Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 83 Looking at each other through time

As the fear of the deep sea sank to the bottom of the sea, the sea surface returned to calm again. At this time, the sea surface was full of scattered corpses of sea plant dragons and ichthyosaurs, which were all motionless sources and components.

Just when Xu Dong was about to fly down, a huge crocodile came out of the water, raised its head high and made a burping sound towards Xu Dong, warning Xu Dong not to touch its prey.

Good guy, I don’t know when this big crocodile demon from the Jiucha River actually swam back again. From the previous war with the Sarst Ichthyosaurus, we can see that this guy is not only insidious but also stubborn, like an old Voldemort.

I just didn't expect him to be so greedy. There were so many corpses floating on the sea that he wanted to eat them all.

Xu Dong only had two words to respond to this: Haha.

You can swim faster than he can fly, otherwise it would be wishful thinking to take possession of all the corpses.

Xu Dong flew towards the corpse of an ichthyosaur farthest from Redongdalong. The guy watched Xu Dong fly away and also dived into the water, chasing after Xu Dong.

Xu Dong landed on a huge ichthyosaur. He was too small. The ten-meter-long ichthyosaur was almost like a big ship to him. He raised his claws and pierced the upturned belly of the Sasta ichthyosaur.

As a result, the skin of the ichthyosaur was too slippery, and it actually slipped off.

Leidongdalong floated up not far away, squirted out a mouthful of water, and let out a gurgling laugh. Apparently Xu Dong's behavior succeeded in making it laugh.

Xu Dong, even if he wasn't a pseudo-legend, wouldn't believe this level of intelligence. He was indeed mistaken before.

Who said that Redondasaurus is not a pseudo-legend if it is so big? Looking at it up close, this guy probably still looks like a minor. He's already this long to begin with, and he may not be able to grow as big as that Himalayan ichthyosaur in the future.

Xu Dong didn't believe in the evil and continued to insert his claws and scratched it out again. Good guy, he was dead and still as slippery as a loach. Xu Dong was not stupid. Since the prick couldn't be punctured, he followed the wound of the fish and dragon to eat the meat. .

Most of the wounds on this Sasta Ichthyosaurus were on its back, but there was still a large gap at the tail fin. Xu Dong flew to the tail of the fish with a wing, and the gap was very large. It should have been bitten by the giant crocodile demon. .

Xu Dong just put his claws into the gap, dug out a piece of flesh and blood and put it directly into his mouth to chew.

To be honest, ordinary creatures would definitely not be able to learn to use their claws to dig out meat, because their palms are not that flexible, and the gaps between their claws are large, so most of them just lower their heads to eat.

To be honest, this method is easy to be attacked by other creatures. Xu Dong likes to give other creatures a hard blow when they are eating.

To save others, Xu Dong now tries to dig with his claws every time he eats to exercise the flexibility of his claws. With the soul of an upright ape, he can learn everything very quickly. He can easily learn to eat with his claws by referring to the techniques of using knives and forks in later generations. .

After taking two consecutive bites, Xu Dong was not in a hurry to take the third bite. Instead, he jumped up and avoided the crocodile attack of Redonda Dragon.

The crocodile demon, which was completely out of reach of Xu Dong in the water, angrily fired at the body of Sasta Ichthyosaurus, bit off a large piece of flesh and blood, raised its head and swallowed it directly with the help of inertia.

After eating, he even punched Xu Dong in a demonstrative manner.

But Xu Dong smiled and said nothing, stretched out his paw and pointed in the direction of the sea.

The smart Leidongdalong immediately looked in the direction Xu Dong pointed. A group of ichthyosaurs and finned dragons rushed over. How could there be less of them when there was so much food on the sea.

Leidongdalong turned around and looked at the sea plant dragons swimming towards here, estimated the number of groups and the approximate distance, and finally gave in and decided that it would be better to escape first.

Without the obstruction of Leidongdaosaurus, it would take at least a few minutes for the ichthyosaurs to arrive. Xu Dong could finally enjoy the meat of ichthyosaurs and phytosaurs.

[Get components: Ichthyosaurus fins]

Taking advantage of the last few seconds when the ichthyosaur arrived, Xu Dong finally ate a component. The front fin of the ichthyosaur seemed to have an amphibian in its own clade. What was it called?

Xu Dong, who had just glanced at it briefly, didn't remember the name at all, but he just knew that there was such an amphibian.

The ichthyosaurs finally arrived at this large natural canteen and started gobbling like hungry ghosts. Xu Dong flew back to the land with a component and twenty-three points of source matter.

Because he was eating in a hurry, Xu Dong was not full. He thought of the two fish kisses that were thrown to the shore by the fear of the deep sea. He thought that the meat that the big nautilus despised was also a good thing for him. How could he let it go? .

Recalling the direction of the kiss in his memory, Xu Dong flew for more than half an hour and finally arrived at the mountain wall where two large holes had been punched out.

These two ichthyosaur rostrums were as powerful as crossbow arrows shot by a bed crossbow, shattering the trees passing by, and then firmly inserted into the cliff.

When Xu Dong arrived, there were already some small animals trying to climb up to reach the fish meat above. However, the cliff facing the sea was very steep, and all living creatures could only look at the ocean and sigh.

Xu Dong can fly, and the cliff is no obstacle to him at all. He just flew to a fish bone and landed, looking at the three-meter-long kiss bone and marveling at it.

Not counting the part inserted into the cliff, the exposed area is three to four meters. This Himalayan ichthyosaur is really big.

Xu Dong tore off a piece of flesh and blood stuck to the snout bone of the ichthyosaur and swallowed it. It felt a little firmer than the meat of the ichthyosaur in the sea, but it was no different.

Take another bite and [obtain 15 points of source quality]

Great, this is the most amount of Essence he has obtained so far. Even the previous Triassic Dragon only gave him thirteen points of Essence at most.

Creatures in the sea seem to provide less source of energy than land creatures of the same size. This thirty-meter-long Himalayan ichthyosaur is at the same level as the Triassic giant dragon.

Xu Dong didn't know the reason. Anyway, as long as the source of essence was given, he wouldn't mind no matter how much.

But after all, it was the meat from the upper and lower kissing bones, which had to be forcibly broken off. There wasn't much meat left. Xu Dong chewed through both bones before eating about ten mouthfuls. It was really too little.

Fortunately, I drew four sources of essence and one component, with a 50% winning rate, large creatures yyds!

At this time, Xu Dong's source of energy has exceeded the one hundred and eighty mark, reaching an astonishing one hundred and eighty-two points, and the component has also obtained something unexpected.

[Acquired component: Himalayan Ichthyosaurus dagger tooth]

French paleontologists of later generations once described it as the snout of a dolphin, the teeth of a crocodile, the head and sternum of a lizard, the limbs of a whale and the spine of a fish.

Xu Dong had hunted for so many years of hunting land creatures but he actually got the tooth component from a marine creature.

So now that the teeth are in the account, shouldn’t the masseter muscles also be used?

Xu Dong couldn't help but set his sights on those plant dragons that barely escaped death and escaped back to the estuary.

I want to read this book in Sanjiang. Readers, please try to read it every day this week and next. Thank you!

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