Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong

Chapter 103: Apprentice's stove

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The longevity is the first fairy in the world, and there are countless disciples. There are three mountains and eight valleys in the world.

On one of the steep peaks, Yun Huaiyu pushed out a bamboo house door and walked out. He had a long black hair, a gentle and elegant jade, a blue star, a light blue gown, and a plaque with the wind. If you are shocked, you will have a good look.

Less than two hundred years ago, he emerged from the countless ordinary disciples of the Changshengzong, step by step into a powerful inner-door elder, until 20 years ago became the owner of the North Hill, one of the three high-powered mountains.

Nowadays, his cultivation has already reached the peak of the late peak of the gods, and it is only one step away from the spiritual unity.

But... this step has been delayed.

Retreat has no effect, he met the demons... This demons are the seasons.

Yun Huaiyu has not left the longevity for a long time. He pursues the road with all his heart. The world says that his compassion is a high-spirited festival. Only his own heart is clear, how cold and selfish is his heart, no... there is another person who knows.

It’s just that this person is not even aware of death or death. He has never seen him since he returned from Zongmen after a hundred years ago.

But this person... has become an obstacle that he cannot overcome on the road to the avenue.

In these two hundred years, he did not forget the look that looked at him when he fell into the abyss. At that time, he really believed that the season was to give the Holy Spirit to him... but it was already late. If he comes back again, he is not sure if he will make the same choice. On the road to Xiuxian, he only believed in himself.

But why can't you forget, why do you want to always appear?

Yun Huaiyu closes his eyes. If you are still alive, are you very happy? You finally retaliated to me.

Just then, a paper crane flew in the air and fell in the hands of Yun Huaiyu.

He opened it and showed a smirk on his lips. It turned out that there were soldiers in Sanlingshan, and this sect of the gods was a must, so the sect sent his disciple to go. Even if it is left in the Zongmen, it is better to go out.


Xie He was happy on the road. He actually wanted to travel all the way to the mountains, but he didn't want to be too anxious, so he arrived in Sanlingshan in less than ten days. Xie He took out the token that the old demon of the barren hill had given him. It was a tooth that he had kneebed down, and he released a little spiritual force to penetrate. The tooth was bright and bright, and soon a fat man in a colorful dress jumped out and was happy. I want to come over and give him a hug, and I have been hiding from it.

The barren mountain demon is not only a fat man, but also likes to dress himself as a rich man. He has named himself Huangshan, and he has opened a mountain village on his site. He specializes in those monks who have placed orders. He likes human monks most. The taste is said to be very delicious.

"Dongyang brother finally came, Lao Huang, I have been waiting for a long time." Huangshan smiled and patted his chest.

Xie He coldly looked like a smile, faintly said: "How long is it from the birth of the gods?"

Huangshan said: "It is estimated that these days have been seen."

Thank you again: "Would those human monks come?"

Huangshan’s eyes showed a glimmer of light and licked his lips. “It’s coming, it’s a lot better, but I’m afraid to sneak a snake and only secretly eat two.”

Xie He stared at him coldly.

Huangshan didn't care too much. He smiled and gathered in front of Xie He: "But the longevity has not come yet. I heard that it has passed the estuary and it will be possible at night."

Xie He’s eyes were slightly condensed, and he nodded. “Thank you.”

Huangshan smashed his hand and looked curious. "No thanks, little meaning. Right, what do you hate in Dongyang Brothers and Changsheng Zong?"

"You have asked too much." Xie He showed a slight disappointment in his eyes.

"Well, since you don't want to say that, I won't ask." Huang Shanxiao smiled: "Would you like to go to me for a few days? I occupied a good position, and I will definitely grab something good!"

Xie He shook his head: "Let's go first, I will go find you later."

Huangshan nodded. He knew that Xie He had always been this loner, and he was also a coincidence to be friends with him. They were a demon and a demon, and they didn’t say anything about it. Anyway, there are still a few days. Every busy is very normal. I gave a thank you to a jade that marked the address and left.

Xie He saw Huangshan staggering away, and turned and left.

The information of Huangshan was still no problem. He waited for one night at the entrance of Sanling Mountain, and he saw that the disciples of the Changshengzong came. The disciples of the Changshengzong were uniformed in white costumes, but the last tall man was wearing a light blue gown. His hands were carried behind his back, his feet were flying swords, and his look was light.

[Xie He: Baby, show me his good feelings. 】

[444: Hao Le, Yun Huai Yu good feeling 20]

[Thank Ho: Good:)

This kind of good feeling is a bit of a surprise. In the memory, Yun Huaiyu used the seasons from beginning to end. In the end, he did not hesitate to kill and win the treasure. He once suspected that Yun Huaiyu was disgusting. But now it seems... Yun Huai Yu is not really uncomfortable with the season.

The reason why he was able to ruthlessly shot was not that he hated the season, but that he valued his own interests better than everything, so he could not hesitate to abandon his friends.

Xie He quietly followed behind the Changsheng sect, and he did not dare to be too close. They saw that they entered Sanling Mountain and settled in the nearest center.

It is an excellent location, and it is most conducive to the pursuit of treasures. If it is other scattered repairs or Zongmen, it will definitely be left by the monks who are present, but the longevity is still there. Dare to scream, as if taken for granted, this is the world's first fairy door of Weihe.

Yun Huaiyu is the owner of the Changsheng Zongbeiqiu Mountain. He is also cultivated in the depths. Many other Zongmen people come to greet him. Yun Huai Yu smiles and responds. There is no half-bearing, no matter how much the position is repaired. He is treated equally, making people feel like a spring breeze.

It is necessary to know that most of the characters of the monks are not good. It is not a small number of people who focus on the cultivation of low emotional intelligence. It is not uncommon for Yun Huaiyu to have such a status. It is no wonder that word of mouth is good.

Xie He’s sighs and sighs are simply the ultimate version of the hypocrisy. It’s a bit of a hard work every day.

He didn't look much, and he left in his heart. Since Yun Huaiyu didn't hate the season, it wouldn't be too easy to brush it up.


Xie He turned around in Sanlingshan for a few days and figured out the general situation. Only then did he find Huangshan to meet him.

Huangshan came very early, and found a place very close to the main mountain, because he was just a person, so no one found it.

When he found him, he was eating and screaming. He said, "Dongyang brother, you are here. I found that the snow hoof deer in Sanlingshan is very delicious. Would you like to try it?!"

Xie He sniffed the smell of the agitation, and suddenly saw this fat man pleasing to the eye, after all, it is not easy to have a common hobby! It’s just that he’s eating too rough. Thanks to this, there are a lot of spices that are redeemed from the system store. If you make it, it will be more delicious.

It is a pity... In the face of food, it is still necessary to maintain a high cold. Xie He deeply feels that this is much more difficult than the Raiders. He was cold-faced and said faintly: "No, you can eat."

Huangshan still does not give up, holding a scented roasting deer's leg to Xie He, he smiled: "It's really delicious, you are sure not to try it? Life is going to be in time, this stomach What is the most important thing, what is the difference between a pure and heart-felt person and those who are pretending to be the right ones? Come! Hold me not to be old and polite!"

Xie He will definitely look at him. Is this fat man sent to test his willpower? It’s really sinister!

For a long while, he slowly reached out, slender fingers pressed on the greasy deer legs, and looked cold and indifferent: "I eat it, less envious."

Huangshan smashed his hand, "Oh, make sure you eat and still want to eat."

Xie He’s eyes were cold, and he seemed to be lazy to care for him. He took a deer’s leg and went to the side. He seemed to hesitate a bit, or he bit his face.

[Xie He: The delicious entrance of meat is awesome! 】

[444: The host is greatly ooc! Current ooc5%! Current ooc5%! 】

[Thank you: Is it possible to ooc10%? 】

[444: Although it is like this...]

[Thank you: Permission is used, and it is clear that you have the authority but you are not using it and you are wronged. Do you think I am such a person? Smile jpg]


[Thank you: Baby, calm:)

444: No... He just suddenly has a distressed man who has been greatly scum by the host. They are not as good as a deer leg _(:3ゝ∠)_

Thanks to the slow movement, the graceful movement of the deer legs, and the use of the condensed water to wash their hands, the heart is really delicious, when the deer will take the head back, suddenly suddenly move the mountain shake!

Huangshan 啪 的 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 扔 黄 黄

Xie He is not slow, and he follows the sword behind him!

This movement is like a magnitude 10 earthquake. The peaks that rise into the clouds suddenly split from the middle, and the ground collapses into it, and the dust is flying around! Only the guts who come to Sanlingshan to win the treasure are at least the monks who are more than the late Jingshen.

Xie He catches up with Huangshan and passes the voice into the secret road: "All the things you will grab will be returned to you. I don't want one."

Huangshan, who was scared by this, almost planted it from the sky and trembled: "What do you say?"

They are demons that the six parents do not recognize! Xie He risked his life to help him grab things. He wouldn’t do this daydream. Suddenly, such a good heart is to try to paralyze him and kill him! His old yellow, although his IQ is not high, will not be so easily deceived!

Xie He said faintly: "Don't be nervous, I have no plans to kill you."

Huangshan patted the chest and cautiously asked, "Why is that?" Don't say that he is looking at him, it is even more terrible!

Xie He turned his eyes. "I want you to help me drag other long-lived disciples when I kill Yun Huai Yu. If you don't want it, it doesn't matter. We will part ways now."

Huangshan suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief, and his eyes were stunned. "I am willing to be willing! I am an old friend, how can I not like such a small thing!"

I did not expect Xie He and Yun Huai Yu to have a deep hatred and hate... In order to revenge, even treasures are not needed, but it is cheaper.

During the speech, the two men have already rushed in, and a sword flashes through countless monks and flies here!

Huangshan doesn't look at the long fat ears. In fact, it is very savvy. He didn't intend to grab the soldiers of the day. After all, he was just a demon repairer, and he couldn't do anything more powerful than those of the big gates. The reason is still understandable, so his goal at the beginning is that there are other heaven and earth treasures, and there are absolutely other heaven and earth spirits in the place where the soldiers can be born!

Sure enough, when you enter, you can see a top-level Lingjing on the ground. These are all good things. Not only can cultivation be used for special value!

Xie He has been with him, and the flame sword has been lingering around him, forcing other monks to come over. A blink of an eye, Huangshan has already collected those spirits, and other people who have seen it slower can only turn around and leave. The two guys are not good at first sight. It is better to grab other ones at this time.

The two cooperated very well. After a while, Huangshan had already received the basin filled with the baby, and the mouth of the music could not be closed.

Thank you for giving him a glimpse of the situation while paying attention to the situation in the middle.

The squadron of the day was a sleek, long-skinned sword that looked unremarkable, but no one would despise it. The war is the most intense around the sword! Numerous monks smashed together, and the monks who had been acquainted with each other before and after the sorrowful eyes were stunned.

Yun Huaiyu has a green shirt and a calm expression, but she has no mercy in her hands! Directly a sword pierced a monk in front of him, the first to rush to grab a long sword!

The long sword creaked in his hand, and Yun Huaiyu had a thin layer of sweat on his face.

The long-lived disciple who followed him immediately surrounded him and protected him. It was almost dusty, and things had reached the hands of the longevity. Everyone looked at each other, although there were still some unwillingness, but Most people have to disperse.

Xie He and Huang Shan looked at each other and they all grabbed it. Now it is time to leave. Otherwise, wait for those who are righteous monks to return to God, and definitely kill them. These two demons are ‘for the heavens’ to grab things.


Yun Huaiyu got a long sword, and did not dare to have a big idea, even if she greeted the disciples under the door.

Xie He and Huang Shan fell quietly behind them.

Three days later, Xie He saw Yun Huaiyu and others rest in a wild place, and felt that the timing was almost the same. On Huangshan Road: "You should be out."

The mouth of the person is short and the hand is soft. Thanks to the hard work of helping him to grab so many things, he has not taken one of them. This little thing Huangshan dare not quit, and the neat smile: "No problem, I am old. Huang is on!"

Speaking of the change and the prototype, it became a wild boar with hundreds of meters long! The black pointed hair, the two fangs tilted up, and the stunned, he slammed his feet and swayed, and rushed toward the camp of the Changshengzong!

Those long-lived disciples had already slept, and suddenly they were awakened. They thought that the earthquake had gone up, and looked up and watched a shocking spirit! Such a big wild boar!

Yun Huaiyu sat on the edge of a fire, reaching out and stroking the black sword. The black long sword shook slightly under his hand. He heard the movement and looked up and his eyes were slightly condensed.

A long-lived disciple ran and ran over. "The mountain owner, there is a monster!"

Yun Huaiyu moved his fingers and put the sword behind him and stood up. He narrowed his eyes and saw that the wild boar was repaired later. Although it was a bit tricky, it was only a matter of time.

The demon of the district dared to come to the troubles of the longevity.

When Yun Huaiyu raised his hand, he would sacrifice the flying sword. Suddenly a cold wind hit the side! That demon repair and accomplices - Yun Huai Yu instantly realized this, turned his head and greeted the sword! This look suddenly shocked, and even forgot the reaction for a moment, was directly bombarded hundreds of meters away!

He stood up from the ground, and he never waved his face with a smile. At this moment, he was condensed. He looked at the man who came to him and slowly opened his lips: "It's you."

Xie He step by step to Yun Huai Yu, the eyes are the cold and hate of the bones, he said: "It is me."

Yun Huaiyu looked at Xie He, this is the number of people who appeared in his demons many times. It is a little different from his memory. The face seems to be sharper and colder. There are faint red awns in the black pupil, black hair in black. , like a sharp blade.

He finally saw him again.

"You come for me, or come for the sword." Yun Huaiyu looked at Xie He and asked.

Xie He’s lips are rising, cold smile, cold channel: “For your life!”

Yun Huaiyu suddenly smiled, and the voice was like a clear spring. "So, it is for me."

His eyes were mild and seemed to have thought of things long ago.

Two hundred years of things are human beings, but this person is as good as that of the past. How much I loved him that year, how much hate him now... obviously set foot on this ruthless way to cultivate Xianxian, but always emotional.

His life...what is the importance of this day, the soldiers are not good at killing him... This simple abacus, this person will not count.

[叮, Yun Huai Yu good feeling 20, the current good feeling 40]

Yun Huaiyu’s decapitation to Xie He’s voice, Qing Qing: “I will accompany you to the end.”

This is his heart, and there should have been a break.

Xie He’s long sword flames linger, the extremely high temperature burns the nearby vegetation into ash, and the sword is killed mercilessly! Yun Huaiyu fought against the sword and looked calm. He saw that Xie He Nai was trained in the late period of the gods. Xie He left alone alone, but he still has the achievements of today. It is really amazing, but...

In the past two hundred years, he was at the height of the longevity, enjoying the resources of the world's first fairy gate. He has inexhaustible treasures, the world's top treasures, and the magic weapon given by Zongmen. It was not the ordinary disciple who needed to be taken care of.

Yun Huaiyu’s eyes fell on Xie He’s face. Now he doesn’t need to look up to this person. He is even stronger than him!

Xie He recruited and killed, Yun Huai Yu did not fight back, but always resisted dodge, he saw his heart anger and shouted: "What do you do? Do you think I dare not kill you!"

Yun Huaiyu stepped back and shouted and said: "No."

"Then why don't you fight back!" Xie He angered, and the eyes shot cold.

Yun Huaiyu was determined to look at Xie He’s eyes, and there was a slight struggle in his eyes.

I am just hesitating, do you want to kill you... Is it killing you, you will never appear in my dreams again, and will never disturb my mind? If you kill you, you will be completely broken from now on, I will kill you again without hesitation...

But this time, I am not sure.

When you see you again, you still look like that... In fact, nothing has changed. I realized that I was missing you...

But don't kill you... When can I take that step?

Xie He saw the anger and thought that Yun Huai Yu was despising himself and forcibly improving his skill! The sword light flashed, and the flame broke through the protective spirit of Yun Huaiyu, burning his hair.

The hot temperature passed over the face, and Yun Huai’s eyes changed slightly. He looked at Xie He and his lips were white.

Suddenly, his right hand trembled, and a short sword flew out directly to the abdomen of Xie He! Although Xie He is very vigilant, but Yun Huai Yu's darkness is too sudden, avoiding the need to directly pierce the abdomen, blood poured out!

But Xie He didn't care at all, and he was immersed in the sword on his own, stepping forward and stepping forward, even his own life and death did not care, directly put Yun Huaiyu on the ground!

Yun Huaiyu seems to be in a weak position, but the voice is still dull. He said: "You can't kill me."

"Who said it?" Xie He's eyebrows raised, and suddenly smiled, the cold eyebrows seemed to be full of brilliance, suddenly vivid and vivid, he looked down and almost touched the lips of Yun Huaiyu: "and die with me." Together, how?"

Yun Huaiyu's pupils shrank fiercely, and they would push away Xie He, but it was already late. Thanks to his body, he was pierced by a sword and hugged him tightly!

"You are crazy!" Yun Huai Yu sharply!

Xie He smiled and looked at him for two hundred years... He didn’t forget this person for a moment. He once took his heart out to the person, but he dismissed him. Even kill him.

He knows that his strength is not as good as Yun Huai Yu. It is very difficult to kill him in the face, but it is much easier to return to the same place.

Xie He's spiritual power is running wildly, and the airflow is like a hurricane, and the aura in the surrounding air begins to shake.

Yun Huaiyu desperately wants to push away Xie He, but Xie He is holding him, ignoring his own injuries and ironing his heart to die with him!

Such a close distance, Yun Huai Yu can almost see himself from the pupil of Xie He.

why? Why is this so? Even if he bears him... why bother to lose his life? Does he hate him to this point? Still, because he still loves him, would he rather die with him?

He is such a despicable villain, where is it worth to thank him for his attachment to do whatever it takes?

Since the moment he set foot on Xiuxian Road, Yun Huaiyu knows that this road is difficult and sinister, life and death, and if you want to live, if you want to have the opportunity to prove the road, you must use whatever means, love and abandon love. He has always done this. .

It was only at this moment that he suddenly had doubts. If he was right, why did he die here today?

Why... to die in the hands of someone who should have loved him.

Is he wrong?

[叮, Yun Huai Yu good feeling 20, the current good feeling 60]

Xie He stared deeply at the person in front of him, slowly closed his eyes and closed his eyes to death. At this moment, he suddenly heard a big drink: "Master!"

Xie He looked back and saw that Mo Yan stood there. His face was cut open by several air wounds. The blood flowed down but he didn't realize it. He reached out and grabbed Xie He's shoulder. The black scorpion was deep: If you die here, I will die here too!"

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