Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 87 Continental Islands

The small red dragons are not as specialized as other clades. They are not large and are not considered large predators. They cannot fly and their feet are firmly stationed on the land. They are not amphibians and can only move on land. Occasionally I go into the water to catch a fish.

It is precisely because they are so stubborn and unwilling to change, and stubbornly cling to the skin left by their ancestors, that they are the only race among all clades that can do this.

Xu Dong was happy because the inheritance was still there, but Xu Dong was also worried because wisdom alone could not allow the little red dragons to survive the mass extinction unless they could really evolve into something as exaggerated as the upright ape in six million years.

But all this can only rely on luck and the kindness of old mother nature. Just like nature’s beloved son, the dinosaurs, they survived the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic Period unscathed. Instead, the number of species expanded rapidly, quickly taking over the ancestral pseudosuchians. territory.

Therefore, wisdom is accidental rather than inevitable. It is like a dry pyre, and all it needs is a little spark to ignite it.

But it is a pity that this spark can only be broken through, discovered, and ignited by themselves, and others cannot control or help at all.

Xu Dong flapped his wings and flew over the heads of the little red dragons in the morning light. Since everything was fine with the little red dragons, he would continue to search for his motherland that would be hundreds of millions of years later.

The sky is blue, cloudless, and only the eternal sun is always there, unmoving. When will he be able to live as long as the heaven and the earth, and sing in unison with the sun and the moon?

Haha, I really thought too much. Even the legendary creatures cannot be so powerful. He still collected the components step by step, visited the motherland, and finally faced the devastating war at the end of the Triassic Period with a smile. extinct.

This is the five largest mass extinctions since the Phanerozoic. No creature can survive it with absolute certainty, and Xu Dong is no exception. He doesn’t know when the next transformation will jump to. If all the evolved species of the Red Dragon tribe are Dying in the mass extinction means that Xu Dong will also die.

Without an anchor point, how long can an empty soul exist? Just like a balloon with its string broken, it flew higher and higher, until the last bang sound was heard, and the soul was gone.

So Xu Dong wanted to take a trip to his motherland while he still had time, to see the place that would become his home in hundreds of millions of years, and to put an end to an obsession in Xu Dong's heart.

Flying along the coastline, there was no shortage of food on the Triassic coast. The proliferation of ammonites created a rich marine product.

Just as Xu Dong was chewing a piece of shrimp meat, he felt as if he had forgotten something.

What exactly did you forget?

When he saw the ichthyosaur tumbling in the distance, he finally thought about it, the masseter muscle, he hadn't gotten the masseter muscle yet.

In the past month, I have been secretly observing the Little Red Dragon clan every day, but I have completely forgotten about the Crocodile Lowes.

Forget it, this is the Triassic period anyway, and there are many pseudosuchians. As long as they are still there, they can always be obtained.

Although Pangea is still a single piece, it will break apart in more than 10 million years. After another 190 million years of geological changes, it will gradually form the four oceans and seven continents known to later generations.

At this time, the large framework of Pangea had not yet moved, but the small terrain was changing, and Europe began to gradually become fragmented and islanded.

Most of them sank into the sea, and the higher ones turned into small islands. But because the sea level is not deep, many creatures on the mainland can interact with the islands.

In future generations, Phuket Island in the Maldives will have to stand back here. After all, are there fish and dragons in those places? Is there a finned dragon?

It is also because of this kind of terrain that Europe now has a lot of seafood and pterosaurs. How can we eat less fish without today's five-slag pterosaurs in the sky?

The early morning sun shone on the sea, making the sea sparkling. A group of pterosaurs swooped down from the sky and approached the sea in an instant.

Just before they were about to touch the sea water, they quickly pulled up to balance their bodies with the sea surface. The long mouth had quickly reached into the water and quickly lifted it up, bringing up a ray-finned fish and a handful of scattered fish. Splash.

Xu Dong couldn't help but envy the pterosaur's gliding ability. Although it was not as flexible as his own feather-scale wings, it did fly fast and handsomely.

But when I turned around and thought about their membranes that could be broken by a poke, and that their bodies lost the ability to fly after losing their membranes, I suddenly lost interest.

After taking a look at these pterosaurs that showed their natural beauty, I found that they were a group of true Dimorphodon pterosaurs, and these ugly guys. I had seen them in the rain forest before, but I didn't expect to see them again in this large island group. .

Also, Eudiodontosaurus has obvious special-shaped teeth and can chew. It mainly feeds on insects, fish, and shelled invertebrates. It is not surprising to see it above the island.

Xu Dong happened to have not had breakfast yet, so let's do surgery on them.

Feather scale wings flapped, its current body length was probably close to fifty centimeters, and its wingspan was about one meter and two meters, which was larger than these true Dimorphodon pterosaurs.

Xu Dong's approach quickly attracted the attention of the group of pterosaurs. They initially guessed that they might be coming to grab fish, but they didn't care. The food on this island was too rich, let alone one more red-scaled flying dragon. One hundred can be fully accommodated.

But who would have thought that this guy had no good intentions and actually came towards them.

Xu Dong inadvertently got further and further away from the pterosaur. Just after a pterosaur picked up a large fish of about ten centimeters from the water, Xu Dong quickly attacked and directly inserted his claws into the fish body to fight with the Dimorphodon. After grabbing it, it looked like a classic picture from later generations.

When the pterosaur saw the big guy Xu Dong coming to grab food, it was frightened and quickly wanted to fly away, but Xu Dong climbed up the pole and inserted a claw into its chest.

A pterosaur that was hunting prey was opened by Xu Dong for no reason. His attack immediately aroused the anger of the surrounding Dimorphodon pterosaurs. A group of pterosaurs with a wingspan of one meter surrounded Xu Dong. Eager to launch an attack.

However, the pterosaurs of the Triassic were so weak that they fell down without Xu Dong exerting much force.

With just a few swings of its claws, the skin wings of the Dimorphodon were cut open one after another, and they lost their balance and fell directly into the sea.

The best way to deal with pterosaurs is to destroy their flying tools. The threat of pterosaurs without wings is almost zero.

Seeing that Xu Dong was not easy to mess with, the True Dimorphodon pterosaurs screamed and fled into the distance. Xu Dong screamed twice in disdain and flew below to pick up his trophies.

But at this moment, a big head with a long neck emerged from the water and swallowed Xu Dong's loot in one mouthful.

Thanks to Yi Qingxuan, Xiao Huangbai has seven pounds, and book friend 20210619080548452 for the reward.

Small theater of paleontology: Eudiodon, also known as Eudiodon or Eudiodon, their wingspan is about 100 centimeters, and there may be a diamond-shaped mark at the end of the long tail, which is similar to a later beak. Pterosaurus, this symbol may have served as a rudder during flight.

Based on the shape of the teeth of Eudiodon, scientists speculated that they fed on fish. Fossils of a certain fish species were found in the stomach of a certain specimen. The larvae fossils of Eudiodon had slightly different characteristics. The dentition may have been feeding on insects. When Dimorphodon pterosaurs bite, the upper and lower teeth are in direct contact, especially the posterior teeth. Pterosaurs generally have obvious occlusion. The teeth of Eudiodontosaurus had multiple cusps and tooth wear, indicating that they could perform crushing and chewing actions to some extent. Wear on the sides of the teeth also suggests they also fed on hard-shelled invertebrates.

Sauromorpha - Archosaurs - Ornithopods - Pterosaurs - Eudiodontidae - Eudiodontidae

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