Sword Intent Ling Xiao, like a sword god descending on this piece of heaven and earth sword, the white sword’s sword qi is like a beam across the sky, Su Bai is holding the iron sword, and his pace is as calm as ever. In his calm eyes, he found an endless killing intent. The whole world seems to be coming in winter, and the coldness is pressing. There is only one white clothed snow-stained silhouette in the whole world.

Zhao Kui’s face is blue and green. From the beginning to the end, Su Bai’s look is light and windy. It seems that there is nothing in the world that can move, just as their entire group is just like a clown. His eyes are cold and biting, staring at the air. Su Bai, who came here, said: “You are right, I have too much nonsense. Now, your blood sacrifice Liulong Junior Brother and my younger brother…”

Zhao Kuo’s hands were again printed, and there was a thunder light in his hand. The squeaking of the palm of his hand, a terrifying majestic aura spread out from the heavens and the earth, as if some terrifying existence in ancient times was gradually waking up. Come over, the original Taoist horror of the road roared at this moment, like a million troops to kill, killing the sky, hitting the sky, and like a group of stars falling, the sky collapsed, the momentum is mighty.

Some people in the place were cold, scalp, and they fled quickly.

Even those sect cultivation people standing in the distant attic are also dignified, and a vast expanse of pressure has permeated from this world, hiding the endless killing intent, with the potential of avalanche, which is a road. It is simply a world of killing, and Zhao Zuo, who controls the killing, stands in the void, like a god, 睥睨all directions.

At this moment, Mo Fan’s face is also showing a dignified color.

Xia Hong and Xia Yan are also eye-opening. They are from the Great Xia, which is one of the top forces in Dong Xuan. Whether it is Strength or eyesight, the terrifying of this road is seen at a glance.

“Zhao Kuo, who controls this battle, is already in an invincible position, that brat, will die.” Xia Yan looked at Su Bai in the distant sky, asserting.

When this statement came out, almost all of them involuntarily nodded their heads. Their eyes were all looking at Su Bai, who came to the air. Under this huge road, Su Bai looked a little small. More like the sun and the moon and the firefly, the gap is wide.

“If I were him, I would flee now. Only in this way, there may be some vitality.” A Secteign Dao sect grower sighed softly, he came from a foreign domain, and he still had some contempt for the door. Now there is only a taboo. Sure enough, being able to become a domain arrogant, inevitably drow out of the ordinary.

“Escape? Is he still escaping now? This road is so huge. At the moment he appeared, he has already stepped into this circuit. Waiting for him, only death, unfortunately, this child is young. Light, if you grow up, it may be the existence of a legendary six.” A sect repairer 嗤said with a smile, at this moment, he has put an end to the idea of ​​capturing the heart of the demon emperor, after all, the gate is sitting here Terrifying the road, who dares to provoke easily, even if he is unwilling, he can only watch the heart of the Emperor fall into the hands of Entering Dao.

Qin undefeated, Hong Ling and Qin Shuang and others are also face-changing. They are in the middle of the road. They can feel the terrifying pressure from all sides, and the whole world is shaking vigorously, even if they want to Withdrawal from this place, there is no chance, they are all involved in their opponents.

“Qin Senior Brother, the good play is just about to start, so I am so anxious to go.” Xia Houxuan’s long shackles split the sky, red as blood, spurting out countless bloody rays, turning into a round of bloody days, suppressing, Sealed Qin is undefeated all the way out.

Qin’s undefeated face is iron and blue, and the long scorpion in his hand is waving out. Blood Qi is like a rainbow. Countless dragons and dragons are accompanied by humming sounds. Like dragons all over the world, Vientiane is stepping on the ground, endless ray of light, terrifying The energy storm has been repeated, and at this moment, there is no room for it.

At the same time, Hong Ling and Xiao Huang also once again played, Hong Ling is also full of shots, a pair of blood-colored wings cover the sky, like the gods and the world, the fire of Nirvana is endless.

The fierce battle was once again in the void, but most of the eyes were not placed in the three battlefields, but stared straight at the white clothed silhouette, they had to look at it, facing such a terrifying road, Su Bai has any ability to dare to scream with the door.

“The Lord…get away…” Inside the cage, Cao Feng and others were flustered. They shouted hoarsely, but unfortunately, they were completely covered up by the endless roar of the sky, when they saw Su Bai’s Silhouette When the time comes, everyone is full of tears, but they feel endless embarrassment and self-blame. This way, they dragged Su Bai too much. The last time the demon emperor broke, it was Su Bai alone. It took them away and won them a chance, but now they let Su Bai take risks and come to the rescue.


The whole bloody city is over the sky, the situation is changing, the heavens and the earth are dim, and an incomprehensible pressure is across the sky.

Su Bai holding sword came, just like being in the sea of ​​anger, but letting the power of the sky, cross-hit, his pace is as calm as ever.

“This battle is called the Nine Devils, and it has been tens of thousands of years since it was reproduced. It is an honor to be able to die in this battle.” Zhao Bao aloof and remote started talking, when he really controls this battle. He has no fear of any cultivation present, he is already invincible, and just in the moment of his barely fell, he is in big hands, and the glory of the gods gathers in the void, a high-pitched snoring resounds out, a giant The family demon condenses out, about a thousand zhang high, standing between heaven and earth, endless thunder around the whole body, just like a thunder god of war torn from Starry Sky, “the first demon, the giants are desolate…”

Zhao Kuo’s voice is endless, as if he had spoken from his mouth, and it seems that the end of the sky is falling.


The giant demon stalked the pace of the sky, armed with a battle axe, thunder like a snake, wandering between the heavens and the scorpion, huge and thick as the mountain range arms raised, the huge battle axe in the hand directly picked up the power of the sky, It seems that the ancient ruler is like a land, and an axe slash down, Wan Lei condenses.

Looking from afar, like a thunder mountain, come to Su Bai.

This axe, the terrifying power inside contains, let many people sweat coldly, Zhao Kuo this is an axe and a bloody city.

Thunder’s light reflected in Su Bai’s eyes, Su Bai’s face like a jade still has a light and light look, his own inexplicable charm, the iron sword in his hand slowly lifted, cold sword edge far Pointed finger toward the giant’s demon, lightly said: “You have been seen, the flying fairy above the white clouds…”

“I have a sword, from the lonely city of Baiyun…”

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