Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1775: Hidden Sejong? Not worthy! You don't deserve it!

Although Lou Qianxue's tone was calm, but between the words, he was aggressive.

Sect Master Yin's face suddenly changed.

He naturally remembered.

That year, the young man from the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Territory was shocked and brilliant. He was still young, and his father was his father. His father was even moved to betroth his younger sister to that young man.

But the young man refused the marriage without knowing what it was.

It all started from there. The younger sister's admirer, a junior of an elder, personally shot the young man, but failed miserably, even seriously injured.

Together with the elder, the younger sister moved the father to force the young man to exterminate himself.

The young man refused to admit defeat, refused to admit his mistakes, and escaped from Sejong the Hidden, all the way to the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region, but the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region did not open the door for him.

The young man died in their pursuit.

That incident was a big trouble in Sejong the Hidden at the time. In the end, although the young man was killed as he wished, Sejong the Hid also paid a lot of price. Therefore, his father moved to anger the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region and expelled the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region. He also despised the fact that the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region back then...

Unexpectedly, many years later, the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Territory, there will be another amazing master, even more dazzling than the original one.

"What is your relationship with him?" Sect Master Yin Shizong asked.

Lou Qianxue raised her head proudly: "In the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region, he is the elder of the Ninth Hall of the previous generation, and I am the elder of the Ninth Hall of this generation."

Everyone was shocked for a moment, not because of Lou Qianxue's identity, but because of the truth in Lou Qianxue's mouth. When Sect Master Yin asked her, he naturally admitted that...

During this period of time, Sejong Hidden had a very good reputation, but at this time, he was ruined

"Since you remember, then I want to say what I want to say. Back then, the senior elder of the Ninth Hall, he was right, the fault was Sejong Hidden!"

"Today, it is not wrong for me to stand here and break away from Sejong the Hidden Sect, nor is it ungrateful. When you abandoned the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region, we may still have the heart to return, but a year ago, the Hermit of the Eastern Region was tragically destroyed. , Was besieged and killed by thousands of masters, you know this, but you are indifferent... You may have long stopped treating the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Territories as your own division. I don’t blame you for not doing anything, I just hope you don’t talk about it anymore. , My Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region, is your Hidden Sejong Branch!"

Hidden Sejong Sect Master was speechless.

It was wrong to persecute the elders of the Ninth Hall of the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region.

Now turning a blind eye to the danger of the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region, it is also wrong to name her but not protect each other after the tragic destruction of the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region.

Sect Master Hidden thought for a while, and sighed: "I am willing to apologize for what happened back then and what happened today, and allow you to bring the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region to move into the Hidden World Sect Master City, are you willing?"

Lou Qianxue's eyebrows moved with a strange expression, and she chuckled: "When you said that when the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region was in crisis, I must be very grateful and very happy... But now... The Hidden Sejong? Not worthy! You, even less worthy!"

"!" Sect Master Yin's complexion changed again, and a bit of anger filled his eyebrows. He saw that this woman had a high level of cultivation and a wonderful talent. He had given way and gave her enough face, but she actually paid it back. So I don't know what to do?

"Could it be!" His voice sank, threatening: "Do you want to have the same ending as your previous elder?"

In other words, if Lou Qianxue refused, it might be the same as the elder of the Ninth Hall!

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