Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1774: ungrateful?

"As you think, the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region was once the branch of Sejong the Hidden in the Eastern Region." Lou Qianxue said while looking at Miss Zhongshancheng.

The eldest lady selectively ignored the word ‘was’. After getting confirmation from Lou Qianxue, her gorgeous face suddenly sank: "So, are you a disciple of my hidden Sejong Branch? If so, step back!"

At the end, her voice was full of commands.

Even if this woman's cultivation base is higher than her, how about sweeping the northern Tianjiao outside the territory?

It's just a small person from Sejong Sejong's Fenzong, and she? Hidden Miss Sejong! In her capacity, ordering each other is a matter of course!

Lou Qianxue looked at her with a faint smile: "I originally thought that I was a member of the Sejong Hidden Sect. However, I'm sorry, a few days ago, I brought the Hidden Sect token of the Eastern Region and asked to participate in the Sejong Hidden Sect Competition. But they were turned away. You people of the Hidden Sejong, once told me clearly and plainly that the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region has been destroyed... My disciple of the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region has not been recognized, since that day ——The Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region is just the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region, and has nothing to do with the Hidden Sejong!"

Miss Zhong Shancheng's face changed abruptly, her eyes were vicious, and she gave the housekeeper a vicious look.

The uproar in the crowd is louder!

A master like Lou Qianxue, such a young genius with such a high level of cultivation, even if it is outside the territory, few people can compare it, not to mention the entire hidden Sejong, even the entire outside of the north, I am afraid that it is comparable to her, but it is also inferior. number!

Such a big treasure, even in a place like Dragon Palace, should have been carefully nurtured and taught as an inheritor!

Hidden Sejong, turned her away?

"Is Sejong Hidden stupid?"

"Such a powerful genius... originally belonged to their Sejong Hidden, but now, they missed it by mistake... I think, at this time, the lord of Sejong Hidden will definitely regret his intestines!"

Sect Master Yin’s face was indeed ugly and very angry. He even ignored the presence of Longgong Longliang and said directly to Lou Qianxue: "I don’t know who said those words to you that day, but I take those words back. You are still Sejong Yin. My disciple, the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Regions still belong to the branch of Sejong's Hidden Sect of the Eastern Regions-if you have any reason, you can move the Hermits of the Eastern Regions to Zhongshan City!

The words are full of solicitation.

Lou Qianxue raised her eyebrows: "Sect Master? No need. In fact, even if you don't turn me away, I will leave the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region."

The lord of the Hidden Sejong was slightly angry: "The Hidden Sejong has received the support of the Hidden Sejong in each domain, and he has obtained the resources of the Hidden Sejong. The Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region should be no exception. Only with the Sejong of the Hidden can there be the Hidden Sect of the East , The Hidden Sect of the Eastern Regions rely on Sejong, Sejong, to be stable. As the elder of the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Regions, how ungrateful are you?"

"Ingredient?" Lou Qianxue sneered: "If Sejong is as good as you said, he is so good to the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region, I will not be ungrateful, but...I am standing here today, not for anything else, but for the east. Yu Yuzong's name is correct!"

Sect Master Yin's face changed slightly: "Rectify your name? What correct name?"


Lou Qianxue turned around, the breeze blew, brushed her dress, outlines a slender waist that is not full of grip, she stands on the stage in a pavilion.

"Many years ago, the Hidden Sejong Association of the East, the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Regions came upon invitation. Among them, the elder of the Ninth Hall of the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Regions, the young Tianjiao, and talented, severely injured a descendant of an elder of the Sejong Sejong in the Great Comparison , Thus angered the elder, was chased by the entire Hidden Sect, pursued all the way to the Hidden Sect, and forced the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region to surrender this elder--I don't know the suzerain, do you remember this matter?"

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