Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong

Chapter 102: Apprentice's stove

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Xie He just woke up and hit me with a surprise! Immediately, I will reach out and rub the ribbon on my eyes. The **** **** has covered his eyes! If you let him know who he is, he will definitely be a thousand!

Mo Yanben is a very alert person. It was just a sensation that he was beaten by Xie He. He certainly couldn’t let Xie He see him. He quickly grabbed the chain and pulled Xie He to the front! Then he smothered his hands! Xie Heyi recovered and was awake. The spiritual power in the body was still uncontrollable. He was in a very weak state. He failed to kill this person for the first time, and he did not see his appearance. It is known that he still failed today.

Xie He struggled for a moment and found that he couldn’t get rid of the other’s restraint. He said: “Who are you?”

Ink gaze at the man underneath, just after a joy-love, the man's pale face still has a trace of abnormal redness, his lips are broken and red, even if the sound is cold and cold, but it is less than a weekday, more A seductive sexy, like feathers lingering in his heart... cold and arrogant and enchanting and intertwined, beautiful and moving.

Ink is not by the Lord, but bowed his head and kissed the soft red lips...

Xie He asked unsuccessful, but found that the man kissed again, the man's breath of aggression came to his face, suddenly trembled, the chain was screamed by his earning, originally to protect his own things, but now Become a bond that cannot be rid of!

"Let me go!" Xie He was panted by the kiss, and the extreme shame and anger made him look blushing.

Mo Yan is the one who loves him very much. Although the master who lost his mind will not resist like this, he will take the initiative to cater to him. As the instinct drives a beautiful **** beast, but the conscious master ... Angrily questioning his master is also a different kind of moving.

Every time he touches, every kiss Master can really feel that every time he enters the pain and pleasure brought to him, he will not forget...

When ink was thought of here, the * that had just been vented would rise again.

He wants to have this person more thoroughly, wants him to remember himself, and remember everything he brings to him!

Xie He found that the man who was holding himself suddenly did not move. His eyes were dark and he did not know the other's situation. He was shocked and angry and forced himself to sink his voice: "Who are you? Why do you want to do this?"

He tried to think back to what kind of hatred he hated him. He used this method to torture and humiliate him. He thought about it and didn’t think of it. Those who have enough strength are not like this character. It is true that 80% of them will directly kill him to win the treasure, and there is no need to sneak up and dare not show people.

Who is this, will it be like the mouth of the bones to hold on to him?

Ink did not make a sound from beginning to end. He looked at Xie He’s face with a sly look. The red ribbon covered his eyes... must be full of hatred and disgust? But he couldn't help but imagine that the star-like dark eyes would be very beautiful because of the brilliance of anger.

He lowered his head and gently kissed the eyes of Xie He through the ribbon.

Xie He felt his movements, slammed his head away, and inked his lips, silently smiling, but his eyes were full of aggressiveness. Since I woke up, remember me better...

Ink squats down.

Xie Heben thought that it was over. Who knows that the person knows that he has woke up, but he has no intention of closing his hand, but he has become more serious! I will try my best to struggle!

"Who are you! Stop! Ah--" Xie He drank, but it didn't help, the man's movements didn't stop. "I will kill you... No, I will take you away and ask you." Can't die! Ah!"

Xie Hefu is on the stone platform, biting his teeth tightly... It’s different from the feeling that he just woke up afterwards. This time he clearly remembers how the other person played and humiliated him, remembering when he was filled. The painful and pleasant feelings are intertwined... I remember how the rough hand caressed him, how the hot lips kissed him...

Ink's line of sight has always fallen on Xie He's face. The pale and cold face is dyed with the color of love - the color of desire, but the instinct that can not resist the body, the red lips are one by one, the familiar cold words are difficult to suppress. The trembling is low...

In the eyes of Mo Yan, the soft colors gradually emerged. Such a master...when he was unconscious, he did not want to let go.

Have you ever dreamed that you will be treated like this one day?

Remember me, only I can treat you like this.

[叮, target ink 沧 good feeling 3, current good feeling 85]

Xie He fainted again. When he woke up, he found that the cover on his eyes had disappeared. The chain on his body had already been unlocked, but he still lay on the cold ground. The man had disappeared.

This time is no longer just a vague nightmare. Every touch that the other person left on his body is like being imprinted in the depths of his soul. Xie He's face is blue and green, grabbing clothes and putting on.

Because I was tossed up for a day and a night, Xie He stood up and shook a little, his legs still trembled, and suddenly he hated the palm of his hand and slammed the wall into the wall, and smashed the hard stone wall into a big pit!


[444: The host is big, you failed today 诶_(:3ゝ∠)_]

[Xie He: Who said that I failed? 】

[444: You are not going to expose his identity? _]

[Thank you: No, I am just brushing my feelings. Smile jpg]


[Xie He: I used to underestimate my gangsters before, except for the first time, I have been persistently so many times that I have not felt so good. It’s really ruthless, I appreciate him. So this is to create a new taste for him, and it really works:)


Xie He certainly does not rush to expose his identity. He plays with joy. Although the frequency of sexual life once a month is low, it is too easy to get rid of the little apprentice who is afraid of mastering the bad scale. Everyone does not know how to cherish it. This is a wolf who knows only the possession of looting. It is also very ignorant of love.

Since he likes to play the game of cats and mice, let him think that he is the cat.

When I was about to return to Dongfu, Xie He had a look on the whole face, and it was full of cold and cold, which pushed the door.

Mo Yan had already waited for him at home, and saw him come back immediately and greeted him: "Master, you are back."

Xie He did not look at him, and went straight inside. As a result, his face changed slightly when he sat down, and his brows began to rise. He was smashed, and he hasn't recovered yet. He remembers what the person did to him. The hatefulness in his eyes is almost as real.

Mo Yan looked at Xie He’s pale face and cold eyes, and he knew why he was angry, but pretended to be completely ignorant. He looked at Xie He with concern. “Master, are you not feeling well? Great."

Is it so obvious to yourself? Xie Hewen is even more furious, how can this kind of scandal be discovered! His voice is cold. "I'm fine, what are you doing here? Go out!"

Mo Yan has long been accustomed to the swearing of Xie He, the expression has not changed, and went out smoothly.

Xie He thought that he left like this. Who knows that after a while, he saw that Mo Yan came over again, and still carried two exquisite dishes, whispered: "Master, I have done two weekdays for you. Do you want to eat something, do you want to eat something and then rest?"

Xie He looked at the food in the hands of Mo Yan, it really is what he likes on weekdays, but he is arrogant, just like this is hard to say, where is the mood to see the apprentice licking him to eat, impatient: "take go."

Speaking of standing up and leaving, he has to think again, what should I do when I am the first day of next month...

Who knows that when I stand up, my legs are soft and I almost fell to the ground!

Ink eyes saw Xie He standing unsteadily, and quickly reached out to help, the voice was very nervous: "Master is careful."

Xie He’s wrist was held by ink, and the powerful palm... The touch of the finger rubbing the skin made him suddenly excited! Slamming the ink slammed hard, screaming: "Don't touch me!"

Just... just like going back to the darkness, the nightmare of being ruthlessly played by a man...

It’s such a hand...

Ink was awkward, and there was a glimpse of the bright black scorpion. Even the voice: "Yes, sorry, I didn't mean it..."

Xie He looked at him coldly for a long time, and finally took his eyes off and went out.

He just imagined Mo Yan as that person... How is it possible, how old is Mo Yan, how can it be repaired? It’s great to have a middle age. Moreover, the child has always respected him and never dared to have a little bit of disobedience. It is completely different from the despicable and evil man. He must be a konjac to produce such a ridiculous idea.

Xie He has been raising his body for a few days before he recovers. Although he believes that the person cannot be ink, but still has nightmares every night.

In the nightmare, the man's face is no longer vague, but becomes the face of the ink, in the dream... the obedient obedient incarnation is turned into a completely strange demon, and the handsome face is hung with evil laughter, dark. The eyes are like the dark abyss, and he has repeatedly imposed those terrible things on him... Xie He has been horrified from his dreams countless times.

Whenever I see the ink, I can’t control my thoughts, though it’s impossible...but what if it’s the case?

Xie He’s eyes on Mo Yan’s eyes are getting worse.

He had injured the person before, and the injury must have not healed in such a short period of time. What is the relationship? Just when Xie He was ready to invite the ink to check it out, he found that Mo Yan had gone down the mountain, and he did not return any information overnight. Xie He could not help but be furious! Is it true that this is a beast? Otherwise how dare he not say goodbye?

Xie He immediately went down the mountain to pursue the use of the items commonly used by Moh, and soon found a dying ink in a broken temple.

The ink was very heavy, half of the body was bloody, and his face was pale and weak. He saw Xie He came, his eyes opened for a moment, and he closed weakly. Xie He saw his appearance... The anger in his heart disappeared in an instant, and even forgot what he was rushing to find out, holding the ink to return to Dongfu!

He had no doubts about Mo Yan, and in the face of this situation, he must first save the talent!

Xie He untied the clothes and checked, only to find that the injury of the ink sputum was much heavier than the appearance. It should be burned by the flame. From the shoulder to the abdomen, almost half of the body was burnt, and the lungs were also hurt very seriously. It’s not that he arrived in time, I’m afraid that he will die silently and no one knows.

Xie He did not hesitate to take out his own collection of the spirit, and personally passed the skill to protect the heart of the ink, and for a long time finally saved his life.

When Momo woke up, he found himself sitting on the bed with his knees, and Xie He was behind him. He barely turned his head and his voice was low and dumb. "Master..."

Xie He has been busy saving people from being angry. At this moment, seeing Mo Yan wake up and finally can't help but feel angry. "If you didn't find me, would you plan to die outside?"

I thought that Murray might have died like this, and my heart was inexplicably tight.

Ink's face was white, and he lowered his eyes: "I'm sorry, it's incompetent..."

Xie He is cold and cold: "What the **** is going on?"

"Master, haven't you always let me pay attention to the cold sands... I really bought some good things that day, but when I came back, I met several disciples who had long punched the door. Before I was fighting for them. I formed a resentment, so I was concealed on the way back. "There was a shyness on the face of Mo Yan. "The cold ice is also robbed, and there is no face to come back to see you."

Xie Hewen said with a brow, "The area is cold and smooth, but it is robbed. Of course, it is important to keep your life. Do you understand this truth?!"

Ink did not speak on his lips, his eyes looked a little unexpected, and he lowered his eyes: "I'm sorry."

Xie He can't see his thoughts. This is because he is afraid that he will be punished when he comes back. He would rather die outside without snoring. he raised such a dull apprentice! Doesn't he think that he is not as important as the cold sands?

Although he is not a person who is good at expressing his feelings, he may not be very good at Mo Yan, but he still has this apprentice in his heart. How can he not understand?

"Remember, my apprentice is not able to bully casually." Xie He couldn't bear to scream and temper, stand up coldly, grab him in one hand, and fly out with a flying sword!

Xie He Nai is the late Jingshen. In the Xiuxian world, it is definitely a powerful monk. The district governor, the chief of the gate, is a small sect. Even the door is only the beginning of the gods, and even dare to hurt his apprentice!

In less than a quarter of an hour, Xie He came to Chang Chongmen with ink.

He didn't talk much, and directly bombed a spell. The entire long-sleeve door was turned upside down like an earthquake. Then many people ran out, and some monks sacrificed flying swords to escape!

Xie He put Mo Yan on his side, and when he reached out and volleyed, he grabbed those people and returned them. He fell heavily on the ground and seriously vomited blood.

He walked in with a sword, and no one in the rabble could make a trick under his hand. When the long door rushed to the door and saw that the big event was not good, he would quietly escape from the secret passage, but the result was discovered by Xie He, a sword directly. Pierce your shoulders and nail them to the ground!

The long-running main escape is hopeless and horrified. I don’t know how I have provoked the moody hero of Dongyang Mojun. It is really bloody! He didn't even dare to ask, the old face was huddled together, and he pleaded with enthusiasm. "The devil is forgiving the devil, and you can take it away. You can only take the treasure of the long rushing door, and only ask the demon to spare me!"

"I grabbed my things, dare to ask me for my life?" Xie He coldly glared at him.

The chief of the long punch almost cried out, and even said: "Is there any misunderstanding here? How can I dare to grab your monster?"

Xie He sneered, turning back to Mo Yandao: "Who is hurting you?"

Because Xie He had several serious injuries in the previous shots, the rest of the people dared not run again. At this moment, they were timid and worried. The people who saw the ink smack looked at them, and their faces were white and shivering.

Ink squinted at the past and raised his hand. "Master, those three people."

Xie He looked at the direction of the ink, and the three fearsome and shrinking monks stood there. The highest level was also in the late stage of the gods. There was also a middle age, which was just a few miscellaneous pieces, and almost killed the ink!

The long-roofed master also understood this time, and could not wait to tear the three **** directly. Who knows that Dongyang Mojun actually has an apprentice, they actually robbed the apprentice of Dongyang Mojun! Now Master is looking for the door, and he is alive!

The three men looked at the ink finger and pointed at it. They almost fainted in the past. If Mo Yan said that he was the apprentice of Dongyang Mojun, he would not dare to rob him if he gave them 100 courage! They did not do anything to repair the murderous people and win the treasures. Today it is completely planted!

"The devil is forgiving! We are not intentional, we are willing to double... No, ten times compensation for you, ask the devil to spare!" The three men squatted on the ground, and then turned to the head and asked for mercy: " You adults have spared us a lot... we will never dare anymore!"

Xie He did not put those ants in his eyes. How can I listen to them? The cultivating fairyland would have a strong flesh. When they kill others, they should think that they have also been killed. Xie He raised his hand and waved, flying sword directly through the three people, the sword on the fire fired the three directly into ash, and finally did not even scream!

Then thank you and look back at the long rusher.

The long rushing door Lord’s eyes on the cold and ruthless eyes, a spirit, quickly took down his storage ring and handed it to Xie He respectfully. “Here is my savings for hundreds of years, all the treasures of this door, Today, all of them are dedicated to the devil, and a little careless demon will not deny!"

Xie He looked at him, his lips showed a smile like a smile, but he didn't expect it to be a smart person. He picked the ring and picked it up in his own hands. He said: "Look at your knowledge and understanding, today. Give you a life, but death sin can be saved from living sins, and you will lose your memory."

The voice fell and the sword slammed down the main arm!

The main arm of Changchongmen was **** and his face was distorted. He didn't dare to make a sound. He didn't dare to stop bleeding, and he trembled on the ground.

Thank you for your purpose, to catch the ink, and not to return to the sword to leave.

Going back to Dongfu, Xie He opened the storage ring of the Long Punch Lord. The collection of this old thing is still quite a lot, but it is not very useful for him. Xie He directly threw the ring to the ink, "Give you It is."

Ink is very surprised, "Master... this is your..."

Xie He looked at him, but did not retract the plan, but slowly said: "Good health, this time will not have to go down." He looked at Mo Yan, his eyes flashed a trace of helplessness, he actually suspected that person It’s ridiculous, it’s ridiculous, he can’t even pick up the mess.

I really thought about it.

Mo Yan holds the ring and wants to say something more, but Xie He has turned and left, leaving him with a lonely and sinister back.

He decided to stand there... Xie He did not hesitate to heal him, revenge for him, stand in front of him and look like a Yuelu... It’s never faded in his eyes, but instead The clearer it is.

He actually didn't need his protection long ago, but this feeling of being protected...

It was unexpectedly good.

[叮, target ink 沧 good feeling 3, current good feeling 88]


Xie He went back to his room and closed the door. His face suddenly became lazy, and it was cold and cold, and his eyes were faintly smiling.

He leisurely gave himself a pot of tea. Although he had already expected that Mohe would use a bitter meter to cover himself, it would be a bit of a surprise for him to be willing to take this kind of heavy hand.

After two days, Xie He received a book of flying swords.

Although he has always been a loner, but there are some links with several other devils, looking for him is the barren mountain demon.

The body of this old demon is a wild boar, eats everything, and luck is good. Tiancai Dibao has become a fine one. It has lived for more than a thousand years. According to human cultivation, it is also a late stage of the gods. It is a famous old monster. .

He wrote a letter saying that he had eaten several human monks a few days ago and got a message that Sanlingshan had a god-dead soldier and invited Xie He to go with him.

The birth of the gods has always been a major event in the cultivation of the celestial world. The heavenly squadrons are extremely rare in the whole cultivating of the celestial world. The large gates can be used to enhance the strength of the sect, and the rush to repair can gain their own strength. Who does not want a weapon of the gods?

And with the birth of the gods, there are often other treasures of heaven and earth, each time leading to the rise of the celestial world.

The barren mountain old demon is also very heart-warming, but he is also a solitary one. One person is too risky. If he doesn’t go to the heart, he thinks about it.

He heard that Xie He seems to have a hatred with the Changsheng Zong, and he does not like the long-lived disciples. In order to convince Xie He to explain that the elders of the longevity, Yun Huai, will go to the door, and even if they can’t grab the treasure, they will rob. These righteous monks are also good. When they meet the disciples of the Changshengzong, he promises not to thank and thank you! Of course, the other benefits are still to be divided together.

Xie He finished watching a little smile, it is time for the old lover to dry this stinky boy.

He has never been too much experience.

Xie He went out to the residence of Mo Yan, and Mo Yan was obediently nursing at home in the past few days. When he saw Xie He came over, he stood up quickly and respectfully, "Master."

Xie He looked at his slightly pale face and took out a bottle of medicinal herbs and put it down. This said: "I have to go out and you will stay at home."

"I will go with you." Moh said immediately.

Xie He brows slightly wrinkled, cold voice, "You have only been tired, seriously cultivated, free from the loss and give me shame."

Mo Yan heard the shyness of his head and did not dare to speak again.

Xie He gave him a faint look and turned and left.

[444: The host is big, are you not going to take him? 】

[Thank you: Don't worry, my good guys won't be so obedient. He likes Yang Fengyin most :)


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