At the same time, not only Jiang Fan encountered passengers who were talking enthusiastically, but other chosen ones also encountered them.

Those sitting by the door turned their heads to talk enthusiastically.

Those sitting in the aisle held hands and talked enthusiastically.

Some people lowered their heads and did not speak.

Some people, facing the enthusiastic passengers, spoke politely.

" Otsuki Station? I want to go to Otsuki Station too.………."

Outside, in the live broadcast rooms of various countries, people watched the actions of the Chosen Ones of various countries and discussed

【 Oh my god, we are still polite in our banana country! Who can refuse a patient who has just recovered??】

【 Haha, is this the chosen one of your Great Xia Kingdom? I actually missed the conversation. You know, this passenger is getting off at Dayue Station. Maybe this is a good opportunity. Let's get off together.………】

【 I think it's okay if we don't talk. When the time comes, I'll just see this passenger getting off the bus and get off with him.】

【 Talking doesn't break the rules. These rules don't say you can't talk to people!】

【 That is, the third article only mentions,���Patting the shoulder, the one who is talking now is the one in the front row who is taking the initiative! 】

People are now divided into three parties.

One party supports talking to passengers and getting off at Dayue Station together.

After all, according to the ghost story games that have been played before, there are many NPCs who lead players to victory.

One party refuses to talk, saying that they can get off together according to the station the passengers arrive at, and ensure that they get off at Dayue Station.

The last party believes that there are many enemy NPCs in the ghost story game, and they should not talk to prevent being contaminated by weirdness and losing track of time.

In the ghost story world.

After experiencing the enthusiastic passengers, it returned to silence. One after another.

The bus arrived at the station again.

Daxing Vegetable Market.

This time there are particularly many passengers.

They directly filled up the remaining seats, and there were more than ten people without seats.

The passengers squeezed and squeezed to the door of the back car.

These passengers had just come out of the vegetable market, carrying all kinds of vegetables in their hands, and there was no lack of some strong gas floating in the air.

Many passengers near the window opened the window to disperse the smell.

At the same time.

A thin old man also sat next to Jiang Fan.

The old man was thin, but his belly was bulging, as if he was filled with something, and he was breathing heavily.

He was carrying some vegetables in his hands.

Among them was a bag of red liquid, which gave off a fishy and rusty smell that filled the air.

"……."Hoohoo... Sorry, this pig blood smells a bit fishy, I hope it doesn't bother you?"

Jiang Fan quietly watched the news on the electronic screen without saying anything.

The old man saw that Jiang Fan didn't answer, but he didn't get angry, still breathing heavily.

After a while, the old man spoke again, as if he was in great pain, and his breathing became faster.

""Hoo, hoo... Can you open the window for a bit? I'm sick and need some fresh air."

Jiang Fan turned his head and saw the old man with his mouth wide open, his face pale, his eyes wide open, his eye sockets bulging, as if he was about to die.

Jiang Fan didn't answer, turned his head and continued watching the news.

He noticed it.

He didn't know if it was a coincidence.

There were also some bloodshot in the old man's eyes. There were more bloodshot than the front passenger's eyes. They were so dense that they almost covered the entire eye, like a broken blood glass bead, and the blood was so rich that there was not a trace of white in the eye.

The old man saw that Jiang Fan didn't speak, and his breathing became heavier. He gasped for air in big mouthfuls, and the foul-smelling gas in his mouth mixed with the bloody gas in the bag, among which, a smell of old and rotten came out. His huge belly rose and fell, as if something was about to break out.

From time to time, he was accompanied by dry retching and heavy coughing, and the sound became more and more rapid.

" if you…….vomit…….If you don't open the window, change seats with me."

" I'm sick……."

The old man pleaded desperately, his voice getting louder and louder.

His dry hands grabbed Jiang Fan tightly and pinched him hard.

The heavy breathing seemed to be in Jiang Fan's ears, like a fish that was about to dry up and die, making Jiang Fan's throat tight.

It also made the people in the live broadcast room tremble with their hearts.

【 Damn, this scene is so horrifying that I can hardly breathe!】

【 Please, open a window for the old man! Just open the window, don't lean out!】

【 Will he die immediately?】

【 I remembered the old man upstairs who was breathing heavily before he died, as if someone was strangling him. 】

The old man screamed more and more sharply.

The passengers around him turned their heads to look over, expressionless and with wide eyes.

They seemed to be blaming Jiang Fan for not giving up his seat to the old man.

The sense of oppression at the scene could be felt even through the screen!

" Little brother, just give way to him and respect the elderly!"

" Look, he can hardly breathe, so pitiful. Are you really so heartless?"

""If you don't give up your seat, at least open the window to let the old man breathe?"

Jiang Fan didn't answer, and continued to watch the news on the electronic screen.

Seeing this, the passenger in the front row lost his smile and started to curse Jiang Fan.

The curses became more and more unpleasant, and gradually, even the passengers around him began to curse, with distorted faces.

As the passengers started to curse Jiang Fan, the inner wall of the bus began to fall off, piece by piece, and it was crumbling, as if Jiang Fan would be strangely contaminated if he didn't open the window and didn't give up his seat!


The Chosen Ones in the same group as Jiang Fan also encountered similar situations.

Some were pregnant women with morning sickness, some were cute children, and some were just ordinary passengers.

Banana Country.

Facing the cute little girl who was weakly calling for her brother, Pad couldn't help but switch seats with her.

" When taking the bus, you should respect the elderly and love the young, and give up your seat"

" Faced with such a lovely child, it is totally inhumane not to give up your seat when he/she is sick!"

" Rule one: Refusing to give up your seat is wrong!"

Pad looked at the girl who gradually turned around and smiled, and touched her head lovingly.

The next second, the girl spoke again, still with a lovely smile.

" Thanks bro, I'm much better now."

" How should I thank my brother then?"

Pad waved his hand and was about to speak.


The cute child in front of him smiled wider and wider.

It was as if the skin was stretched tight, and the smile was not enough. The corners of his mouth split open, revealing the bloody roots of his teeth. He raised his head and bit Pad's neck with bloodshot eyes.

" Brother is so kind, why don't you help me again? I've been hungry for a long time……."

The passengers around him opened their mouths, showing their sharp teeth, and looked at Pad with crazy eyes.

Blood gushed out from under the feet of the passengers.

" No!! Help!………"

After a while, a bone fell out of the passenger's mouth, covered with broken flesh and blood.

The little girl picked it up and swallowed it, the bone squeaked as it was chewed.

In the live broadcast room, the little girl seemed to have discovered something interesting, and suddenly turned her head to look up at the sky, her fangs cracked, her mouth torn and her face horrible.

The live broadcast room belonging to the Banana Country went black. The

Chosen One of the Banana Country, Pad, died!

【The chosen one of Banana Country, Pad, dies, strange stories randomly appear..........】

Cherry Blossom Country

" Sorry, I can't change seats with you, but I can open the window for you."

Kawada Yu pulled open the curtains and opened the window.

The rules say that you should politely refuse passengers who want to change seats.

And don't lean out of the window.

He just opened the curtains and didn't break the rules. How smart!

Netizens in the country of cherry blossoms were also very happy

【 Mr. Tian is really awesome. This way he helps the passengers while not violating the rules!】

【 Polite Mr. Tian, I am proud of you!】

【 That is, unlike people in other countries, especially in Daxia, not opening the window is fine, but it is so rude! 】

The citizens of Sakura Country were discussing.

Without noticing, after opening the window, Kawada Yu's eyes were dazed for a moment and he began to cough lightly.

Korean Country.

Pu Shu from Korean Country sat in the corridor, and there was an empty seat inside.

" Oh, I can't give you this seat."

Pu Shu politely refused, paused, and then said

" But you can sit in the seat inside."

Pu Shu moved his legs to let the passenger in.

He just moved his legs and didn't give up his seat, so it shouldn't violate the rules, right?

The passenger didn't say anything, but just smiled strangely. The

Korean high-ranking officials looked at their chosen one and nodded with satisfaction.

" See, I said that the Chosen Ones in our country are the most powerful. They don’t need to give up the window position or touch the window."

" Hahaha, it seems that our country can pass the level and obtain resources this time……"

The Korean government hadn't finished speaking yet.

The next second, the screen belonging to the country went black.

The Korean country was destroyed!

The Korean leaders were stunned.…….What happened?

Their country's chosen one died? ?

Is just moving your legs considered giving up your seat? ?

" Oh my god!!! The passenger was not an old person, a child or a pregnant woman, why would he die if he moved his legs?"

The Korean high-ranking officials reacted excitedly like a rule ghost story, and were seriously unconvinced

【 The passenger was an elderly man who had just had plastic surgery 】

" ???"

A moment later, the Korean government issued an order.

People over fifty years old are prohibited from having plastic surgery!!

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