Su Bai’s voice swayed in the void, and the sound of the killing of the whole world was quiet in this moment.

“It’s really not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth’s reptiles, but I’m really arrogant…”

“He is in courting death, and he is too long.”

Soon, a burst of laughter screamed in the void, whether it was the demon or the other demons, all of them were scornful, and even some demons were screaming and screaming.

In the void, the man looked at Su Bai in the distance, and there was no anger on his face. Instead, he showed a smile, and lightly said with a smile: “I want to kill me, you want to kill me. You think it is too naive… gold I have previously died under your sword because of your intentions. Do you think I will repeat the same mistakes?”

“haha … different, why do you have to talk nonsense with a reptile, but just a clown.”

A man covered in purple scales came out of the air. Blood Qi stunned, the burly body gave a strong sense of opression, like an ancient beast that chose to succumb to people. His scarlet tongue smashed. Look at the tongue, look at Su Bai’s eyes, just like a cat watching a mouse.


Some of the demons are coming to the air. The auras that are revealed by these demon people are extremely powerful. They are all in the presence of the Sovereign Dao. These demon people are obviously headed by men and are very quietly standing in the men. Behind him.

“It is also said that the snakes, how about a discussion, this reptile handed it to me?” The man looked at the micro-condensation and looked at the all around.

“Give it to you? Special~, you and I have not been in a good relationship in the past, but in the face of the heart of the demon emperor, it is still based on Strength.”

Hear this, the man covered in purple scales shook his head slightly, a low as if from an ancient dragon screaming in his within body, almost instantly, this man named a snake had already plundered Out, like a storm of purple brilliance, it is filled with him from the body. In the purple brilliance, a series of scales emerges. This is the Bloodline Divine Ability pattern, each scale contains a surprise. World pattern.

A lot of demons suddenly withdraw, but they know the terrifying of the snake, especially his offensive, it is almost regardless of you and me, if you are not careful, it will spread.

“Small reptile, give me a die!” The scorpion of the snake became incomparably scarlet, especially his eyes, and there was another eyelid in the vagueness. His gaze stared straight at Su Bai. The purple radiance that blooms in his body swells out like a flood, and countless purple scales are spontaneously launched, splitting the void.


The melodious sword cry mad in the void, Su Bai’s iron sword slowly lifted up, Sword Finger group magic, a path of terrifying incomparable Sword Intent emerged behind him, only silence, only alone, only kill Sword Intent has become a path of blazing sword shadow, densely packed, the surrounding heaven and earth, Spiritual Qi are all madly poured into it, in an instant, Su Bai seems to be turned into a sea of ​​swords.

This is the technique of the sword, but this time, Su Bai used four Sword Intents, the power can be imagined.


a path of blazing sword shadow suddenly launch out, colliding with the purple scales, the sound is endless.

Su Bai holding sword came out, like the same god volley vacated, Wan Jian opened the way, directly in front of the snake, watching the man covered in purple scales all over the body, once again sword, in the sky Sword light is everywhere, thousands of people, like running through the clouds, all to the snake.

“It’s just right!” The snake snorted coldly, his body rushed over like a purple lightning. His arms were sturdy and sturdy. The hands that were originally covered under the purple scales stretched out, but this is not a double hand. More like a pair of dragon claws, the ten fingers are sharpened into claws, and then carry the force enough to tear the mountain into pieces, tearing out in the sky, the whole world, only his claws are left.


The slash down and the sword light were shattered, and the snake’s hands seemed to be indestructible, and his body continued to approach Su Bai.

“Not weaker than the body of the demon, it is no wonder that your ancestors were willing to sink.”

Su Bai coldly smiled, the iron sword in the hand waved again, the long sword, the endless Sword Intent tearing out, like the sea is undulating, Xingyu is shaking, scratching the sky, shining bright and shining, illuminating The whole day, the earth-shattering word cry, reflected in the eyes of all the demon eyes.

These demons are all eyes wide. In this one sword, they feel a very terrifying power, like the whole scorpio, which is destroyed under this one sword.

The snake is extremely angry, and its hands are caught toward the sword light. A path of purple light is condensed in his hands, and his hands are truly turned into dragon claws at the moment. On the power, he is confident that he can crush Su Bai’s one sword, because this is also their Divine Ability.

Between the electric and the flint, the snake’s hands are grasping this sword light, the force of terrifying is surging between his hands, and the sword light is shaken, but at this moment, the snake’s eyes are fiercely Shrink, because he found that only the hands grasped only a sword light, not Su Bai’s sword.


A blood splattered out, and the iron sword came out from the back of the snake. The dazzling brilliance made the face of the demon face change dramatically. They watched the iron sword almost in sight, and then pierced the head of the snake.

To death, the snake turned his head in a difficult way, and a faint glimpse of a silhouette emerged at the rear.

Holding the iron sword, Su Bai big raised hand, the sword peak that faded the rust across the neck of the snake, the seemingly defensive scales could not resist its edge, the head of the snake smashed, Su Bai’s figure When it disappeared again, it appeared in front of the man named Shu~, and the iron sword was like a 璀璨long rainbow. At the same time, the surrounding world became extremely bloody, and the bloody frosty leaves swayed. , and smashed.

“It’s that sword technique…”

The demon spirits in the field are trembled fiercely, and they with the body’s energy gathered together toward the heart, including the special ~.

This one sword, coming too fast, also came too suddenly, appeared in front of the special ~.

The huge wings behind him are quickly stretched out and crossed in front of him. Numerous black wings are surging, like a feather shield, with a powerful force on it, which is very strong.


The sound of the crash is earth-shattering, like the sound of the sky, setting off countless waves in the void.

The tearing of the imaginary sword light eventually fell on the shield, but this shield could not stop the sword of this one sword, Sword Intent from the peak of the sword mad, this is not ordinary Sword Intent, but beyond the master level Sword Intent, all of a sudden, the iron sword penetrated the feather shield, half of the blade did not enter.

The bloody Jianfeng, so glaring, special ~ can not imagine their own eyes, eyes staring blankly at this half-cut phoenix-like Jianfeng, Jiu Ming Yu shield, this is the other side, Jiu Ning Feather The Divine Ability of a family is extremely powerful. It is known as the same level. No one can break its defense. At this moment, it is actually worn by Su Bai one sword.

The most ugly scalp is that the offensive that should have appeared at his heart did not appear.

This is not the same kind of sword technique.


The sword light is like a rainbow, and it has been launched from the Jianfeng. So close to the distance, even if you want to dodge, you can’t dodge. All of a sudden, this sword light has a special head, and his head exploded on the spot. Open, blood splattered.

The demon who stood behind Su Bai didn’t see this scene, but the demons standing in the rear of the Shu are all witnessing this scene. Everyone was shocked and stunned.


A drop of blood follows the Jianfeng, dripping on the wings of the special, giving a crisp crash.

The next moment, the iron sword disappeared again, along with Su Bai’s figure.

Once again, Su Bai has appeared in front of a Sovereign Dao-level demon, stunned by the Sovereign Dao. The demon is still immersed in the scene of being killed. Su Bai re-swords and a sword light Broken into the sky, glaring, illuminating the Scorpio, piercing the demon’s chest, full of half a meter wide, the demon’s heart was torn into pieces on the spot.

The blood splatters and does not stain the body. Su Bai takes a drop of crystal clear and clear from the mustard ring, but it is the green waterdrop that shines with the radiance of Ruixia.

This is a drop of longevity, Su Bai swallowed it, turned around, and he went to the surrounding monsters. This time, he wants to kill the demons…

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