Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 74 Triassic Dragon

Pterosaurs are very vengeful animals, as can be seen from their relatives who were beaten to death by little red dragons 20 million years ago.

Xu Dong killed the little Beitian Pterosaur, and the adult Beitian Pterosaur would naturally not let him go, so Xu Dong wisely chose to move on land, walking among the low ferns on the ground, and he could avoid the Beitian Pterosaur very well. search.

In today's rainforest area, the canopy and sky pose no threat to pterosaurs, but the ground is full of dangers. There are too many predators. Dinosaurs are very agile. If pterosaurs dare to come down, they will attack and eat them.

After all, in addition to being able to fly, the pterosaur's combat power is really poor. If it is equipped with poison, it can still pose a slight threat.

Hey~ wait a minute, it can fly and is poisonous, isn’t that the Red Scale Flying Dragon?

Xu Dong suddenly realized that his red-scale flying dragon clan already had most of the qualifications to unify the sky, except for a constant temperature system and flight speed.

As long as these two items can keep up, it will be difficult for the pterosaur to make a comeback, and sooner or later it will be completely replaced by the red scale flying dragon.


A Beitian pterosaur seemed not to believe in evil, and actually flew down from the tree crown, trying to stick to the ground to search for traces of Xu Dong.

Then there was nothing more. A Coelophysis bauensis suddenly sprang out from the bushes, jumped up, and directly bit the Beitian pterosaur, which was the one that had met Xu Dong before.

Its tiny teeth penetrated the body of the pterosaur, and the blood flowed out and dyed the mouth of Coelophysis red. Coelophysis raised its triangular head. After a few ups and downs, the pterosaur screamed and walked towards the end of its dragon life. , but Coelophysis and Xu Dong will not have the slightest sympathy. One will eat and the other will run away, without interfering or hindering each other.

Seeing this, the rest of the Beitian Pterosaurs naturally did not dare to fly to low altitudes. They only dared to hover above the branches and crowns of the trees, wandering aimlessly, but Xu Dong quickly ran away among the ferns underground.

As he was running, he accidentally tripped over a small pothole. Fortunately, he was quick enough and kept his balance by placing his left foot on the ground.

The owner of the small hole was woken up in his sleep. He stuck his little head out of the hole and looked around. When he saw an upright lizard even smaller than himself, his black eyes suddenly became sharp. It was not even time to eat. There's prey actually coming to your door, why don't you harvest it quickly?

It's a pity that this Morgan beast didn't know that it hit an iron plate. Xu Dong had already noticed it when it jumped up. Faced with this non-threatening attack, Xu Dong's response was to hit it with a claw. It ended up killing this guy.

I just ate a small pterosaur, and now there is a small orc. It seems that I am a very competent teacher. There are students taking the initiative to come to my door.

Xu Dong tore open the black skin of the Morgan beast and bit into the bright red flesh and blood inside. He didn't have much hope at first. After all, the size difference was not big, and the chance of getting the components was about zero.

However, luck is sometimes unpredictable. When he ate a piece of Morgan beast's internal organs, the system beep rang without warning.

[Acquired component: Morganmon’s night vision eyes]

Hmm~ I feel like I can form a set of equipment with Xiao Heipi, with night stealth and sight, the assassin next door will almost cry.

After eating, Xu Dong threw down the body of the Morgan beast with only bones and minced meat left and continued to move forward. Soon he felt something was different.

What exactly is the change? Xu Dong didn't understand why. The scenery around him didn't change, and the parts of his body didn't change either. The only thing that changed was the brightness.

Xu Dong walked out of the fern bush and looked up. There was a vast emptiness. It actually walked out of the rain forest that stretched for thousands of miles and came to the plain area occupied by low ferns.

Of course, it is not completely a plain. There are still trees, but they are very sparse. Generally, there is only one about ten meters tall. On the contrary, the spore plant fern is very lush and grows taller than Xudong. This kind of terrain is very conducive to Small creature life.

On this vast fern plain, Xu Dong saw a Plateosaurus standing upright on both legs in the distance, with its forelimbs lying on the tree to eat leaves.

This Elasmosaurus is much larger than the ones seen in Jiucha River before. Those in Jiucha River should be mountain dragons of the family Elasauridae, with a body length of 5 meters, a hip height of 1.1 meters, and a weight of 310 kilograms, which is roughly equivalent to a hippopotamus.

But here is the Trossingen Plateosaurus, which is much larger than the Mountain Dragon. It is the main family of Plateosaurus. It is 9.4 meters long, 2.3 meters high at the hip, and weighs 2.6 tons.

Although these two species both belong to the Plateosaurus class, they are not on the same level at all.

Continue to walk through the ferns until you come to the foot of Trossingen Plateosaurus. You raise your head and face the big guy lying on the tree trunk with his neck stretched out to eat pine leaves. His heart beats faster.

His hips were twelve centimeters high, and he could only raise his head to a height of sixteen centimeters, while the Trossingen Plateosaurus, which climbed a tree to graze, was nine meters tall.

The difference between 16 centimeters and 900 centimeters is 56 times, which is equivalent to the 1.8-meter-meter-high Ape erectus facing a 100-meter building. It is almost the same as when you stand downstairs in your house and look up at the building.

Sure enough, to see big things, you have to look at them from the bottom up to be shocked. Looking down from the sky, even the twelve-meter Redonda dragon looks like a small one.

With this emotion, Xu Dong continued to walk in the fern forest, observing the giant beasts here and there.

At this time, there suddenly appeared waves of vibration in front of me, very slow and heavy, like a heavy drum beating in my heart, as if something big was coming.

After waiting for a moment, the sound became clearer and clearer, and a group of huge creatures covering half of the sky slowly but surely moved towards the east.

Its formation is vast, majestic and mighty, its momentum is tangled, sonorous and heroic, and the surrounding creatures take the initiative to move to both sides to make way for it.

They are like the Argentinosaurus of the Triassic and the elephants of later generations. No one dares to block their way.

They look similar to those sauropod dinosaurs from the Jurassic, with long heads and long tails, four legs on the ground, and black and blue stripes on their bodies.

Of course, it's not strange to have stripes, and it's even less strange to have a long head and a long tail, but what's strange is that these guys are ridiculously long.

According to popular science in previous generations, the largest vegetarian dragon in the Triassic was the ten-meter-long Camelotosaurus of the family Melanosaurus.

But when he was on a forum, a certain guy surnamed A who didn’t want to be named told him mysteriously that there was an unnamed dinosaur fossil BP/1/5339 from the Triassic, which was suspected to be a primitive sauropod and seemed to grow up to ten years old. More than six meters, and sent him a recovery data map.

At that time, Xu Dong once questioned how the dinosaur could be restored with just a few fossils, or was it still standing on two legs?

As a result, the boss said that the credibility of the restoration picture was very low, but given the size of the fossil, it would be very large no matter which type it was restored into.

Reasonable and convincing.

After all, they are primitive sauropods, the ancestors of giant dinosaurs such as Diplodocus, Mamenchisaurus, Argentinosaurus, Titanosaurus, and Brachiosaurus. They are innately gifted with the ability to grow in size.

Today, Xu Dong was finally able to witness this group of mysterious and huge dinosaurs. Each of them raised their small heads and walked toward the east with slow and heavy steps.

The carnivorous dragons on both sides watched the giant dragon go away with saliva, but they had no desire to go up and hunt those big guys, fearing that they would die quickly enough.

Thanks for the tip from Xin Yuan Feng Dong.

Paleontological Theater: Betian Pterosaur, also known as Pterosaurus, is one of the oldest known pterosaurs, with a wingspan of about 60 centimeters. Compared with the later pterosaurs Pteranodon, it is very small. Compared with other pterosaurs, the wingspan of Beitian pterosaurs is relatively small, only twice the length of its hind limbs. The wingspan of other pterosaurs is more than three times the length of its hind limbs. The teeth of Beitian pterosaurs have only one pointed tip. The teeth are unspecialized and are different from the Eudiodontosaurus, which also belongs to the Italian pterosaurs of the Triassic. These characteristics show that Beitianoptera is the most primitive pterosaur known, and Beitianoptera may be a descendant of Dimorphodon. Ancestor, the two form the family Dimorphodontidae.

Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Ornithopods - Pterosaurs - Pterosaurs - Dimorphodontidae - Betianpteryx

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