“My old bones are not as good as before, but it is not too difficult to clean up some evil creatures. I have heard that your door has suffered heavy losses. Even Zhao’s old lady has gone in.” Liu Heavenly Dao smiled, the smile was very kind, just like seeing a long-lost friend, but the sarcasm in his words was not disguised.

Hear this, Liu Heavenly Dao is so sinking, he did not expect the news to be so fast, this time the battle of the conquest, they really lost a lot of money, even the Emperor Dao powerhouse has fallen, even after the war, the door will I got the reward of the ancient dynasty, but compared to this, they still lost money this time.

“Zhao Senior is unfortunately depraved to save me, and I blame me for waiting for the ambush of the demon.”

Just then, a sigh of sighs sounded behind Liu Heavenly Dao. A young man walked into the glory of the wine cellar after the Heavenly Dao. His body was tall and the whole person was like a blazing glory, whether it was His skin and his hair are filled with a touch of golden light.

The emergence of this young man has attracted the attention of many people present, even the pastor is no exception.

The priests and sisters squinted at the young people who walked straight. He was slightly impressed by the young man. It seems to be the cultivation from the Changsheng Temple. This battle of conquest, the ancient imperial dynasty, but the blood, not only Among the Dong Xuan, four powerhouses were invited, and a call was issued. The cultivation of other fields in Dongxuan was called to come to the devil. Of course, the ancient emperor would pay a lot of money.

“virtuous nephew, this is no wonder you, after all, no one thought that the demons would be so cunning, even Zhao Senior Sister was counted.” Liu Heavenly Dao sighed, his tone seemed to be somewhat helpless.

“But Prime is finally to save me and wait for death…” The youth looks awkward, his identity out of the ordinary, from the saint family, the saints like them are most concerned about the face, think of this, the youth once again open, use Incomparably serious tone: “Liu Senior, Zhao Senior’s kindness, I have no regrets, if the future is useful to me, I can tell you, I will wait.”

Hear this, Liu Heavenly Dao’s lips suddenly evoke a glimpse of his smile. He knows the identity of this young man. This is one of the saints’ successors. The youth may not represent the saint family, but also Can call a lot of powerhouses of the saint family.

Liu Heavenly Dao did not refuse to pretend, but nodded slightly, lightly said with a smile: “virtuous nephew is a dragon among men, his achievements in the future must be far more than me, maybe his day, I really have something to ask for. At virtuous nephew, at that time, virtuous nephew has to eat.”

“Senior rest assured, I am a person who speaks and talks about it. I never quit my words and fat.” The young faintly smiled, his gaze looked at the entire group of the priest, not far away, and immediately clung to the hands of the priest, saying: “I think this is Shepherd Senior, junior Zhuang Yu, undergraduate assault, this time came to the wilderness domain, but the master was once stunned if the junior was lucky enough to meet Senior, let me ask him to speak for him.”


The emperor’s brow was lightly wrinkled, and he looked a little more cold in the eyes of the youth. A terrifying incomparable pressure suddenly swept away toward the youth.

Liu Heavenly Dao is very casual and takes a step forward, blocking the front of the youth, and resisting the sweeping pressure. He rushes to the shepherd with a smile: “Mother, this little friend But the guest of my door, you are in front of me, it is too much to put my Willyly Dao and the door in my eyes.”

“If I really want to teach this brat, can you live with Willine Heavenly Dao? Don’t worry, I am not you, Heavenly Dao, to do something big, to slay someone to disdain, brat, this time go back and tell Your master, one day, Mumu will be personally visiting.” The emperor indifferently said that the pressure that was originally filled around was gone, but his eyes were still cold and indifferent to the young man.

“Senior’s remarks, the junior should be conveyed to the Master in a word.” The youth lightly said with a smile.

Faced with disdain and contempt in the discourse of the pastor, Liu Heavenly Dao did not care, but instead directed at the emperor with a smile: “The pastor, Hundred Sects has been open for more than two months, and will soon end, you think How is your record of this time?”

“This will not bother you to worry about.” The emperor coldly said, the bell barely fell, he turned to move towards the glory of the wine cellar upstairs, apparently did not want to pay attention to Liu Heavenly Dao and others, Yu Wenfan and others follow closely behind .

“The matter of your own affairs, naturally I can’t worry about it, but I’ve been worried about the last time I lost to the god brother’s bones. I want to make another gamble with the pastor. I don’t know the pastor. Dare to gamble?” Liu Heavenly Dao looked at the back of the emperor stepping on the steps, a smile, his voice is not loud, but it is clearly resounding in every corner of the glory wine cellar, even those with a forbidden attic I can’t stop it.

For a time, all the people in the glory of the wine cellar came to the interest. They all looked at the tit-for-tat sides. They were all heard about Liu’s Heavenly Dao and the pastor’s bet. That time, Liu Heavenly Dao was lost to the goddess and a sacred relic.

“No interest!” The Emperor did not even think about it and refused. He didn’t have to think that he could guess that Willyly Dao said that the bet would be related to this Hundred Sects war.

“The pastor has not listened to me and he is not interested. It seems that you are afraid of the pastor, and you are right, just because you have a small fellow who can’t get on the table, I am not interested.” Liu Heavenly Dao lightly said with a smile, he did not easily let go of the opportunity to find the scene, and again speak out.

Yu Wenfan and others are more and more sullen, looking at the eyes of Liu Heavenly Dao entire group.

“Can’t get on the table? Hehe, your old brat is forgotten. A few days ago, I told the juniors who couldn’t get on the table how to teach you the younger generation.” The emperor turned and looked at the said. With a smile.

Hear this, the smile on the face of Williely Dao is slightly condensed, but he will recover soon, lightly said with a smile: “The last time was my younger generation, once I really played, it is not necessarily. I also I don’t sell it, my brother, this time I will gamble that your team has been annihilated in the Hundred Sects battle. The bet is still a god, you dare to take it?”

“The whole army is annihilated? Is the team of my squad so weak?” The priest sneered, but he didn’t want to talk nonsense with Liu Heavenly Dao, but after listening to Liu Heavenly Dao, he instead came to the interest. Road: “This bet, I picked up, but a piece of God is not enough, two, do you dare?”

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