“Today is the seventh day.”

Sun dust looks startled, apparently did not expect Su Bai to ask such questions.

“The seventh day?” Su Bai’s face is still dull, but his heart is smashed. Doesn’t that mean that he refining the blood essence of the demon is only three days, not what he imagined. A few months or even a longer time.

“The energy inside those blood essences is majestic, but with my refining degree…how can’t I increase my cultivation base to King Dao 9th Layer Peak in three days…”

Su Bai showed the color of contemplation, when he was influenced by the Emperor Will, completely immersed in the world where the Emperor Will was transformed, where he spent an endless long period of time, if he did not wake up in the end, Perhaps his mind will be completely annihilated and completely become the existence of a walking dead.

At that time, he completely lost control of the body, completely instinctive cultivation.

“But it, even if I want to break my head, I can’t think of it.” Su Bai didn’t have too much entanglement in this matter. He could only blame it on the mystery of the Emperor’s heart. At the same time, he Also understand that such a chance may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

See Su Bai silently, Sun dust is not afraid to breathe, I am afraid to annoy Su Bai.

“Where is Huo Wei now?” Su Bai asked suddenly.

Sun Chen shook his head, said solemnly: “I don’t know, he met me on the same day, told me the news here and then left.”

“Do you believe his message so much?” Su Bai lightly said with a smile.

“I didn’t believe it at first. After all, no one will share such important information with others, but he also said later. The reason why I told the news here is that I don’t want the Lord to easily get the heart of the Emperor, even with the help of I waited for the hand to deal with you… At the time, he also said, this intelligence, we love or believe it, anyway, he will tell this information to other sect teams.”

Sun Chen’s face was a bitter smile. His eyes were a little bit faint, and he was afraid to look at the scattered body below. He sighed in his heart. He knew that he and others were counted by Follyfellow, Su Bai’s Strength. It’s not as bad as Huo Wei said. Except for a sword technique, the rest is not enough. If you know that Su Bai has such a terrifying Strength, even if he gives him ten courage, he does not dare to play Su Bai. idea.

Su Bai smiled and said nothing in the tone: “So, is this team that knows this news not only blood gods?”

“Well, I am afraid that there are quite a few teams coming here. After all, which team can resist the temptation of the Emperor’s heart, even the two teams of the Pavilion and the Emperor Hall can’t.”

Hearing this, Sun Chen’s face suddenly became dignified. Su Bai used to show the terrifying Strength. Even the ordinary Sovereign Dao 5th Layer cultivation is not the opponent of Su Bai, but this time the Hundred Sects team is not Vegetarians, especially those with a big name, their team lineup is not weak. If there is a conflict, the possibility of losing is Su Bai.

For this, Su Bai does not worry, after all, with his current Strength, even if it is against the Tang Wushuang of the Emperor’s Temple and Mo Fan of the Pavilion, he is not afraid.

“You are now surrendering to me. I will not be guilty of your previous offenses, but if you dare to betray or defy my orders, then I will not have to say more.”

Su Bai turned and looked at Sun Chen. In that eyelid, the color of the cockroach gradually condensed. The strength of Sun Chen is not weak. After all, it is the singer of the Sovereign Dao level. If he can conquer it, Yes, there is more errands. After all, he is now separated from the squad, the entire group. Now it is more urgent to find Cao Feng and others. Otherwise, once the news of the Emperor’s heart is truly spread, they will become the target of the public. By then, the situation of Cao Feng and others will become very dangerous.

Sun Chen immediately squatted in the void, relieved and relaxed, said: “There is a lot of magnanimity in the Lord. In the future, Sun Chen will never have two hearts. He is willing to follow the Lord’s left and right.

“I have never believed in the loyalty spoken on the mouth…” Su Bai indifferently said, his hands were printed in vain, a path of savvy Sword Intent flowing around his fingertips, followed by thunder The sound swelled in his within the body, only a path of thunder light condensed out in the hands of Su Bai, forming a mark, the Sword Intent originally wrapped around Su Bai’s fingertips immediately integrated into the print In the symbol, this mark looks very aggressive.

“This mark is called a kind of print mark, let go of your mind, I will plant this in your within the body. If you have a slight disagreement in the future, as long as I have a thought, I can detonate this mark. I don’t have to say more when I get off the court.” Su Bai smiled at Sun Dust, he scratched his fingers, and a drop of faint golden light blood essence dripped into the mark, and the whole road was in vain. The deafening roar, the violent aura raging.

Hearing this, Sun Chen’s face changed slightly, and the scalp was a little numb to see the sign of Su Bai’s hand. This sign contained an extremely violent energy and a sharp edge. The bombardment on him may be just a bit of injury, but if he is detonated in his with the body, even if it is not dead, it will be broken, and the purple house will burst.

However, Sun Chen also knows that when he is slightly hesitant at this time, he will immediately step into the footsteps of the blood gods and others.

“I’m tired of the Lord.” Sun Chen whispered.

Su Bai pressed one hand and pressed it on the cover of Sun Chen. This mark was broken into the body of Sun Dust within the body, and finally entered into his purple house, like a path of pattern, branded in his Jin Dan.

In an instant, an extremely dangerous wave spreads from this pattern. Sun Chen’s heart suddenly slams and looks at the awe of Su Bai’s eyes. From now on, his life is completely in Su Bai’s hand. Up.

“Successful… It seems that what I envisioned is right. After entering the King Dao, I can control the Sovereign Dao or the Sovereign Dao cultivator.

Su Bai can sense the kind of lightning mark of Sun dust within the body. As long as he has a thought, the kind of lightning mark will explode completely.

“On the Lord, this place should not be left for a long time. Maybe there are many teams coming here to come here. You see if we evacuated this place first.” Sun Chen cautiously, he quickly adapted to his status as a subordinate.

“No hurry, you should first pick me up for those people.” Su Bai indifferently said, he looked back at the outline of the city standing on the horizon in the distance, and he had made up his mind to leave the place, but he did not leave. In order to bump into other sect teams, I have to go to the array of entire groups.

“I hope they don’t be so bad luck, meet other sect teams…”

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