even if your money is thick, you can’t take it out. “”

Hear this, Liu Heavenly Dao shook his head and sprinkled a with a smile: “The pastor said that my door is rich and the two bones are still taken out, but the pastor reminded me, if it is You lost, can you get two bones?”

“If I couldn’t really get it in the past, I just won a piece of Brother Liu’s bones in the past few days. With the background of my door, I can still make a piece of bone.” The emperor said with a smile, at the same time, A shrewd bone appeared in the palm of his hand. It was only the size of the thumb, and the purple air was lingering. The Phoenix phantom was hidden in it, and it was dazzling.

Williely Dao stares at the bones of the animal husbandry, and the corner of the mouth is slightly pulled. This bone is exactly what he lost to the pastor, even if he is an Emperor Dao powerhouse. God bones are only this one piece. “That’s good, but there is one thing I have to say in advance. The foreign aid that the Daoist sects invited is not counted in the ranks of the Taoist sect. If all is dead, even if I win.”

“Yes, on the other hand, as long as I have a disciple in the squad, I will win.” The priest nodded slightly and agreed to say Heavenly Dao.

If the whole glory of the wine cellar is audible, countless eyes are sweeping to the priest and Liu Heavenly Dao. Many people have horror on their faces, two bones, which is really a bet. And let them absolutely not think that this bet will be proposed by the Emperor, the most important thing is that Liu Heavenly Dao actually agreed.

“It’s a big deal. I’m just a small bet compared to the bets between the two Emperor Dao powerhouses.” A cultivator from Sovereign Dao turned his head to look at the glory below. Tianbang, this time he has imprisoned hundreds of thousands of beasts of blood essence in the Pavilion.

“Daomen really dare to gamble… Although the lineup of Daomen is far more than the Taoist sect, the hunting demon battlefield is vast and vast. Once the Taoist sects deliberately hide their own traces, even if the pillars are strong, I am afraid it will be difficult for a while. Find the Taoist sect, plus, this time the gate will also compete for the top spot of the Hundred Sects war, it should not spend so much time on the Taoist sect.” White hair old man If you think, he looks down Liu Heavenly Dao, the latter, is calm and calm, and he can’t think of it. The Emperor Dao powerhouse is so sure, the Daomen team will annihilate the Daoist team.

“It’s Ah! If there are two encounters, the gate will win, but if the Taoist sect deliberately avoids the gate, then the possibility of the Daoist team surviving is still very large.” Many people agree that they are not optimistic about Liu Heavenly Dao.

“But if Heavenly Dao dares to gamble, that means he has a lot of confidence. After all, it is two gods. Even if the Daomen are big, they don’t necessarily lose.” Many people don’t take it for granted. Take the lead.

Although these people deliberately suppressed their own voices, but the strength of Liu Heavenly Dao, it is still very clear to hear the words of the people, seeing that many people are not optimistic about him, he is just faintly smiled, and then rushing to the pasture Emperor Dao: “Mother, you haven’t had a drink for years, it’s better to have a drink for you today.”

“No, there is no speculation for more than half a sentence.” The priest shook his head, and he no longer paid attention to the entire group of the door, directly with the Yu Wenfan entire group.

“Mother, your words are really hurting people. You and I have known hundreds of people. I will not talk about nonsense. There is only one sentence to remind the pastor. After January, don’t forget to bring two. Block the bones to unveil the stage.” Liu Heavenly Dao grinsaid with a smile.

“This is exactly what I want to say.” The priest was indifferently said that he was expressionless, and led by a lady, went straight to a more remote Accord.

When the Taoist sect enters the Accord, the priest is quickly printed with his hands, a path of mysterious roads condensed in the surrounding void, turned into a stream of light to the Accord’s all around suddenly launch, Cover the Accord.

Obviously, this is a forbidden road, which can isolate the detection of others and block the voice inside the Accord.

After doing all this, the priest was slowly sitting on the main seat, his brow gently provoked, just as Liu Heavenly Dao knew his temper, he also knew the nature of Liu Heavenly Dao, who dared to make such a bet. That means that Liu Heavenly Dao has at least 70-80%.

Seeing the emperor brows slightly wrinkle, Yu Wenfan and others did not dare to breathe, afraid to disturb the meditation of the pastor.

After a long time, the priests began to speak: “Do you think that this Hundred Sects battle, I have a chance to win the top spot?”

Hearing this, Yu Wenfan and others are all looking at each other. They all see the helplessness in the eyes of the other party. One thing they have to admit, even if they invite Qin unbeaten and others, the latter comes from the Changsheng Hall, Strength out Of the ordinary, even if the foreign aid of other sects is not much, but they have a bit of a sigh of strength, and the only one who can take the shot is Su Bai.

The chances are small, which is almost the voice of the cultivators, but no one has said it.

“Yu Wenfan, you said!” Shepherd took the teacup on the table and took a sip of it, and the tea was filled with light.

Yu Wenfan’s look changed slightly, apparently did not expect that the Emperor would let him answer, but had to go a few steps forward, started talking: “Return to the ancestors, the believe that the Hundred Sects war, sect has a small chance to win the top, but also very Big.”

“Oh, how do you say that?” Pastor continued to ask.

“The rules of the Hundred Sects battle are different. In the past, the number of points earned by each sect to kill the demon is not as good as the strength of our sect team, but it is also among the best in the Hundred Sects battle. Strength, to hunt the demon is still more than enough, therefore, as long as the sect team does not touch the ranks of the team, there is a great chance to win the top position, but if you encounter the team of the gate, then sect The chance to win the top spot is very small.” Yu Wenfan did not directly point out that the line of the sect of the sect is not as good as the door, the demon palace, the gods, but rather euphemistically expressed this meaning.

“Then you think that if our team of squadrons meets the team of the road, the odds are worth it.” The priest asked again.

“There is almost no chance of winning. We have three foreign aids. There are also three Taoist sects. Once the two confrontations, the foreign aids must be fighting each other. Then the key to success or failure is in Zhao Kui, the small fellow of Ximen. Although out of the ordinary is enough to rival the existence of King Dao’s Peak, Zhao Bao has already entered the kingdom of King Dao.” A Sovereign Dao’s elder came out, and he was a little worried, obviously worried. They are in the situation of the team.

Yu Wenfan’s brow wrinkled, saying: “The hunting war zone is composed of several states that fall into the hands of the demon. The territory is vast and incomparable. It is not obvious that our sect team will meet the team of the gate!”

“No, Liu Heavenly Dao is just so emboldened and bet on his ancestors, that means he knows that the team of the gate must have the confidence to find our team.” The previously spoken Sovereign Dao elder was again started talking.

Shepherd indifferently said: “Lin Yu said yes, Liu Heavenly Dao dare to bet with me, then it means that he has great control to determine that the team can find our team.”

“In this case, why do you want to bet with Liu Heavenly Dao?” Yu Wenfan looked startled and immediately asked.

“Do you think that the two encounters, our team will be completely annihilated?” The emperor smiled, and he could not help but reveal a white clothed silhouette, small fellow, you can not let me down.

Hear this, Yu Wenfan just wanted to say, but did not say it, he could not help but reveal a white clothed silhouette in his mind, he suddenly said with a smile: “No, there is brat, sect team will not be full The army is not covered.”

In Yu Wenfan’s opinion, Su Bai is the opponent of King Dao’s Peak, which may not be the opponent of Zhao Kuo, but Su Bai should have a great chance to escape if he wants to run away.

And when the Emperor’s entire group was discussing, the bet between him and Liu Heavenly Dao was also spread in the city of Heavenly Emperor. For a time, countless people were stunned…

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