For Liu Long, it was the biggest shame of his generation to lose to Su Bai in the eyes of the crowd. When he and Su Bai played against each other, they didn’t have time to use the Bloodline Divine Ability. Otherwise, they lost. Not necessarily him.

“Today, I will wash the shame of the day…”

Looking at the front of Su Bai, Liu Long within the body seems to have a million divine light emerges, like being in the vast Starry Sky, he is full of blazing, the ancient blue runes behind him Quickly emerged, turned into a huge hundred zhang huge 鸾 phantom.

This green phantom, the wings are bright and sharp, the endless blue flame lingers on it, covering the sky, a terrifying incomparable pressure from the 鸾 鸾 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥.

This is one of Liu Long’s Bloodline Divine Ability lines.

At the beginning, Liuly Heavenly Dao relied on this Divine Ability to win the Emperor Dao and kill a lot of Emperor Dao cultivations.

Therefore, when I saw the 鸾 phantom, many people recognized the identity of Liu Long.


As the silhouette of Liu Long went to the Su Bai suddenly launch, the 鸾 tom tom tom 向 向 向 向 向 向 向 向 向 向 向 向 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾Upstairs, sharp and indescribable, even the void is distorted, wanting to break open.

This is the power of the Bloodline Divine Ability. Many people are exposed to the fascinating color. This kind of power is enough to match the Sovereign Dao situation. This Liulong can become the cultivation of Dong Xuan Xue Gong. There is indeed a bit of Strength.

And when many people’s eyes turned to Su Bai, they looked startled, because they are now Su Bai figure, and they stand still in the void, letting the 鸾 phantom swoop.

“This fellow is really confident. I dare to be so big and don’t know how to avoid it. Does he think that with his fleshly body strength, he can withstand the impact of this Divine Ability…”

Many people in the field know that Su Bai has mastered an unpredictable sword technique. If it is without knowing it, Su Bai can really kill the Sovereign Dao cultivation person with that type of sword technique, but now The flaws of the word sword technique are well known.

Therefore, in their view, Su Bai’s Strength is only King Dao’s Peak, and in this case, in the face of such a terrifying offensive, the wise choice should be to avoid its edge, rather than standing in place. at every turn.

Under the gaze of many uncertain eyes, the 鸾 鸾 鸾 呼 , , , , , , 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾There are countless words of crying between the heavens and the earth, and the endless sword qi storm, only the glaring sword glow from the sudden scream in the storm, turned into a godlike sword, three extreme and fierce The terrifying Sword Intent lingers on it, condensing a sharp edge.

“Idiot!” Su Bai whispered, when he was barely fell, he only saw that the sword of the sky rose to the sky, and the heavens and the earth seemed dull at this moment, as if they were covered by the sharp edge of this sword.


This amazing sword collided with the green phantom in an amazing degree.


Some people in the place were blindfolded because they saw that the 鸾 鸾 鸾 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾 鸾

Seeing that the Divine Ability offensive that he was proud of was so easily broken by Su Bai, Liu Long’s heart suddenly rose into a sense of uneasiness. He had never seen Su Bai’s means on Sword Dao. He first played with Su Bai. At that time, it was only the strength of the fleshly body. Therefore, his Sword Dao method for Su Bai only stayed in rumors. Although he mastered a terrifying sword technique, he could not get on the table as long as he knew the flaws. Tell him how wrong the wrong is.

Although the face is important, Liu Long is more concerned about the latter than his life. His figure suddenly stops, and then he retreats toward the back.

However, just as his silhouette stepped back from the severe zhang, Liu Long suddenly felt that a very sharp edge had torn from his eyes, and then he saw a dazzling sword light emerge. With a bang, the hole pierced his head and the blood splashed.


There was some noise in the sky and the earth. Most people were stunned and looked at the scene. The heart was already stunned and couldn’t help but screamed. No one thought that this Liulong would be like this. Unable to withstand a single blow, his seemingly terrifying Divine Ability offensive, Su Bai easily broke, and even escaped and could not escape, died in Su Bai’s hand.

Many sect cultivation people’s eyes are all condensed, looking at the body of Liu Long, until now, they can see clearly that the sword light that penetrates the dragon’s head is an iron sword, but this iron sword is rusted. A sword can be broken by hand, let alone a dragon that can penetrate the fleshly body and the strength of the King Dao.

“This fellow’s Strength is a bit too terrifying…”

“The one who knows the cultivation of the road, I know, is Liu Long. I heard that it is the cultivation of the Dongxuan Academy. The strength of the fleshly body has touched the threshold of King Dao, and it is the two Bloodline Divine Ability. Dead, this fellow, really good and fierce…”

“Not simple, just one sword, who can react…”


There was a lot of discussion between the whole world. Many people present were the first to see Su Bai, including those who sect cultivation. For those who Su Bai could kill Sovereign Dao cultivation, they still disapproved. After all, they all felt that That is because Su Bai relied on the sword technique. At the moment, when they witnessed it, they only appeared. The youngster, who looks like a weak-crown age, has terrifying combat power.

“You court death …” a shout of anger in the air suddenly sounded, Zhao Kuo’s face was gloomy terrifying, he absolutely did not think that Su Bai could actually kill Liu Long under his nose, in fact, just When Liu Long shot, he could stop Liu Long, but in Zhao Kui’s view, Liu Long’s Strength, even if it’s not Su Bai’s opponent, can safely retreat, so he will let Liu Long’s shot. Big deal, he personally shot Su Bai captured.

However, Zhao Kuo absolutely did not expect that Su Bai had such a strength, not only easily broke the Divine Ability offensive of Liu Long, but also directly killed Liu Long, the former one sword, even he did not react. Even if he wants to save the dragon, it is too late.

At the thought of Liu Long’s identity, Zhao Kuo had the feeling of scalp numbness. This is the most valued descendant of Liu Heavenly Dao. Before the Hundred Sects war started, Liu Heavenly Dao had twice tried to look after Liu Long. Now, when Liu Long is dead, how can he explain to Heavenly Dao, the anger of an Emperor Dao powerhouse is not so easy to deal with.

“I originally wanted to spare you a life. Now I can only ask you to plead guilty to Liu Shizu.” Zhao Kuo shouted coldly, his hands were sealed again, and the roads that stood in this world only worked again. For a moment, he finally shot.

“There is a lot of nonsense…” Su Bai indifferently said, he stepped forward and walked as calmly as he used to. At the same time, his right hand slammed into the void, and the bloody iron sword fell into his hands, one person one. Sword, under the gaze of the sky, went to Zhao Biao.

At this moment, killing intent, Sword Intent…

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