Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 68 Thousands of miles of pursuit

The Bat Pterosaur and the Insect King left here, leaving only the dying Fachinar Pterosaur. Xu Dong quietly flew to the big guy's side, preparing to perform a laparotomy on it, as long as the mutation in the body was removed The proto-nucleus will not be as painful as it is now and can move towards death peacefully.

Giving away a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Xu Dong was almost moved to tears by his kindness.

According to the size of the pseudo-legend, even the pterosaur skin with the most rubbish defense power cannot be easily cut by Xu Dong. However, the terrifying-looking insect king thoughtfully helped Xu Dong open three big holes and followed the big holes. Cutting open the abdomen of the Fachinar pterosaur, a disgusting smell came out.

I saw that this huge pseudo-legendary's abdomen actually had no organs, leaving only a curled-up giant larva full of mucus.

The larva is about sixty centimeters long. Its eyes are closed and its body is hugged into a ball. The tentacles on its back are inserted into the flesh wall of the Fachinar pterosaur to absorb nutrients. The mutated proto-nucleus that Xu Dong longs for is also absorbed by this little guy. In arms.

If Xu Dong could talk, he would definitely say: Fuck, that's so fucking disgusting.

But compared with the mutated pronucleus, nausea is nothing at all. Before the little guy woke up, Xu Dong directly stretched out his paw to get the beads in his arms. After getting the beads, Just give this scary little guy a knife to prevent it from harming other prehistoric creatures when it grows up.

Maybe it felt Xu Dong's malice, or maybe it was exposed to the cold and humid air from the outside world, but the curled up larvae actually started to tremble slightly.

Xu Dong's right paw grabbed the mutated pronucleus in its arms, and when he was about to take it out, the larva suddenly tightened its appendages and held Xu Dong's right paw in its arms.

Xu Dong's sharp claws inserted into the larva's body smoothly. The larva's eyes suddenly opened wide, staring at Xu Dong, and it made a sharp and unpleasant hissing sound.

Well, little guy, if you touch Uncle Porcelain like this, he will really chop you to death.

Without any hesitation, Xu Dong swung out his left claw and decapitated the noisy little guy. Green blood spattered everywhere, mostly on the pterosaur's flesh wall, making a sizzling sound. It was actually corrosive. .

Only then did Xu Dong feel some pain on his face, and then he felt that his right paw also seemed to be in pain. He pulled it out hard, and his right forelimb was suddenly corroded by insect blood.

The thin and fragile scales cannot withstand such powerful sulfuric acid blood.


Severe pain invades!

Xu Dong's right claw could not grasp the mutated proto-nucleus and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the long cry of the insect king came from the distance, as well as the sound of countless insects swarming in. No, the old ones came after the young ones.

Xu Dong didn't care about the injuries on his body. He grabbed the untainted mutated proto-nucleus on the ground with his left paw and swallowed it into his belly. Seven pairs of feather scale wings flapped and took off to escape.

Not long after Xu Dong left, the insect king came back dragging the body of the bat pterosaur, and the insect army surrounded it and the two pterosaur bodies in the center.

The Insect King tore open the body of the Fashinar Pterosaur, giving this pseudo-legend a happy ending.

In its abdominal cavity, a decapitated larva lay there motionless, looking like it must be completely dead.

The insect king opened its terrifying mouth and let out a sharp hiss. Countless insects also squeaked and swarmed into the pterosaur's shriveled abdomen, filling it to the brim.

After a while, these insects also shriveled up, and a 60-centimeter large insect crawled out from the insect corpse and made the same sharp but slightly more immature neigh at the insect king.

It is the descendant of the terrifying insect king, but was almost killed by a lizard. It has remembered the red lizard and vowed to kill it, torture it, and then eat it.

Even creatures without intelligence in nature will still hold grudges, let alone this pseudo-legendary species whose intelligence far exceeds that of ordinary creatures.

Fortunately, Xu Dong can fly, so he doesn't have to worry about these big land insects yet.

Forehead. . .

This larva crawled out of the insect pile and bathed in the rain. Two pairs of wings that looked like both insect wings and leather wings suddenly stretched out from its back. They shook like an umbrella, stretched out, and carried it flying unsteadily. Up to heaven.

At this point, Xu Dong's only advantage was lost. Now, he was about to face a pseudo-legendary monster that hated it extremely.

Thousands of miles of pursuit!

The Zerg are a race with bugs in the biological world. They are so unique in terms of smell, vision, feeling, growth, reproduction, weapons, etc. They can be called experts in black technology.

If it weren't for the two genetic locks of gigantism and IQ, the Zerg would definitely be one of the strongest creatures on earth. Except for the more buggy Ape erectus, no species can resist the Zerg's sea of ​​​​worm tactics.

But now, the shackles of intelligence and giant transformation have been broken by the Insect King, and the terror of the Insects will be fully revealed. The first person to face the Insect attack is not the pseudocrocodile, the overlord of the land, nor the pterosaur, the king of the sky, but actually a red... Scale flying dragon.

Xu Dong flew to the river and immersed his body in the water to wash away the green blood that was like maggots attached to bones.

Fortunately, he ate the mutated pronucleus and his own reborn cells along the way. These two things combined with the corrosive green blood actually reached a strange balance, and Xu Dong's right claw was saved.

After washing off the dirty blood on his body and poisoning many small fish and shrimps, Xu Dong did not dare to stay for a long time and took off to continue eastward.

Being able to get a mutated proto-nucleus this time was already a huge reward. Although he was also covetous of the components and source material of the Pterodactyl and the Insect King, he was not mindless enough to attack these big guys.

Even the young horror bugs that he decapitated had blood like sulfuric acid in their bodies. Xu Dong did not dare to eat them. It would be too funny to die from eating them if their stomachs were corroded and their intestines were pierced.

Crossing the creek and continuing to fly east, Xu Dong is trying to stop as little as possible. He is afraid that the insect king who has lost his son or daughter will be too sad and pursue him. Xu Dong does not want to become a nutrient in the insect's body. .

Apart from the necessary rest, he flew for three days. New flesh grew on his injuries, but he still did not fly out of this vast rainforest.

But I think the flightless insect king probably won't be able to catch up. If he can catch up, then what's the use of these wings?

As Murphy's Law says, the less you want something to happen, the more it will happen. Xu Dong thought it was impossible for the bug to catch up with him, and then the bug really caught up with him.

He just glanced back, really, just glanced at it, and saw a dark cloud drifting towards this side.

If you look carefully, aren't the flying insects that made up this dark cloud the insect king drove before?

Did you really catch up? Do you want to be so vindictive?

Thanks to Dr. Fraud and Paddling Member No. 1 for the reward.

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