Metensretinosaurus is the oldest member of the Pliosaur suborder. Pliosaur means beyond the ordinary lizard in English. It is a plesiosaur, no, it is the most powerful group among the pterygoid dragons. It is also Pteranodon's foray into the top of the ocean's ecological niche.

This attempt was very successful. The finned dragons were no longer the doorsteps of the ichthyosaurs. They also had their own apex predator. Although this guy even ate his own people, he still had some bragging rights, right? .

Compared with the long-necked plesiosaurs, pliosaurs are characterized by short necks, long heads, and average movement speed but extremely ferocious.

As the saying goes, those who are aggressive are afraid of those who are stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of losing their lives. Shanglong is such a group of people who are desperate for their lives.

Although its size and speed are not comparable to those of the apex predators among ichthyosaurs, the Big-headed Dragon forcibly carved its own bloody path.

Of course, at this time, Mertensretiosaurus was not a real pliosaur. It was just a soft hybrid of plesiosaurs and pliosaurs, with a medium neck shorter than plesiosaurs and a medium head smaller than pliosaurs.

Its size is even more incomparable to that of a fish, only about two meters to three meters, but its ferocious nature has still been revealed.

Xu Dong looked at Mertens Ruitilon, who was looking at him eagerly below, not enjoying it at all, but decided not to care about it and continued to find his own breakfast.

The advantage of being on an island is that you don’t have to worry about eating and drinking, because the sea always has enough cephalopods, bivalves and decapods, enough to support the entire ocean and coastal life.

Xu Dong is allergic to bivalves. He chose to eat decapoda and slurp ammonites. Its curved hooks are simply prepared for picking out the meat. When you poke it in, the ammonite meat comes out, which is easier than opening a can. Still simple.

Continuing to fly along the beautiful island, you can see groups of pterosaurs from time to time. Xu Dong doesn't care after seeing too much. As long as he is not offended, he will not take the initiative to attack them.

At first, I was a little happy about the ocean landforms, island landforms, and the beautiful blue ocean. But after flying for a long time, I almost felt sick looking at the blue color. Xu Dong started to do things that he would only do if he was bored, such as boating. .

The body floated on the water, and seven pairs of feathery scale wings flapped, driving Xu Dong to swim quickly like an oar. During this period, he was naturally chased by some fish. This was an ocean, not a freshwater river, and it was normal for fish to grow several meters long.

Of course, whenever he couldn't outrun them, Xu Dong stopped playing two-dimensional racing with them. Instead, he directly stepped on the sea and flew up, floating in the air to watch the fish in the sea wander around like headless flies.

Where is my food? Where is my spicy food?

Just like this, two months passed, and the island was finally flown over. The current terrain was half green and one blue coastline. Xu Dong estimated that he should be close to Asia.

It's just that the current terrain is so different from that of later generations that Xu Dong couldn't recognize where this place was. However, when he saw the huge mountains reaching the sky in the distance, he knew that this was the Ural Mountains.

In the Triassic, due to the Cimmerian orogeny, the dividing line between Europe and Asia made the Ural Mountains extremely tall. Xu Dong didn't know how high it was now, but what he knew was that he wanted to fly over this sky-high cliff. It's definitely difficult.

The Ural Mountains are too big and long. If the Central Pangea Mountains divide Laurasia and Gondwana in two, then the Ural Mountains divide Europe and Asia in half.

As long as he passes through this towering mountain, Xu Dong can enter Asia, which is his former motherland and hometown. Before the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic Period, he must at least go back and have a look, at least be done with it. Such a wish.

But how to cross this mountain range?

If Xu Dong was still a terrestrial creature, then this mountain would be an insurmountable chasm. Even the most common foothills of the Ural Mountains would be a plateau area for Xu Dong. A cold-blooded animal like it cannot stand the cold temperatures.

If you want to take a detour, the north is connected to the Pan-Ocean, almost vertically across the entire European continent. Although the south is closer, there is also a problem, that is, the Ural Mountains directly extend into the Tethys Sea. If you want to bypass it, you can Must be able to swim.

Therefore, Eurasia in ancient times were almost two ecological circles, and the food chains formed were also very different.

The advantage of flying was revealed at this moment. Even if the sea level of the Ural Mountains is extremely high, and even if the gap between the two mountains is too high for Xu Dong to fly up, he can still choose to go around and go around the Tethys Sea.

Although doing this will take you a little longer, it has two advantages: first, there is no shortage of food, and second, after passing through the mountains and flying northeast for a while, you can directly take a shortcut to the North China Plain.

The North China Plain, the hometown of later generations, seems to be only separated from Xudong by this mountain at this time.

The foothills of the Ural Mountains plunge directly into the Tethys Sea. All Xu Dong flew over were rocks and cliffs.

But even in such a terrain, there are still ubiquitous bivalves, which love rock walls the most and stick to them for life.

However, Xu Dong still chose to eat decapods and some echinoderms.

Around the mountain wall, there is an endless ocean and an extremely boring route. Xu Dong has been flying for so long that he can fall asleep while flying.

The sea is vast and vast. Xu Dong was not able to fly long distances on the sea at this time. Fortunately, the sea around Pangea was very shallow in this era, so the island terrain in Asia also existed, and it was smaller and more numerous than in Europe.

With the help of the small island as a transit, Xu Dong successfully crossed the Tethys Bay in more than a month. When everything on the land appeared in front of Xu Dong, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

This is the North China Plain of the motherland of later generations, and it will evolve into Xu Dong's home, but now in Xu Dong's eyes, it is no different from other regions.

There are still a large number of rainforests, gymnosperms cover the sky and the sun, ferns are rooted in the earth, there are also gurgling streams, rushing rivers, continuous mountains, and vast wilderness.

But other than that, there's nothing else, nothing special about it.

After all, this is not my home.

For a moment, Xu Dong felt lost. This feeling is like when you chase a dream and try to run and struggle towards it, but after you find it, you find that the dream is not as beautiful as you imagined.

Forget it, it’s been more than half a year since the Retiring period, and everything I wanted to do has been done. It’s time to face the mass extinction seven million years from now.

Xu Dong counted the total harvest during the Xiarui replacement period. He found that the source material was over two hundred and eleven components. He flew from Little Red Dragon to the North China Plain for nearly four months. Although the harvest was not as good as before, it was still good. Some.

Well, Creature Editor, I'm back! This time, it may be the last time.

Speed ​​up the process, countdown to the Triassic. . . A new era is coming.

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