Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 82 Himalayan Ichthyosaurus

Black shadows lurk under all the plant dragons and ichthyosaurs. Except for Xu Dong and the Redonda dragon in the water, it is estimated that no one will know that this terrifying guy is lurking.

The big brother of Zhilong, Lei Dongdalong, simply turned around and ran away. This kind of big guy has exceeded the limit that it can handle. It's not worth it to fight with this guy just for a group of Hai Zhilong.

The careless Redonda dragon slipped away, but the plant dragons on the sea did not know it. They were still fighting with the fish and dragons, and did not notice the movement under the water at all.

But the ichthyosaurs living in the sea can clearly feel the disorder of the water flow, which means that the big guy is coming.

As a result, the ichthyosaurs had no intention of fighting Hai Zhilong and fled one after another, racing at life-or-death speeds in the water.

At this time, the sea dragons were still ignorant and immersed in their rare victory. Little did they know that the sea water was already boiling and bubbles were popping out of the water.

A huge snout shot out of the water, and the slender mouth opened and swallowed a sea plant dragon into its mouth.

The huge head sank into the water, causing a huge wave that knocked all the sea plant dragons around several meters away.

Although it was just a glimpse, Xu Dong still recognized this huge ichthyosaur, the real ocean overlord and top predator of the Triassic, the Himalayan ichthyosaur!

No, maybe not only in the Triassic, but also in the entire Mesozoic, it would be difficult to find a marine predator stronger than the fish.

The sea surface became quiet again. This group of silly sea dragons finally understood their current situation and quickly wanted to escape back to fresh water. Fish and dragons cannot adapt to the fresh water environment, so they can be rescued as long as they run there.

But how could the Himalayan ichthyosaur give this opportunity to the sea plant dragon? It floated one after another, taking one or two sea plant dragons with it every time it emerged from the water.

Although the number of sea phytosaurs was large, they could not withstand such consumption. Nearly ten of them were eaten by Himalayan ichthyosaurs. This big guy was finally full, and its back was exposed to the sea. Only then did Xu Dong clearly see its length.

Thirty meters!

Twice as big as the average Himalayan ichthyosaur!

What is this concept? The largest known effective species in the Triassic ocean is the 21-meter-level Xikasuniosaurus, which also belongs to the family Sastaidae.

Unless it is the New Zealand giant ichthyosaur whose fossils have been lost, if it is classified into the genus Sastaichthyosaurus, its body length will be 38 meters, which will surpass the blue whale and become the largest creature that has ever existed in the ocean. The largest creature.

But Xu Dong never dreamed that there would be such a large Himalayan ichthyosaur. It was still predatory at this size and was simply a nightmare for other creatures.

The Himalayan ichthyosaurs chopped up the melons and vegetables of the sea plant dragons at sea. After beating them, they fled in panic and arrogantly floated in the water and swam towards the depths of the ocean.

It has the capital to be arrogant. Even if there are fish larger than it in the ocean today, they mostly feed on small fish and shrimps, posing no threat to it at all.

It looks down on those big filter-feeding animals. Those small fish and shrimps are not as fragrant as ichthyosaurs and fin dragons. They are large and have enough portions. One meal can last for half a month.

Today I even had a feast of dragonflies. The meat of dragonflies is actually not very tasty. It is a little woody and dry, and the taste is not as good as that of fish and dragons, so I can only give it a try.

While this huge Himalayan ichthyosaur was leisurely basking in the sun, a chain sprang out from the abyss and wrapped tightly around its body.

That is a very thick green snake!

How could there be snakes in this era? Didn't it evolve at all?

No, not a snake, this is an octopus tentacle? ! Just one tentacle is so big, so how big must the whole octopus be?

The Himalayan Ichthyosaurus struggled hard. After all, it was also the top predator in the sea. It was full of ferocity and actually opened its long mouth and bit the base of its tentacles.

However, the big octopus did not let it succeed. Two more tentacles stretched out from the sea, one wrapped around the upper snout of the Himalayan Ichthyosaurus, and the other wrapped around the lower snout, making it difficult to close its mouth.

Xiyu, who was restrained by kisses up and down, struggled frantically, but it was all in vain.

The octopus's tentacles began to exert force and directly lifted the thirty-meter-long and dozens-of-ton Himalayan Ichthyosaurus from the sea into the air.

Then came the terrifying band strangulation. The first tentacle tightly compressed the fish's chest like a python strangling its prey.

The originally plump and round Himalayan ichthyosaur was like a fat man wearing a belt, forcing himself to squeeze into a gourd shape.

The powerful strangulation force caused Xiyu's chest to expand, its bones to break, and its big eyes to be squeezed more prominently. The blood vessels in the eyes had burst, making the big eyes full of blood.

But the big octopus didn't give up, and the other two tentacles began to stretch to both sides, forcefully pulling the two chopstick mouths of the fish to nearly 90 degrees.

Xu Dong could hear the click sound of the Xiyu's bones breaking in the air, and saw the blood flowing from its eyes, mouth, and even its tail.

It was so bloody and brutal.


There was a heart-breaking sound of bones breaking. The two chopstick mouths of the Himalayan Ichthyosaurus had been completely ripped off by the big octopus, and the originally gourd-shaped body completely turned into a B-shape.

Blood gurgled from the head of the Himalayan Ichthyosaurus, but it could no longer feel the pain because this thirty-meter-long ocean dragon had died on the hands of three octopus tentacles.

At this moment, a large green island emerged from the sea. The land was completely bare, with no trees, no ferns, and not even stones.

The surface of the island is very smooth, as if there is a layer of membrane. When the huge island really rises, Xu Dong wakes up. This is the giant octopus!

Wait, Si Li, fear of the deep sea!

If you can't just stay in the deep sea, why would you come to the shallow sea?

After more than 20 million years, Deep Sea Fear and Xu Dong looked at each other again. This glance seemed to penetrate time and space. Xu Dong seemed to have returned to the bottom of the lake again, facing each other across the caps of the newly born Deep Sea Fear. See.

Deep Sea Fear gently raised its tentacles and dragged the body of the Himalayan Ichthyosaurus into the water. The blood of the huge ichthyosaur dyed the water around Deep Sea Fear red.

It did not eat the two chopsticks of the Himalaya, but threw them towards the shore, and then it got back into the water again.

Although they just looked at each other, Xu Dong knew that the Deep Sea Fear definitely recognized him. Under its gaze, Xu Dong felt that his body and soul were completely seen through.

But why doesn't it attack itself? Or are you not curious about him at all?

Is he too weak to attract the slightest interest from Deep Sea Fear?

No, this guy is definitely planning something. The pseudo-legend is already so smart, so the real legend will definitely not be a stupid big guy who only has a body but no brain.

Thinking of the black pillar before and the totem on the black pillar.

They, or rather this world, definitely have some hidden existence that Xu Dong doesn't know about.

Thanks to franklin101 and Yi Xuanqing for the reward.

Small Theater of Paleontology: Himalayan Ichthyosaurus lived in Tibet, China during the late Triassic Period. It was a ferocious and large-scale predatory ichthyosaur, estimated to be about 15 meters in length.

Himalayan Ichthyosaur's teeth had sharp cutting edges, a feature that has been considered an identifying feature in recent years. The teeth of the ichthyosaur genus Ichthyosaurus, which was discovered in the western United States in recent years, also have sharp cutting edges. Himalayan ichthyosaurs most likely belong to the family Shoniichthyosauridae, which includes several large Triassic ichthyosaurs, such as Shoniichthyosaurus.

Sauriformes - Dipsids - Ichthyosaurs - Ichthyosaurs - Ichthyosaurs - Sarstidae - Himalayan Ichthyosaurs

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