Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 73 Teacher Xu starts class

Xu Dong squatted quietly on the branch and observed the fatherless dragons below. Small creatures are very vigilant. Although there are no ambushes such as dragons in the water, there are predators in the surrounding woods.

Xu Dong needed to wait until the fatherless dragons lowered their heads to drink water and relaxed their vigilance before taking action against them.

The largest fatherless dragon should be the leader of the eight fatherless dragons. It looked around vigilantly, moving its head towards the pool little by little, looking around with its two eyes, and immediately raised its head at the slightest sign of trouble. This looks really like the silly roe deer of later generations.

After a long while, when the fatherless dragons finally let down their vigilance and lowered their heads to drink water, Xu Dong jumped directly from the branch, drawing a beautiful arc in the air. He turned his paws downward and turned into A flying knife is bound to hit him with one blow.

But he ignored one situation, that is, the water was too clear. The leader of the clear fatherless dragon directly saw Xu Dong's projection. It raised its head in vigilance and called the tribesmen to escape.

In the forest at this moment, a large bipedal dinosaur rushed towards the fatherless dragons quickly, causing the group of fatherless dragons to panic completely and run around around the pool.

However, it was such a coincidence that the location of Xu Dong's whereabouts coincided with the location of the large dinosaur's charge.

He just happened to land in front of the dinosaur's open mouth, and he could even clearly see the dinosaur's small head, its interlaced blue, white, red and brown hair, and the densely packed teeth in his mouth.

This dinosaur was also very surprised. Wasn't he going to catch the Fatherless Dragon? Why is there a small lizard that is brought to my mouth? But it's not bad, it just serves as an appetizer.

The predatory dinosaur did not hesitate at all. It closed its open mouth. As long as the mouth was closed, the fine teeth would pierce Xu Dong's body in an instant. Basically, no food that entered the dinosaur's mouth could escape.

This damn luck, Xu Dong knew that eating the mutated pronucleus would definitely lead to bad luck, and he would always encounter all kinds of fatal coincidences. Fortunately, he had flexible cells in his body. In the air, which had completely lost the ability to resist other land creatures, he But can move flexibly.

Twisting his body to change his position, Xu Dong successfully missed the dinosaur's bite. Xu Dong put his foot on the dinosaur's side jaw to use force to keep himself away from it.

By the pond, the large dinosaur was kicked so hard that it tilted its head and had no impact. Xu Dong stepped on the ground again, and the fatherless dragons who were drinking water had already run away cleanly.

After standing still, he carefully looked at this dinosaur with rich and colorful hair. Xu Dong immediately recognized it. It was Coelophysis bauensis from the family Coelophysis. The body was about two and a half meters long, with a hip height of 80 centimeters. Its small head was opposite Quasi Xu Dong stared at him with an unkind expression.

The cooked duck flew away, and the broiler chicken originally selected for dinner also ran away. As of now, there is nothing to eat. No one would be happy if it were replaced.

Coelophysis baumannii slowly moved its legs and pointed its body at Xu Dong. It suddenly wanted to eat lizards today, and they were red ones.

Xu Dong knew that something was broken and he was going to be unlucky again. If he followed the instinct of living things, his small animal of nearly 40 centimeters would not be enough for Coelophysis. This 2.5 meter big guy would most likely still chase him. Those fatherless dragons who escaped, after all, eating is the most important thing in the biological world.

However, now this Coelophysis has set its sights on him, ignoring the escaping fatherless dragons. If there is no natural target, he will not believe it if he is killed.

But since the Coelophysis was targeted, there was no need to panic, because the Coelophysis couldn't climb trees. Xu Dong just had to hide in the tree and jump away.

Faced with this shameless high-altitude escaping technique, Bao jumped up and down in anger, but he had no choice but to watch Xu Dong jump further and further until he disappeared from its sight, then shook his little head and continued The hunt went.

Xu Dong was jumping, and there were some weird animals jumping with him, seemingly wanting to compete with him in speed.

If you look carefully, you will see that they look somewhat similar to bats, with their round heads, furry bodies, and wings with threatening patterns. Aren't these strange-looking guys the famous Beitian Pterosaurs?

Why is Beitian Winged Dragon here? In the same habitat as Coelophysis baumannii? Hmm~ It's quite reasonable. There is a famous restoration picture from later generations that put the two together.

I wonder if these Beitian pterosaurs are stupid, they are still jumping on the trees even though they have wings? Forget about jumping, you actually want to compete with him in speed, really. . . Don't you think he's hungry enough?

The Beitian pterosaurs might just be out of curiosity, or they might be more playful. Judging from the body size, they are all thirty or forty centimeters, much smaller than the 60 centimeters of adult individuals. It is really possible that they are young dragons, mistaking Xu Dong for nothing. A threatening playmate.

Also, if there are really arboreal creatures the size of Xu Dong, not to mention 100%, at least 99% are vegetarian or insectivorous.

This group of Beitian baby dragons have probably never encountered carnivorous tree-dwelling creatures, and their pterosaurs dominate the air. They have never encountered danger, so they are not very vigilant. Naturally, they are too naive.

Xu Dong licked the roof of his mouth and decided to work harder and teach these young dragons the most important lesson, telling them what reality is and what nature is!

Intentionally or unintentionally, he approached a pterosaur on the left. When it was a few meters away, the Beitian pterosaur even called out woo-woo twice toward Xu Dong to express its joy.

However, what was greeted was not Xu Dong's kind response, but a swooping figure. How could the little pterosaur, which was not alert at all, escape the big evil dragon's surprise attack and be thrown directly onto the branch.

The big evil dragon didn't make it too painful. He raised his right forelimb and inserted it directly into the little guy's neck.

The necks of pterosaurs in the Triassic were not as slender as later ones. Xu Dong felt that his mouth would probably bite endlessly, but his claws were still reliable. He inserted three sharp claws and returned to the embrace of nature without any pain.

The surrounding little pterosaurs suddenly screamed in fright, and tried to fly away in a hurry, but some were too hasty and got stuck in the branches, while others hit the trees and fell. In short, there was a lot of jumping around. Xu Dong was very happy to see it.

Xu Dong tore off a piece of the little pterosaur's flesh and swallowed it in his belly, thinking that after this lesson, these Beitian young dragons should know that the forest is not the amusement park they imagined, but the Triassic, which is full of dangers!

Most of the pterosaur's body is made up of wings and skeleton, with only a few ounces of meat. Fortunately, Xu Dong is small, and this little pterosaur is enough for him to eat.

After gnawing for a long time, nothing came out. It was purely used to fill my stomach. At this time, there were bursts of chirping in the sky, and there were quite a lot of them.

After fighting the younger ones, the older ones arrived. The opponents were numerous and large, and Xu Dong, who had temporarily lost his ability to fly, decided it was better to dodge first.

This time I won’t jump on the tree canopy, just run on the ground.

Small theater of paleontology: Coelophysis, also known as Voidosaurus, is a small, carnivorous, bipedal dinosaur in North America. It is also one of the earliest known dinosaurs. It first appeared in the Norian stage of the late Triassic.

Coelophysis was the first dinosaur for which several complete skeletons were discovered. The type species Coelophysis baumannii was a light dinosaur, about 2-3 meters long and about 1 meter high at the hip. Its genus name comes from the ancient Greek κοιλο (meaning hollow) and φυσι (meaning shape), which are taken from its hollow limb bones.

Sauromorpha - Archosaurs - Dinosaurs - Saurischia - Theropods - Coelophysis - Coelophysis

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