Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1084: Shuling, do it.

The earth spirit tree is about to mature!

"No, I can't wait any longer!"

Many forces stared at the burning circle of fire around the sacred tree.

Countless people tried to cross the circle of fire before, but they couldn't enter, so they had to stop temporarily and think about ways!

But now, the sacred tree is approaching maturity, if they do not enter the circle of flame, they will miss the heart of the sacred tree!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several young people dressed in Xuantianzong robes flew and landed beside the flame circle.



A group of people gathered one of the young people in the center!

From the formation!

The radiant vitality rushes toward the center youth!


The aura of the youth is gradually becoming stronger and rising, breaking through their own limits...

It was thrilling to see everyone on the side!

"It's worthy of being one of the three major sects of the Eastern Region! The background is profound! It is possible to create a half-step martial arts king!"

In the realm of practitioners, after Wu Jun, is Wu Wang!

"That's amazing! King Wu! Enough to crush everyone in the field!"

The unprecedented strong breath is frightening, and even many powerful characters in the field can't help but tremble in their hearts!

Not far away, the third East Cangyun and fifth Lan Wuxin, who attracted everyone's attention, couldn't help but stop discussing and look in the direction of Xuanzong.

The young man in black who was meditating next to the flame circle also opened his eyes suddenly, revealing sharp eyes that shone brightly, and calmly looked at the young man of Xuanzong. After only one glance, he withdrew his gaze, showing a bit of sarcasm between his eyebrows.

Above the void, with an ordinary face but noble temperament, the proud princess Bi, dressed in a palace costume, couldn't help but sneered, "The so-called Tianjiao? It's ridiculous!"

The middle-aged person on the side respectfully said: "Where can there be any arrogance in such a native land? It's just an exaggeration!"

"Forcibly pushing the cultivation base to the half-step Wuwang, but she is a mottled and messy body, and can display the power... It does not necessarily have the peak of Wujun, it is really stupid!" Princess Bi sneered, staggered her eyes, and looked at the Earth Spirit Shenmu Above, there is a wave of waves in the heart of a man who is expressionless, handsome and uncast, cold and indifferent, perfect not like a real person, and does not seem to have human emotions.

"It's that tree spirit...somewhat weird..."

The breath of the young Xuan Tianzong's body stabilized in the half-step Martial King, and finally accumulated, the whole body was overwhelming, and everyone around him could not breathe.


He stepped forward towards the flame...


The tongue of flames burned to his body...

Bang! He is lucky and strong, forcibly resisting!

The fire is swaying!

next moment……


Sitting in the middle of the Divine Spirit Tree, the white-clothed man thought to be the Tree Spirit suddenly opened his eyes. A pair of dark, cold, and moodless men looked at him quietly and raised his arms slightly...


The violent wind whistled by carrying a violent current, and instantly lifted the youth away...

"Ah--" the young man screamed, his body passed over the crowd and hit a huge towering tree...

"!!!" Everyone was stunned for a moment, and looked at the perfect man in the middle of the earth spirit tree.

"Shuling, do it!"

"This is the first time he has done it, so awesome!"

"Half-step Wu Wang, can't even take a sleeve of his strength?"


Everyone swallowed unanimously.

"If he keeps trying to interfere... Then, who can pass the flame circle?"

Everyone looked at each other.

At this moment...

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