Between the turbulent worlds, the nine flame gates that lie above the void are shattering at this moment. The original terrifying pressure fluctuations suddenly disappeared in an instant, the roaring sound continued, and the number was 100 feet. Many bloody cultivation people are caught in a strange silence, all stunned, and the eyes are full of incredible colors. 『

These blood god cultivations did not think that Sun Chen actually turned his back at this moment and chose to surrender to Su Bai.

“Sun Chen…” The face of the young man has changed dramatically. The strength that Su Bai showed before has already made him feel terrified. His Strength is not as good as Zhang Xiong. If he and Sun Chen join hands, don’t say to suppress Su Bai, at least they If he wants to evacuate, he can safely evacuate. Now, Sun Chen chooses to surrender to Su Bai, and his situation is not good.

Sun Dust in the void, his eyes with a little nervous look at Su Bai standing still in the void, he is more aware of the terrifying of the quadrant than the blood gods, if he does not choose to surrender, even if he wants to Run can’t escape, “I hope it’s too late…”

Su Bai’s plain eyes swept over Sun Chen, and finally fell on a young man with a horrified face in the distance, indifferently said: “kill him.”

“No.” Sun Chen did not want to directly respond, he knows that once he is slightly hesitant, then Su Bai is the first to deal with himself.


A powerful aura wave swelled from Sun dust within the body, Sun Chen’s hands suddenly printed, and the whole world slammed and spurred a hundred feet of light, and countless divine light smashed the road in the void. Gathered into a huge road.

“Sun dust, you court death!” The young man was mad, his figure retreated toward the back, but he was completely surrounded by the road between the heavens and the earth, just when he had just withdrawn from the zhang or so. a path of rainbow light emerges from the surrounding world, condenses into a chain of rainbow light, the chain of light flows, covered with ancient runes, in a short moment, it is like a lightning bolt around the young man body.

This scene was born too fast, and the blood god cultivation in the distance did not react. When they saw that the young man was completely banned by the path of Sun Chen, the fear in his heart could no longer be suppressed. Almost at the same time, these people are crazy backwards withdraw.

Su Bai turned around and looked at the silly silhouette of those crazy escapes. He lifted up and there was a resounding and powerful sound crying in the sky. The white sword’s sword qi teared out and turned into a path. Of sword shadow suddenly launch, so many sword shadows, densely packed, as if the whole world is covered, it is very embarrassing.


Each word shadow contains a terrifying Sword Intent, which seems to cut the world.

A dazzling sword shadow was spontaneously launched from the virtual air, a bloody cultivation person slammed his heart, the long knife in his hand brought the knives of the sky, the Blade Intent surged, and screamed toward the sword shadow. This knife, contain all his power, destroying the mountains and breaking the mountains.

But at the moment when the sword intersected, the original sinister sword shadow smashed the sword light, scratching the sky, and the extra glare, a scarlet bloody spot on the neck of the cultivation swiftly spread, followed by his The head is rising from the sky with a large piece of blood.

Dead, before the terrifying sword light, his body was torn apart, as if he had been worn by Wan Jian.

This scene is not only born to this cultivation person, but the blood god cultivation who is fleeing has stepped into the footsteps.

For a time, the sky was like a bloody rain, swaying down.

In the distant sky, the young man saw this scene, his forehead was cold and sweaty. At this moment, his intestines were green, and his strength was enough to deal with Sun Chen, let alone to deal with Su Bai. Now, he is placed in him. There are only two roads in front of you, either choose to die or surrender to Su Bai like Sun Chen.

“Sun dust, this idiot, if he and I join forces, may not be the opponent of this child, but it is still easy to retreat.” The young man looked at Sun Chen’s eyes full of endless anger, but eventually these anger gradually Dissipated, he looked at Su Bai, who stood still in the void, and hurriedly said: “Your Excellency, I was reckless before, and I am more guilty of my Excellency. I am willing to surrender.”

“This is right, and the person who knows the time is Junjie…” Sun Chen grinned and looked at Su Bai, waiting for Su Bai’s position.

“Kill him.” Su Bai’s tone is not awkward.

The young man’s face has changed dramatically, and he is very flustered. “Don’t kill me… I’m willing to surrender, respecting Your Excellency, and never have two hearts.”

“No.” Sun Chen was also somewhat surprised. He didn’t expect Su Bai to answer this question. He had to know that Su Bai had said that they had either surrendered or died. Now, obviously, the other party is willing to surrender, but Su Bai has to Kill it, think of this, Sun dust can not be soaked by cold sweat, if he did not express his attitude, maybe the end will be the same as these people.


The Spiritual Qi between the heavens and the earth is madly poured into the rainbow chain. The ancient runes on it are terrifying, and the whole body of the young man slams at this moment, and only one light is left. The Sovereign Dao Jin Dan, which is circulating, floats in the void.

Su Bai has a big move, and Sovereign Dao, who floats in the void, turns into a stream of light and falls into the hands of Su Bai. Su Bai puts it away and only looks at Sun Chen, not far away, lightly said with a smile : Yes, I can arrange two roads in such a short time…”

Su Bai saw it, and the road before it had already condensed, but it was hidden in this world and did not work.

“There is a unique eye on the Lord. I am a sorcerer of the Sovereign Dao. I am hard to detect it. I didn’t expect it to be over the Lord.” Sun Chen was shocked and looked at it. The more awe of Su Bai’s eyes, as Su Bai said, when he and Zhang Xiong and others dealt with Su Bai, they arranged a total of two roads. This nine-locked soul array is the second one, but only His movements are extremely concealed, and even some cultivators who have a high attainment in the Taoist squad are hard to detect, and Su Bai can detect it.

“The two lines of out of the ordinary, the power of these two lines may not be able to suppress me, but it is still possible to get some time for you, with your Strength, those times are enough for you to escape from here, why not Escape, but choose to surrender to me?” Su Bai’s eyes are lightly said with a smile, and Blood Qi, which had come out of his with the body, has gradually converged, and the phoenix phantom in the void As nothingness, the void gradually returns to peace.

“I don’t have much confidence to retreat in the hands of the Lord…” Sun Chen smiled, and he had previously smashed the blood gods and fled alone, but his instincts told him if he did that. The first death may be him.

Hear this, Su Bai faintly smiled, not much to say, he raised his hand, only saw a path of sword qi rushing out at his fingertips, instantly turned into a sword shadow, he waved a big hand, this The word sword shadow slammed and slammed against Zhang Xiong on the ground below. In the blink of an eye, Zhang Xiong’s head was pierced, blood and brain splattered, bloody.

“There are a few questions, I want to ask you.” Su Bai started talking.

“You said on the Lord.” Sun Chen saw Zhang Xiong’s tragic appearance and looked at Su Bai’s eyes, and the fear was even stronger.

“How long has Hundred Sects been open since…”

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