Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 29 Canopy Ecological Niche (testing the water, please follow up)

After getting rid of the Persian Clerosaurus, the smell of blood would inevitably attract other predators. Xu Dong tried to climb down the big cedar tree next to him and found that it was not an easy task.

So I could only leave with some of the prey and the body of the little red dragon, find a safe place to settle down first, and then talk about climbing up the tree slowly.

The habitat chosen by Xu Dong is a cedar forest close to the coast. This is the territory of the Boscerosaurus just now. There is only a small tidal flat between it and the ocean. Living here can seize the ecological niche of the canopy, and can also occupy the canopy ecological niche from time to time. Try the seafood.

Since they couldn't climb trees yet, the little red dragons dug several holes in the soil under the cedar trees as temporary habitats.

After establishing a preliminary habitat, Xu Dong began to teach the little red dragons how to climb trees. After they all adapted to the arboreal life, he would start a new round of species evolution.

No, Xu Dong suddenly had an idea and thought of a very serious problem. It hadn't gotten the wing components yet!

Wings are the key to flight. It is unreliable to rely on the little red dragon to evolve on its own, because evolution is uncertain. Even if you choose to live in a forest area, you may not necessarily evolve the ability to fly.

So far, only insects, pterosaurs, birds and bats have evolved the ability to fly. With so many creatures unable to fly, how can we be sure that the red dragon can naturally evolve flight?

Therefore, you have to edit it in the creature editor to forcibly load the flying ability on the little red dragon.

After settling down and adapting to the life in the trees, Xu Dong will go into the depths of the forest alone to look for any gliding animals in this fir forest. If not, Xu Dong will look for them in other areas.

But since there is Skerosaurus here, it is very likely that there is also the ancestor of the pterosaur. To be honest, Xu Dong doesn't like the wings of the pterosaur. It's not that he doesn't like the leather wings, but he doesn't like to sacrifice two arms.

For the terrifying upright ape, the arms were too useful, and Xu Dong was reluctant to exchange his dexterous hands for a pair of wings.

When the caves were dug, Xu Dong held a funeral ceremony for the dead Long Shiyi and Long Liu. He placed them in the pit and mourned silently with his hands clasped together. Finally, other little red dragons filled the holes.

The two little red dragons are sleeping peacefully next to their current habitat. They will witness the little red dragons moving from the earth to the tree trunks, and then flying from the tree trunks to the blue sky.

The following days were spent eating and climbing trees. Climbing trees is really not an easy task for the little red dragon. It is not a problem of body structure. The appearance of lizards like Skererosaurus, Therasaurus, and Konai The lizards all climbed up the trees as usual.

The main problem is how to overcome the fear in Xiao Chilong's heart.

Just like swimming before, regardless of the size of the lizard, Xu Dong can still swim, but he swims a little slower. Aren't the top predators in the sea now still lizards like ichthyosaurs and fins in the water?

But once bitten by a snake, the little red dragons are afraid of well ropes for ten years. They dare not go into the water after being flooded once. After climbing a tree and falling, they dare not climb again.

How does this work?

How could it rob the Skererosaurus of its ecological niche if it couldn't climb a tree? How could it fly into the sky if it couldn't even take the first step?

It only took Xu Dong three days to climb the tree very skillfully. He didn't believe that other little red dragons couldn't climb it.

Today, no matter how scared or timid the little red dragons are, he will force them to go up.

Fortunately, there is also a brave Long Jiu. This guy is the only little red dragon with an adventurous spirit. He is very curious, courage, strength, and speed are not bad. If he were not Xu Dong, he must be the well-deserved little red dragon. The head of the red dragon.

In the big lake in the mountains, out of curiosity, it overcame its fear of the dark and crawled down into the hole.

Now it was the same one, standing out from the group of small red dragons, looking up at Xu Dong standing on the tree trunk.

The two little red dragons looked at each other up and down, and Xu Dong could clearly see the humanity in Long Jiu's eyes, which were eyes of admiration, admiration, and yearning.

For a moment, Xu Dong was a little crazy. When did Long Jiu have such vivid emotions?

But Xu Dong did not stay blank for long, because he knew that Long Jiu needed his encouragement and support.

So he gave Long Jiu an encouraging look and howled to show his strength.

After receiving Xu Dong's encouragement, Long Jiu immediately started climbing the tree with confidence.

In order to prevent the little red dragons from falling and getting hurt, Xu Dong chose a small fir tree that was only three meters tall, and spread dead leaves and weeds under the tree to give the little red dragons adequate safety protection.

Long Jiu inserted his right paw into the tree trunk, stepped on the bottom of the tree root with his left foot, and pushed himself up with the help of his back paw.

Then he inserted his left paw into the tree trunk and kicked up his right hind paw. Just like that, one step at a time, he crawled up very roughly.

Although this method can also climb trees, it is very silly and requires strong forelimb strength. Unlike other arboreal creatures, most of them use hind limb strength.

But it was a good start anyway, and Xu Dong still gave verbal encouragement without hesitation.

There is no language between the little red dragons, Xu Dong can only make a few sounds and issue some simple commands, but cannot express any complicated content at all, but it can still be done to encourage this.

Long Jiu finally succeeded in climbing up the branch where Xu Dong was. Well, although the height was only about one meter, it was still a big success.

Long Jiu panted and lay on the branch, his limbs hugging the branch tightly, and his claws dug in. One meter was too high, and he was a little panicked now.

Xu Dong was speechless for a while. He wanted to praise Long Jiu at first and give him a chance to show off when the little red dragon looked up at him, but he fell out of control as soon as he started.

However, before he could reprimand him, he suddenly felt movement coming from the depths of the woods. The branches of some fir trees in the distance kept shaking and the leaves rustled. Something was running out of the depths of the woods.

Xu Dong immediately asked Long Jiu to go down and prepare for the battle, but Long Jiu's legs were weak now and he could only hold on to the branches desperately, not daring to move at all.

Xudong. . .

He stepped on Long Jiu's back to the root of the branch and raised his claws.

The sharp claws cut off the branches of the small tree in one stroke. The leaf dust fell along with the branches, and fell into the pile of dead leaves below as Long Jiu screamed.

Long Jiu, who closed his eyes and howled for a long time before realizing that he was unharmed, then got up from the ground and ran behind Xu Dong.

There was a lot of movement coming from the depths of the forest. Xu Dong didn't know what was going on, but it was always better to stay near a safe hole and have a way out when the time came.

Soon the movement came before him, and Xu Dong finally saw clearly that the attacking creatures were actually a large group of Skererosaurus. Judging from the number, there must be at least hundreds of them. Are these guys here for revenge?

I had heard before that pterosaurs were very vengeful, but I didn't expect that they were inherited from their ancestors.

Thanks to book friends Feng Licai and Hun Xi Mengxi for their tips, I will start testing the waters today, and I beg you all to read it every day.

*Paleontology Small Theater: This small theater is very important, allowing everyone to better understand the subsequent classification of species.

Classes, classes, families, and genera in the biological world are not of the same origin, but have many branches. So how to distinguish the relationships and differences between dinosaur morphological classes, dinosaur type classes, and dinosaurs?

You can bring your own family into it and think of yourself as the general order of dinosaurs. The dinosaur morphology is your great-grandfather, the dinosaur type is your grandfather, and the dinosaur group (this type is rarely discussed in China) is your father.

The Legosaurus family belongs to the dinosaur morphotype, that is, your grandfather's dinosaur morphological brothers and sisters, your grandparents.

Legosuchians, Malasuchus, and Pseudosuchus are dinosaur-type species, which are the brothers and sisters of your father's group, your uncles and aunts.

Nyasasaurus, Leaposaurus, and Silisauridae belong to the group of dragons, which are your brothers and sisters in the general order of dinosaurs.

After understanding these archosauroid forms, archosauroid forms, lepidosauroid forms, and pterosaur forms, these can all be understood in the above manner.

(The comments are attached with pictures for easy understanding)

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