The weather was clear and cloudless, and it was another hot day. Since the Carnian flood event passed, Pangea has returned to its previous scorching heat. Fortunately, the gymnosperms all over the continent have become established, and it is difficult for them to be affected by drought again. After defeating the spore plants, the continent is still lush with vegetation, with towering pines and firs, bringing shade to the creatures that live in it.

At this time, Xu Dong, who was flying in the air and being scorched by the sun, did not feel any warmth, only felt cold all over his body, because behind him was the black tide version 2.0 that blocked the sky and the sun.

The creatures were ignorant and didn't know that the natural disaster was coming. The black tide swept over and it was a dead place.

Flying insects are different from the beetles that Xu Dong first encountered. They live and die. They eat food in order to have enough nutrients to reproduce. After the birth of new flying insects, they continue to absorb nutrients and continue to reproduce, with endless descendants. Endless.

Therefore, their replacement is very fast, and their plunder and slaughter of creatures exceeds the black tide that Xu Dong encountered at the beginning. What is even more frightening is that they can fly. Even today's running champion dinosaurs cannot escape their killing.

Have you ever seen an overwhelming swarm of locusts? How terrifying would it be if these locust swarms were still cannibals?

Xu Dong was obviously scared. He knew that these guys were definitely here to take revenge on him. They were still chasing after them after three days. It was like licking a dog.

Fortunately, these flying insects did not fly very fast in order to eat and reproduce, so they could not catch up with him for the time being.

In today's sky, the fastest flying ones are definitely pterosaurs, followed by Xudong and his red-scaled flying dragons, and finally the insects. After all, the staple food of today's pterosaurs and red-scaled flying dragons are these insects, and they can't fly as fast as the insects. How to eat them.

Although I can't catch up for the time being, being chased like this all the time is not an option. Is there any place that bugs can't go?


. . . . .

It seems that there is really no place that bugs cannot go to. Even under water, bugs still exist. Perhaps only in high altitudes with thin oxygen, bugs cannot fly.

But the problem is, Xu Dong can't go up either. The oxygen at high altitude is thin and the temperature is extremely low. Although the red scale flying dragon's airbag can barely adapt to the low oxygen environment, they are cold-blooded animals and cannot stand the low temperature at high altitude.

At this time, although the pterosaurs have a constant temperature, they can't stand the ultra-low temperatures at high altitudes, and the airbags have not evolved enough to support flying to high altitudes, so high altitudes are now no-go zones.

You really need to find a constant temperature component. Of course, if you leave it alone, in a few million years the red-scaled flying dragon will probably automatically evolve the ability to maintain a constant temperature in order to fly.

Now is not the time to think about this. The most important thing now is how to get rid of these followers.

Perhaps because it took a long time to catch up, the insect king larvae in the flying insect swarm, here we call it the insect prince, couldn't restrain the rage in his heart, and flew out of the insect swarm regardless of the cover of the surrounding flying insects. He rushed towards Xu Dong at a fast speed.

Xu Dong obviously noticed this impressive insect, firstly because it was much larger than other insects, and secondly because it looked so much like the insect king.

It might be the offspring of this insect king, probably the one that was born in the body of the bat pterosaur.

This was Xu Dong's natural association. After all, no one would believe that the larvae that he had decapitated would actually come back to life to hunt him.

The two pairs of wings on the back of this insect prince fly very fast, seemingly faster than Xu Dong. After all, it is an insect. Its internal organs are extremely simple and light, so it is normal for it to fly fast.

Since he rushed over so aggressively, Xu Dong naturally used all his strength to run away, and the dragon and the insect started chasing each other.

Xu Dong knew that his straight-line speed was not as good as that of Prince Chong. Sooner or later he would be overtaken when flying in the open sky. In this case, it would be better to use dodge and cornering skills. Xu Dong did not believe that he, an experienced driver in Qiu Mingshan, would not be as good as that silly Chong behind him.

So he swooped directly into the rain forest below, and the insect prince rushed in with him without thinking.

The vast rainforest below has obviously grown for many years. The large trees in it are extremely prosperous, and the canopy is full of branches connected to branches. Flying in this place is extremely difficult for your skills. If you are not careful, you will be hit by the branches. hit.

In terms of body shape, the insect prince's wingspan reaches about one meter and three meters, which is one meter longer than Xu Dong's. However, in terms of flexibility, the thin and soft insect wings are far stronger than Xu Dong's feather scale wings, and Xu Dong's wings have 14 sticks, while the Insect Prince only has 4 sticks, making it even more difficult to avoid obstacles.

Even with so many disadvantages, Xu Dong relied on his skills and experience to steadily overpower the newborn green head and keep pushing it away.

I want to compete with my old Qiu Mingshan driver in cornering, and I will throw you so hard that you can't even see the taillights. Xu Dong unconsciously grinned like a Nike.

The insect prince who was left behind let out a sharp hiss. No longer talking about professional rules, he spit out venom directly from his mouth and burned it in the air. He burned all the tree branches in front of him and moved forward in a straight line in this cheating way. , quickly approaching the red-scaled flying dragon in front.

Xu Dong tilted his head and looked at the ferocious insects approaching, looking very flustered. Prince Chong was actually a little happy after seeing Xu Dong being so flustered. Sure enough, his happiness should be based on the enemy's pain. He couldn't wait to wait. Look at Xu Dong's expression after being caught by it.

It's close, only fifty meters away!

Even closer, ten meters!

Almost caught, only one body!

Xu Dong suddenly hugged a tree trunk with his left hand and made a 360-degree turn with the help of inertia. The sharp claws of his right hand slashed towards the worm prince who was rushing forward.

This pseudo-legendary descendant never dreamed that Xu Dong would actually do this to it. It was only a few days old, and the insect shell on its body was not as hard as the Insect King. It was cut across by Xu Dong's sharp claws. , was cut into upper and lower halves without any hindrance.

The ferocious Prince Insect was killed by Xu Dong in the rain forest. His body fell into two halves and fell to the ground. The price Xu Dong paid was that he was splashed with green blood, which corroded his whole body into pits and pits. There were even bones exposed in places.

But as long as he could kill this bug, it would be all worth it. Xu Dong jumped down regardless of his injuries. He wanted to see if there was a mutated pronucleus in this bug. After all, this guy was planted into a bat pterosaur. There was no reason not to use the bat wing. The mutated pronucleus of the dragon was eaten.

But judging from its body that was split in half, there was no mutated pronucleus, so there were only two possibilities. One was that the mutated pronucleus was eaten by the insect king, and the other was that.

This guy was the one he killed in the belly of the Faxinar Pterosaur!

Insects chirped in the distance, and the Kuroshio army was already pressing up. Xu Dong didn't care to take a closer look, and flew away dragging his injured body.

A few minutes after he left, an insect slightly smaller than the Insect Prince came here. It looked at its brother who was split in half, its eyes full of indifference.

The tentacles on the back rolled up the corpse of the insect prince and tore it into pieces in an instant. Then he stuffed it into his mouth and ate it.

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