Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1083: Tianjiao!

"Master?" Shen Xiliang stopped halfway through Lou Qianxue's words, and couldn't help turning his head slightly, turning his eyes covered with blue cloth to Lou Qianxue's direction.

Lou Qianxue touched her chin and chuckled, "I'm a little tired after driving so long."

Shen Xiliang hurriedly said: "The apprentice is willing to relieve his worries for Master."

Lou Qianxue glanced at him in surprise and shook his head: "No need. This kind of laborious work, your master is very willing."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the sacred tree not far away again, and smiled more and more: "Let's go, let's see your master."


The earth spirit sacred tree appeared, causing a great sensation!

This kind of fetish, even outside the territory, is rarely seen!

All the arrogances and major forces who have received the news and have a hint of confidence in themselves have all arrived.

Next to the sacred tree of the Earth Spirit, there are densely densely packed, with three floors inside and three outside, crowded with people.

But in the crowds, there is a large open space!

At the center of the open space, a raging fire was burning.

The fire surrounds the bi-ying-ying tall shrubs, the branches of the shrubs are strong, but from top to bottom, there are only nine weird leaves!

In addition, there is a green heart at the top, gradually condensing from illusion to real thing...

On the branch of the tree below the green heart, a handsome and indifferent man in white clothes like snow, with perfect facial features and not like a human being, meditated with his eyes closed.

A man who is cold, indifferent, noble, afraid to approach, and difficult to climb, is like a perfect statue. If you look closely, he is clearly breathtaking!

Countless people guess that he is the tree spirit of the earth spirit tree!

Countless people tried their best to pass through the circle of fire!

On the periphery of the fire circle, there is also a clearing. Above the clearing, two handsome men, one with a sword and the other with a stick, are fighting fiercely, attracting most people's attention and causing a shout of applause!

"It deserves to be the third and fifth Tianjiao on the Tianlong list, it's amazing!"

"I can't even take one of these moves..."

"Awesome! Dong Cangyun deserves to be the Young Pavilion Master of the East Region Pavilion! Make the East Region Pavilion's swordsmanship extraordinary!"

"Another Lan Wuxin is also very powerful! The difference between him and Dong Cangyun is that he was born in the Seven Kingdoms. Even if he is the prince of Jialan, at the beginning of his cultivation, his cultivation resources are hardly comparable to those of Dong Cangyun, the young master of the Eastern Pavilion. He has only joined the East Region Pavilion for four years, and he has gone from the top 60 in the Tianlong list to fifth. His talent is so good that he can be called terrifying!"

"In a few years, I am afraid that Lan Wuxin, the fifth, will surpass the third Dong Cangyun!"

"It is not difficult for Lan Wuxin to enter the top three of the Tianlong list, but... he wants to beat the second black flame and the first Qingfeng son..."

As everyone said, they couldn't help but move their eyes to another place.

It was a black-clothed young man sitting cross-legged in front of the circle of flame. His whole body exuded the cold and murderous aura that no one should get close to. His aura was sharp. Others just took a second look, and there was a kind of eyes that would be stabbed by him. illusion……

There was a silver chain diametrically opposite to the black robe wrapped around his waist. On the silver chain, there were full of cold and sharp gears, which made people daunting.

Everyone just glanced at them, and then withdrew their gazes: "It will take ten years to beat Iron Cable Black Flame and Young Master Qingfeng!"

"Hey, with them, we don't want the heart of the gods, we can only find a way to grab a leaf!"

As everyone said, their eager eyes fell on the Earth Spirit God Tree again!

The green heart at the top of the sacred tree gradually becomes perfect...

At the same time, the green light lingering around the sacred tree has also faded a lot...

There was an unspeakable excitement in everyone's hearts!

"It's a little bit, a little bit, the earth spirit sacred tree matures..."

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