To an enemy?

Su Bai’s clothes are not blood-stained, and the iron sword with blood stasis comes from the air. It is like walking in a walk, there is no words.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, his actions at this moment are insane. How terrifying is the gathering of more than 10,000 demons. The terrifying aura is like a tidal wave. It is like a silver river falling like Nine Heavens. drop.

Void turbulence, a path of space ripple from the Su Bai surrounded the world.

They are far apart, but the Great Desolate who is present can perceive the terrifying impact that the world is suffering.

“It’s crazy…” A sect grower lost his voice. He felt that Su Bai should rationally choose to break through, instead of actively welcoming these demons. Although Su Bai previously showed a very terrifying Strength, it was ultimately in vain. You know, among the more than 10,000 demons, the Sovereign Dao level is not a minority.

“Get out of the way, he is my prey, no one should grab it with me, or I will be anxious with him.”

A golden giant lion came out of the air, and he was covered with golden light. It looked like its body was cast like gold, and it was very powerful. It also had a path of ancient lines. The lines are condensed together and turned into a pair of golden wings.

This is a four-level monster of the Sovereign Dao. It is extremely fast. The air in the void is screaming like a thunder. The demon who was in front of it has been knocked over by it. Some demons can’t stand it. The impact of the golden giant lion, the body collapsed, bloody.

“Your prey? You have forgotten your identity, you are the part of my adult…”

The demon of a Tianmu nationality came across the sky, and his third dragonfly bloomed in vain at this time. A dazzling golden light beam was suddenly launched. The sound of the air was thunderous, and the light beam was filled with extremely intense death. The anger, where it passes, the annihilation of life, obviously if it is hit by this light beam, it will be half life without dying.

“Two, this reptile is not so easy to deal with, you are now discussing the allocation of spoils of war, it is too urgent.”

A silhouette emerges like a ghost. This is a skeleton. He is filled with terrifying death all over the body, as if the devil out of the hell of hell, makes the heavens and the earth dark and cold.

This is another Sovereign Dao four-level slayer. The sorcerer is also a very powerful family in Starry Sky. In the past, this enchantress has been crouching in this world, and has not done it until this moment. In the face of the temptation of the Emperor’s heart, it finally shot.

At the same time, the demons who stepped into the Sovereign Dao were also coming together, and each of them stared at Su Bai hot and crazy.

Whether in the eyes of these demons or demons, Su Bai is undoubtedly the existence of the fragrant, everyone wants to swallow.

Sovereign Dao is under pressure and is coming from the mighty.

Su Bai’s calm eyes gazed at the broken light beam, his left hand swayed, and countless crisp cry sounds screamed in the sky between heaven and earth, a path of Sword Intent tearing out nothing, vast, and turned Sword qi Storm, raging between the heavens and the earth, sweeping toward the golden beam.


That the strength of contain in the golden beam is terrifying, and the sword qi storm is suddenly dispersed.

Su Bai is not in a hurry. His left hand gently touches the imaginary sky. Only the diffused swords qi are gathering at an amazing speed to form a giant sword with a large number of 100 feet. Just like the Tianjian, Ling Lifeng is straight through the clouds, and the Spiritual Qi in the square is filled with it, making the edge of the contained more flourish.

Looking far away, Su Bai’s left hand is like holding the giant sword. As his left hand sways, the giant sword suddenly launches out, colliding with the golden beam, giving an immortal glow. The whole void is violently shaken, a path of terrifying storm sweeps away from the void, and some of the smashing monsters are directly strangled.

Bloody, most of these demons are King Dao level.

At this moment, the iron sword in the hands of Su Bai disappeared. At the same time, a fierce sword cry sounded in the void in the distance, straight through the sky.


A slap of the sword light tears out nothing, the blood splashes like a fountain, a head flies, the face is still full of shackles and killings, but the third eye has some shock and fear Exposed.

This sudden scene made the surrounding demons dumbfounded. Their eyes were looking at the back of the body of this Tianmu demon with a little horror. There was a bloody iron sword swaying, its voice was fierce, like a ghost. weep.


This one has only the Sovereign Dao’s three-level Tianmu demon, and even the reaction did not react, and the neck was cut by one sword.

If the scene is chilling, the demons that were previously screaming are all cold, and their Strength is not as good as this Tianmu demon. The reason why they dare to shoot on Su Bai is because of the huge temptation of the Emperor’s heart, and the second is that Su Bai has been seriously injured in the previous battles, especially some demons. They are out of the ordinary, and they see that the bones of Su Bai are almost broken, and it is already an arrow at The end of its flight.

But this scene in front of them undoubtedly makes them aware of a problem, even if the fellow is dying, but after all, they are not easily provoked.

At this moment, many demons are quietly stopping the figure, watching it change, and even more, it is backwards, obviously not willing to smash this drowning, and their Strength is not qualified to touch the heart of the demon. Why go to silly as a cannon fodder.

These demons dumbfounded, Su Bai did not, his figure suddenly disappeared in place, appeared in the void of the iron sword, grabbed the iron sword in one hand, Su Bai figure disappeared again, once again appeared, he appeared in a Tianmu The rear of the demon, one sword, the light and the cold, the whole world is full of blazing light. At the moment, a head throws the sky, blood splatters, blood flowers rise a few meters high, and the headless body falls. drop.

It is also a Sovereign Dao, but Strength is relatively poor, and it is enough to enter the Sovereign Dao level.

“Scoundrel … killed him together, as for the ownership of the Emperor’s heart, then reconsideration!”

Around, some Tianmu demon saw Su Bai kill their companions under the eyes of themselves and others, and each anger was full of anger, and the third eyes that were originally at their eyebrows were open, a path of dazzling The beam is suddenly launched, just like the light of the world, and it slams into Su Bai.

Su Bai corner of the mouth sneered, the iron sword in his hand disappeared again, along with his body.


These beams whizzed through the sky and the earth, and they penetrated Su Bai’s previous location. In the distance, some demons that had not yet reacted were directly hit by these beams. Some of the weaker demons, fleshly body collapsed on the spot. In particular, a giant demon, its heart, was directly hit by a beam of light, blood is fierce.

“Do you have no eyes on the Tianmu people? At this time, use Divine Ability, a group of idiots…”

After some of the demons fled, they immediately broke into the distant Tianmu demon, but they did not finish, and the sound came to an abrupt end.

I saw the sky, the sword light flickered, and the Su Bai figure was looming like a ghost. The technique of the swordless sword was used by him to the extreme. If it was in the uninhabited situation, the heads flew up and the blood was like fireworks. It blooms in the void.

Puff puff……

The blood is constantly splashing, but in the time of counting, these dozens of demons are killed by Su Bai, clean and neat, not dragging the water, completely killing the sword technique.

More than a million demons, if they are slaughtered one by one, it will take a lot of time. Su Bai has decided to kill the Sovereign Dao level monsters. As long as the Sovereign Dao level monsters die, then the next step is to solve them. It is.

Thinking of this, Su Bai figure suddenly stopped in the void, turned around, looked up at the demon man in the distance, lightly smiled said: “Are you ready to die?”

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