Daxia Kingdom.

Wei Jian nervously watched Jiang Fan's live broadcast room, his hands full of sweat.

The dangerous scene on the screen, the shaky and falling bus, revealing the mottled black, made Wei Jian's heart begin to waver.

" The cherry blossoms are open, and there is no death, which means this is right"

" The Korean country gave up its seat, and death was wrong."

" Why don't we just use the opportunity and let Jiang Fan make a choice to open the window! It will be the same if we close the window later."

Wang Jie also agreed to use the opportunity to teleport Jiang Fan to open the window to avoid this crisis.

He looked at the falling inner wall of the car and was really scared, fearing that Da Xia would lose this ghost story game again!

Just when several people were about to use the rules prompt.

Suddenly, Jiang Fan on the screen stretched out his hand and moved!

" Stop, Jiang Fan is going to open the window!"

At this moment, everyone in Daxia breathed a sigh of relief.

【 Great, Jiang Fan is finally going to open the window!】

【 Damn, the inner wall of the bus suddenly fell down just now, and it scared me to death!】

【 The windows should have been opened earlier. If we waited until now, the car walls would have fallen off and it would be too late. We Daxia would lose again!】

【 I suspect the country used a hint, otherwise why would Jiang Fan change his mind?】

【 Wait, Jiang Fan is not going to open the window! Look! 】

The people of Daxia stopped talking one after another, and looked at Jiang Fan's actions on the screen, and felt their heartbeats stop!

In the live broadcast room.

Jiang Fan stretched out his hand, swung it around and reached the car window.


The other hand also swung around and stretched it over the old man, not caring about the old man's tightly held sleeves.

After stretching out both hands, Jiang Fan yawned slowly.

And stretched his hand back again.

It seemed that he was just stretching.

There was no intention of opening the car window at all.

Daxia Country.

All the people were silent.

Ah, this……..

In such a dangerous moment, he still had the mood to stretch? ?

It was a great show!

However, the next scene made them completely numb!

On the screen.

Jiang Fan looked at the passengers, stretched out his hand, bent four fingers, and only left one little finger.

Without saying anything, he just put his little finger into his ear and dug it.

As if.

Listening to the voices of the passengers disturbed his peace.

Completely ignoring that this is the world of ghost stories!

Outside, everyone was completely numb!

【 Damn, this guy is so arrogant! He is just as arrogant as his son!】

【 Awesome! Is Jiang Fan looking down on the world of ghost stories? Or is he looking down on the passengers?】

【 Not only did he not open the car window, he also cleaned his ears in public. Jiang Fan, you should be the chosen one who died with the most glorious death in the history of ghost stories!】

【 Get ready for the ghost story to come. Jiang Fan is so arrogant that I can't stand it anymore.】

【 It feels like Teacher Shen, come here! Hahaha! 】

Other countries also paid attention to Jiang Fan's situation in Daxia.

They all laughed

【 Is Jiang Fan a fool? Is he dissatisfied with his slow death?】

【 The Great Xia Kingdom is about to perish again this time, hahaha, just wait for it to become a nationwide legend!】

【 I don't know, what's the difference between this and hara-kiri in Sakura Country? Are they both suicides?】

【 This is the first time I have seen such a Chosen One who looks down on others. He is either a warrior or a fool! 】

Various countries, Daxia, looked at the inner wall of the bus that was falling off more and more. Some shook their heads helplessly, some laughed wantonly, and some were very sad.

At the same time.

The last few people who insisted on not giving up their seats and opening the windows like Jiang Fan, also compromised one after another.

They really couldn't bear the continuous mutation of the inner wall of the bus.

It's just opening a window. As long as you don't lean out of the window and don't break the rules, it's fine.

At this moment.

Jiang Fan was the only one left. He didn't open the window and didn't give up his seat.

After Jiang Fan picked his ears, he looked at the increasingly angry and twisted people, laughed happily, and sat down slowly.

He didn't break the rules. The rule says not to give up seats.

What does it have to do with his contempt for passengers?

He didn't break the rules, it's just that his ears were ringing because of the barking of dogs. Is there a problem?

No, very beaver

" According to research, daily exercise helps improve physical fitness."

Jiang Fan openly extended his middle finger and bent it again.

Jiang Fan smiled, not worried about the unusual movement of the bus.

Are you angry?

Are you angry?

Come on, I'm so scared!

Even in the peeling of the inner wall of the bus, Jiang Fan found something interesting.

If the inner wall of the bus falls off completely, can I sign in again?

After all, it's a new bus! What a pity.

Before his idea came true, the bus returned to its original state.

Yes, it returned to its original state, and nothing happened.

There was no weird contamination, and no death.

It seemed like it was just a farce with a lot of thunder and little rain.

This made Jiang Fan more convinced that his guess was right.

" Giving up the seat or opening the window, isn't it just to let the non-existent light in?"


All countries were confused!

Why? Why on earth!

The inside of the bus seemed so dangerous and terrifying. Jiang Fan refused everything and even despised it. Why didn't he die?

Could it be that the ghost story hasn't reacted yet?

All countries waited quietly.

Five minutes later.

Will Jiang Fan die soon? Yes, it should be that the time has not come yet!

Wait a little longer.

Ten minutes later.

Until the bus arrived at the new stop, Jiang Fan was still safe and sound.

This made all countries angry!

【 Report, I want to report! It's not fair, our country just shrank its legs and died, Daxia did nothing and survived!】

【 I seriously suspect that there is a bug in the ghost story game!】

【 Jiang Fan is not dead yet, that's impossible, fuck!】

【 Reported! Jiang Fan won't live long!

Of course, only a few people are dissatisfied.

All countries in the world have resolved their disputes, and the only countries that still have a mortal feud with Daxia are those few countries.

Daxia netizens are very excited that Jiang Fan survived the strange incident safely. Looking at the other netizens from various countries who made outrageous remarks, they all fought back and defended Jiang Fan!

【 Oh, isn't this the country of bananas? Pulling your legs back is also giving up your seat!】

【 Yes, the rules say not to give up seats, and not to open windows. Jiang Fan didn't break the rules, so why should he give up his seat?】

【 What are you barking about? My brother Fan is not dead. Are you dissatisfied? Hold it in! 】

Wei Jian saw this scene reversal, his expression was stiff for a few seconds, and then he slowly recovered.

He was angry and helpless.

Finally, he cursed

" Jiang Fan this kid…….How dare you! You actually looked down on the passengers. Oh, I've wanted to do this for a long time. It's exciting!"

" However, he actually guessed it right! Not giving up his seat or opening the window would not anger or offend the passengers!"

" Maybe we can try to believe him.…….."

Wang Jie nodded in agreement, looking expectantly at the quiet, yet confident face on the screen.

Jiang Fan was the Chosen One who had persisted the longest in the Great Xia Kingdom.

He had a great chance of successfully passing this Ghost Talk Game and gaining hope for the Great Xia Kingdom!

Then, he looked at the pop-up screen in the live broadcast room sternly and said,

" Anyone who insults Jiang Fan in the live broadcast room will be kicked out permanently!"

" yes!"

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